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Chengping Shen shencp@phys.hawaii

Check MC samples produced at MN and topology. Chengping Shen shencp@phys.hawaii.edu. Phys. Dept., University of Hawaii. Using Ψ (2S) → γη c , η c → ηπ + π - as example to check. General selection:. Good charged tracks select: Vr < 1.0cm, |Vz|<5.0cm, |cos θ |<0.93

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Chengping Shen shencp@phys.hawaii

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  1. Check MC samples produced at MN and topology Chengping Shen shencp@phys.hawaii.edu Phys. Dept., University of Hawaii

  2. Using Ψ(2S)→γηc, ηc→ηπ+π-as example to check General selection: Good charged tracks select: Vr < 1.0cm, |Vz|<5.0cm, |cosθ|<0.93 Good photon select: Eraw >= 40MeV, Ntrk=2 andΣQ=0 PID: pi:Prob(K) <Prob(pi) 4C Kinematic Fit, looping over all good photon candidates, select the combination with the minimum χ2.

  3. (b) (a) (a): After kinematic fit (b): After kinematic fit and PID requirements The gamma gamma distributions seem strange!

  4. #include "$KKMCROOT/share/jobOptions_KKMC.txt“ KKMC.CMSEnergy = 3.097; KKMC.CMSEnergySpread=0.0008; KKMC.InitializedSeed={400206,1,0}; KKMC.NumberOfEventPrinted=100; KKMC.GenerateJPsi=true; BesRndmGenSvc.RndmSeed=100; BESIII used KKMC+BesEvtGen to generate charmonium decay events. The KKMC is used to simulate e+e- annihilation till ccbar production including ISR effects, together with the Beam energy spread. It is not necessary to change it even If you generate different inclusive. Because KKMC is used to generate the charmonium states only. Need to change the number which makes the BesEvtGen to run random seed different.

  5. BOSS6.3.3 • BOSS6.3.3 nightly_build has been released. Now we could do simulation, • reconstruction at IHEP server. jobOption:TestRelease/run(TestRelease-00-00-30) Environment setup:/afs/ihep.ac.cn/bes3/offline/sw/dist/boss/cmthome/ cmthome-nightly_build 2. The change is large, including generator, simulation, reconstruction, but such change is good: jobOptions files have been simplified. 3. Notice: the writing format for event selection has been changed largely(haixuan told me). We need to wait for see the RhoPi example for BOSS6.3.3

  6. The biggest change in BOSS6.3.3 #include"EvtRecEvent/EvtRecEvent.h" #include"EvtRecEvent/EvtRecTrack.h" SmartDataPtr<EvtRecEvent> evtRecEvent(eventSvc(), EventModel::Recon::EvtRecEvent); // log << MSG::INFO << "get event tag OK" << endreq; log << MSG::DEBUG <<"ncharg, nneu, tottks = " << evtRecEvent->totalCharged() << " , " << evtRecEvent->totalNeutral() << " , " << evtRecEvent->totalTracks() <<endreq; BOSS6.3.1 #include"EventModel/EventModel.h" #include"EventModel/Event.h“ #include"EventModel/EventList.h“ #include"DstEvent/DstTrkList.h" SmartDataPtr<EventList> dstEvent(eventSvc(), EventModel::Dst::EventList); // log << MSG::INFO << "get event tag OK" << endreq; log << MSG::DEBUG <<"ncharg, nneu, tottks = " << dstEvent->totalCharged() << " , " << dstEvent->totalNeutral() << " , " << dstEvent->totalTracks() <<endreq;

  7. EvtRecTrack.h //pointer to sub detector infomation RecMdcTrack* mdcTrack() {return m_originMdcTrack;} RecMdcKalTrack* mdcKalTrack() {return _originMdcKalTrack;} RecMdcDedx* mdcDedx() {return m_originMdcDedx;} RecExtTrack* extTrack() {return m_originExtTrack;} SmartRefVector<RecTofTrack> tofTrack() {return m_originTofTrack;} RecEmcShower* emcShower() {return m_originEmcShower;} RecMucTrack* mucTrack() {return m_originMucTrack;}

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