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Last-Minute Weather Forecasts for Mobile Positioning

Access real-time weather forecasts on your mobile device to determine your current location's weather conditions. Stay prepared and informed wherever you go.

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Last-Minute Weather Forecasts for Mobile Positioning

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  1. Using Last-Minute Weather Forecasts for Mobile PositioningOSU, Stillwater, OK, 2019 July 30 David Dunham

  2. Weather Forecasts It’s clear this afternoon, but thunderstorms are increasing over western Nebraska and n.w. Kansas, and they are moving south-southeast towards us. The Canadian transparency forecast predicts these, and its animation shows how they will build further and move into Oklahoma and the Texas panhandle during the night.

  3. US National Weather ServiceCloud cover, temperature, dew pointa week in advance at www.weather.gov

  4. Skippy Sky, up to 5 days beforewww.skippysky.com.au – by Andy Cool, Adelaide Available 5d in advance. It is a map representa-tion of 7-Timer forecasts used by Occult Watcher and Occult. Andy covers N. America, Europe, & Australia with his maps, but he will add other maps temporarily upon request; he accepts donations.

  5. Canadian Weather Forecast for AstronomyTransparency; see https://weather.gc.ca/astro/index_e.html

  6. Canadian Weather Forecast for AstronomyCloud cover - east

  7. Canadian Weather Forecast for AstronomyCloud cover – west (available 48h in advance)

  8. Canadian Weather Forecast for AstronomyHumidity

  9. WeatherBell Analytics(via Brad Timerson)

  10. ECMWF forecast(via Brad Timerson; proprietary?)

  11. Meteobluehttps://www.meteoblue.com/en/weather/map/precipitation/europe - using a different European forecast model, they also cover N. America, and I believe Australia & some other areas. For major cities, they have an option to show the forecasts from several different forecast models, which can be useful.

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