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104-RS-01. Surgery Dr. Edicson Rodr íguez. Read and Watch. Comtusion : An injury to the tissues under the skin causing blood vessels to rupture, allowing blood to seep into the tissues; a bruise. Incision : A clean cut caused by a cutting instrument.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. 104-RS-01 Surgery Dr. Edicson Rodríguez

  2. Read and Watch

  3. Comtusion: An injury to the tissues under the skin causing blood vessels to rupture, allowing blood to seep into the tissues; a bruise

  4. Incision: A clean cut caused by a cutting instrument

  5. Laceration: A wound in which the tissues are torn apart, leaving ragged and irregular edges.

  6. Puncture: A wound made by a sharp pointed object piercing the skin.

  7. Abrasion: A wound in which the outer layers of the skin are damaged; a scrape.

  8. First phase – inflammation: Begins immediately after the trauma or injury, this phase lasts about 3 to 4 days and form a blood clot that prevents or stops bleeding. Primera Face – Inflamación: Comienza inmediatamente después del trauma o lesión, esta fase dura de 3 a 4 días y forman un coágulo de sangre que impide o detiene el sangrado.

  9. Second phase – Granulation: Basically takes approximately 4 to 20 days. Fibroblasts are blood proteins, migrate and settle to the bottom of the wound, they form a protein called Collagen white, from the blood in the capillaries that attempt to restore the wound. In the face of tissue forms granulasión called scab. (Scab) Segunda Face – Granulasión: Básicamente, dura aproximadamente 4 a 20 días. Los fibroblastos que son proteínas de la sangre, migran y se depositan en el fondo de la herida, ellos forman una proteína de color blanco llamada colágeno, procedente de la sangre que se encuentra en los capilares que intenta restaurar la herida. En esta face se forma un tejido de granulasión llamado postilla. (Scab).

  10. Third phase – Maturation: Start after 20 days and lasts up to 2 years, where the final Collagen gives rise to the scar.The colorasión the scar will always be a different color, not real fur because it has no blood vessels or nerve endings in surgery if necessary to reopen, it is logical to do the same scar as there is no supply blood. Tercera Face – Madurasión: Comienza a partir de los 20 dias y dura hasta 2 años, donde el collageno da origen final a la cicatriz. La colorasión de la cicatriz siempre va a ser de un color Diferente, no es piel verdadera ya que no tiene vasos Sanguineos ni terminaciones nerviosas, en cirugia si es necesario abrir de nuevo, lo logico es hacerlo por la misma cicatriz ya que no hay suministro de sangre.

  11. Phases of Wound Healing

  12. Instruments Used In Surgery I Scalpels Mayo Tray

  13. Instruments Used In Surgery II Scissors a) Operating Scissors Sharp - Sharp Operating Scissors Sharp - Blunt Operating Scissors (Straight) Blunt - Blunt

  14. Instruments Used In Surgery b) c) d) II Suture Lister Mayo Dissecting Scissors ScissorsScissors

  15. Forceps a) b) c) d) III Standard Thumb Standard Tissue Plain Splinter Adson Dressing Forceps Forceps 1x2 Teeth Forceps Forceps

  16. Forceps 1) 2) 3) III e) Kelly Hemostatic Forceps Mosquito Hemostatic Forceps Allis Tissue Forceps

  17. Forceps 4) 5) III e) Rochester – Paen Hemostatic Forceps Ochsner – Kosher Hemostatic Forceps

  18. Forceps III f) foerster sponge forceps

  19. Miscellaneous a) b) IV Circle – Wood Needle holder Backhaus Towel clamp

  20. Miscellaneous 1) 2) 3) IV c) Volkmann rake Retractor Parker – Mott Retractor Senn – Mueller Retractor

  21. Miscellaneous IV d) Probes Grooved

  22. Miscellaneous e) f) IV Graves Vaginal Speculum Uterine dressing forceps

  23. Miscellaneous g) h) IV Uterine Sounds Sims 1/3 Simpson Sims – Uterine Sharp curette

  24. Miscellaneous IV i) Schroeder uterine tenaculum Duplay uterine teneculum

  25. Is a small straight. It is to make surgical incision “surgical Knife” • Used to cut tissues. • Operating Scissors. • B) Suture Scissors. • C) Lister. • D) Mayo. I - Scalpes (Bistury) • Blunt – Blunt • Sharp – Sharp • Sharp - Blunt II - Scissors - Are used to remove sutures • To cut gauze, Casts, • all exterior bandage • Straight & Curved • (Recto y curva)

  26. A – Thumbs Forceps. B – Tissue Forceps 1x2 Teeth. C – Splinter. D- Adson. E – Hemostatic. F – Sponge. III - Forceps Para agarrar Metales, Vidrios, Huesos Y Cuerpos estraños. Para hacer vendajes, Agarrar compresas, Limpiar heridas. 1- Allis. 2- Mosquito. 3- Kelly. 4- Rochester – Pean. 5- Ochsner - Kocher Straight & Curved Straight & Curved 1x2 Teeth The eyes

  27. A- Needle Holder. B- Towel Clamps. C- Retractor. D- Probes. E- Vaginal Speculum Sostener, Aguantar, Agarrar, Agujas Sostener, Aguantar toallas. IV Miscellaneous. 1- Senn – Mueller. Sharp and Blunt. 2- Volkmann. Sharp and Blunt 3- Parker – Mott. Open Cavity, Abscesos, Tumor, Abrir Cacidades, Abseso y Tumores • Eye & • Grooved. A- Small. B- Medium. C- Large.

  28. F- Uterine Dressing Forcep. G- Sim Sharp. H- Uterine Sounds. I- Uterine Tenaculum - Legrados. IV Miscellaneous. 0 0 0 1 2 - Para Legrados. • Sims. • 1/3 Simpson. • Schroeder. Straight • Duplay. Curved.

  29. Quiz

  30. I. Complete Identify: name, function and the group to which it belongs. ( Forceps, Miscellaneous, etc ). Identificar: el nombre, la función y el grupo al que pertenece. (Fórceps, Miscellaneous, etc) 1.

  31. 2.- 3.-

  32. 4.- 5.-

  33. 6.- 7.-

  34. 8.- 9.-

  35. 10.- 11.-

  36. 12.- 13.-

  37. 14.- 15.-

  38. 16.- 17.-

  39. 18.- 19.-

  40. 20.- 21.-

  41. 22.-

  42. II. Write Mention - phase of healing and describe each one of them. Mencionar - las fases de curación de una herida y describe cada una de ellas.

  43. Match III. 1- Mayo 2- Sponge 3- Kelly 4- Towel clamps 5- Needle holder 6- Volkmann 7- Duplay 8- Adson 9- Scalpels 10- Blunt – Blunt 11- Mosquito 12- 1x2 Teeth 13- Splinter 14- Speculum ________ Forceps ______ Scissors ______ Miscellaneous ______ Surgical Knife ______ Hemostatic

  44. IdentifyType of wound IV. 1.-

  45. 2.- 3.-

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