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SEM 2008 Closing Seminar: Experienced SEM Professionals Discussion

SEM 2008 Closing Seminar: Experienced SEM Professionals Discussion. Jay W. Goff Missouri University of Science & Technology Rolla, Missouri, USA http .//enrollment.mst.edu 1-573-341-4378. SEM in ACTION: Why Change the University Name?.

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SEM 2008 Closing Seminar: Experienced SEM Professionals Discussion

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  1. SEM 2008 Closing Seminar:Experienced SEM Professionals Discussion Jay W. Goff Missouri University of Science & Technology Rolla, Missouri, USA http.//enrollment.mst.edu 1-573-341-4378

  2. SEM in ACTION: Why Change the University Name? “Missouri S&T will better define the university as a leading technological research university. We believe the new name will help to differentiate this university in a highly competitive university market and provide a national competitive advantage.” Dr. John F. Carney, III Missouri S&T Chancellor

  3. Rolla, Missouri“The Middle of Everywhere”

  4. Missouri S&T…… A Top 50 Technological Research University 6300 students: 4900 Undergrad, 1400 Graduate 90% majoring in Engineering, Science, Comp. Science Ave. Student ACT/SAT: upper 10% in nation +60% of Freshmen from upper 20% of HS class 20% Out of State Enrollment 96% 5 Year Average Placement Rate within 3 months of Graduation Ave. Starting Salary in 2008: +$55,000

  5. Starting Salaries UndergraduateGraduate 2003 $ 47,305 $ 52,744 2004 $ 46,567 $ 52,945 2005 $ 49,181 $ 53,042 2006 $ 51,059 $ 58,120 2007 $ 53,669 $ 62,751 2008 $ 55,975 $ 63,640

  6. Advance SEM Topics • Capacity and Student Life-cycle Focus • SEM for Graduate Programs • Student Assessment Plans • Rankings – how many students do they influence? (17% CIRP 2007) • New Retention Research – tenure vs. non-tenure faculty, SES matters • Discount Rate – Public Benchmarks • Retention – public/private merger • College Going Rate

  7. CORE ENROLLMENT PRINCIPLES No Enrollment Effort is Successful without QUALITY Academic Programs to Promote Recruitment and Retention is an On-going, Multi-year PROCESS with Strong Access to Research and DATA +80% of Enrollments come from REGIONAL student markets for BS/BA degrees The Most Successful Recruitment Programs Clearly DIFFERENTIATE the Student Experience from Competitor’s Programs The Most Successful Retention Programs Clearly Address Students’ Needs and Regularly ENGAGE Students in Academic and Non-Academic Programs

  8. “If you don’t know where you’re going, any path will take you there.” Sioux proverb

  9. The External Environment in which Colleges and Universities Operate is Changing Quickly • Dramatic changes in student markets. • Public expectations for a wide variety of high quality student services. • Greater needs for an institution-wide understanding of how to best react to the emerging student trends, needs and markets. 

  10. What is SEM? Strategic Enrollment Management (SEM) is defined as “a comprehensive process designed to help an institution achieve and maintain the optimum recruitment, retention, and graduation rates of students where ‘optimum’ is designed within the academic context of the institution. As such, SEM is an institution-wide process that embraces virtually every aspect of an institution’s function and culture.” Michael Dolence, AACRAO SEM 2001 Research Recruitment Retention

  11. Today’s Enrollment Manager “Successful senior enrollment managers have to operate simultaneously on multiple levels. They need to be up to date, even on the cutting edge of technology, marketing, recruitment, the latest campus practices to enhance student persistence, and financial aid practices.” SOURCE: THE ENROLLMENT MANAGEMENT REVIEW Volume 23, Issue 1 Fall, 2007, Editor: Don Hossler Associate Editors: Larry Hoezee and Dan Rogalski

  12. Hossler continued “(Enrollment Managers) need to be able to guide and use research to inform institutional practices and strategies. Successful enrollment managers need to be good leaders, managers, and strategic thinkers. They have to have a thorough understanding of the institutions where they work and a realistic assessment of the competitive position in which it resides and the niche within which it can realistically aspire to compete. Furthermore, to be effective, enrollment managers must also have a sense of how public, societal, and competitive forces are likely to move enrollment-related policies and practices in the future.” SOURCE: THE ENROLLMENT MANAGEMENT REVIEW Volume 23, Issue 1 Fall, 2007, Editor: Don Hossler Associate Editors: Larry Hoezee and Dan Rogalski

  13. Recruitment Issues • The Major Demographic Shift is Underway • Social Networks • CRM • STEM interest issues • Stronger alignments with industry • Finding new markets • Graduate and Certificate Programs

  14. Retention Issues • The new unified benchmark? • Advantage of Tenured vs. Non-Tenured Faculty? • Impact of Financial Aid • SES Impact • Engagement • Impact of Greater Public Awareness: www.collegeresults.org

  15. Research Plan: How Data Is Used InStrategic Enrollment Management • To determine institutional capacity • To improve retention • To build relationships with high schools and community colleges • To target admissions efforts and predict enrollments • To recommend changes to admissions policy • To examine issues of how best to accommodate growth • To improve the educational experience of students • To identify needs of unique student groups • To project and plan for student enrollment behavior • To determine financial aid policies • To assess student outcomes

  16. Indiana University

  17. SEM Operational Definition Strategic enrollment management (SEM) is an institution's program to shape the type and size of its student body in accordance with its educational mission and fiscal requirements. ALIGNMENT: SEM centers on the integration and improvement of traditional student services, such as recruitment, admissions, financial aid, registration, orientation, academic support, and retention. It is informed by demographic and institutional research, and advanced by media messages and public relations. Ideally, SEM embraces all departments and functions in a comprehensive framework to best serve the student and hence the institution. Jim Black, 2003, AACRAO SEM

  18. Traditional Core SEM Activities Determining, Achieving and Maintaining Optimum Enrollment Establishing Clear Enrollment Goals Projecting Future Enrollments Promoting Student Success Enabling the Delivery of Effective Academic Programs Generating Tuition Enabling Financial Planning Increasing Organizational Efficiency Improving Service Levels

  19. Pricing Institutional Research Strategic Planning Admission & Recruitment Academic Policies Housing Alumni and Development Teachin & Learning Mental Health Services Campus Life Social Support Programs Assessment of Student Learning Student Success Academic Support Programs Career Planning Institutional Policies External Engagement Marketing Institutional Effectiveness Recors and Registration Financial Aid Budgeting Academic Programs

  20. Core Objectives of SEM Make Enrollment Programs be Mission Driven Institutional Culture of Student Success Integrated in the Institution’s Strategic Plan Involves Everyone at the Institution External Partnerships Assess and Measure Everything Clear Enrollment Goals Based on Institutional Capacity and Plan Maintain Appropriate Academic Programs Creativity and Look Outside of Higher Education for Best Practices Appropriate Utilization of Technology to Enhance Service

  21. The IHC Orientation to SEM Institutions embracing SEM must start with: Organizational Structure Philosophical Orientation (Academic vs. Student Affairs) IHC Positioning cannot happen until the first two are established.

  22. SEM helps Define and Refine Institutional Vision Forces institutions to clarify their Market Position Builds a comprehensive enrollment management plan Focuses on strategies that will ensure colleges or universities define and meet their objectives Engages students using creative recruitment, marketing, and retention strategies Forges dynamic alliances across administrative departments including- Marketing, Admissions, Registration, Financial Aid, Student Services, Recruitment, Retention, Orientation, Academic Support, and Information Services AACRAO SEM 2003

  23. Common Goals of SEM Stabilize, Growing, or Reducing Enrollments Increase Student Access and Diversity Reduce Vulnerabilities Align EM with Academic Programs Predict and Stabilize Finances Optimize Resources Evaluate Strategies and Tactics Improve Services Improve Quality Improve Access to Information Adapted from Jim Black, 2003

  24. Major Gaps in Many EM Plans Focus has been on simply increasing enrollment numbers. Student success defined as retention rates (does not address many of the reasons students attend post secondary education) Students recruited based on their probability of graduating – the student profile. (This may be acceptable for private selective institutions but most public institutions, especially community colleges, do not recruit based on a students probability of succeeding.) Organizational structure, while establishing institutional commitment to a concept, does not address institutional culture. Most S.E.M. plans sit outside of the overall institutional strategic plan thereby being both marginalized and not including in the overall institutional priorities.

  25. SEM Success & Innovation Models RETENTION PLAN: Syracuse Univ., Youngstown State U RECRUITMENT PLAN: University of Nebraska FINANCIAL AID: Muhlenberg Collegehttp://www.muhlenberg.edu/admissions/aid.html STRUCTURE & RESPONSIBILITIES: Univ of Cincinnati ENVIRONMENTAL SCAN: Slippery Rock University BRANDING: Washington State University CAMPUS VISIT: Ferris State University ORIENTATION: Missouri Univ. of S&T CO-OP/INTERNSHIPS: WPI Learning Disabled: Southern Illinois Univ – Carbondale Supplemental Instruction: Univ of Missouri – Kansas City

  26. The Power of Alignment

  27. Getting Started with SEM The following four steps are fundamental to the development of a comprehensive recruitment and retention Plan Determine the institution’s capacity to serve students by degree program and types of students (traditional, non-traditional, graduate, etc.) Establish Goals: need to be agreed upon by all involved Formulate Strategies based on data Develop action plan with tactics and an operational calendar: What exactly is going to be done When will it be completed Who is responsible How much will it cost How will you know if it has been accomplished (evaluation)

  28. Classroom Utilization

  29. What is included in a Comprehensive SEM Plan? Strategic Framework: Mission, Values, Vision Overview of Strategic Plan Goals & Institutional Capacity Environmental Scan: Market Trends & Competition Analysis Evaluation and Assessment of Position in Market Enrollment Goals, Objectives, & Assessment Criteria Marketing and Communication Plan Recruitment Plan Retention Plan Student Aid and Scholarship Funding Staff Development and Training Student/Customer Service Philosophy Process Improvements and Technology System Enhancements Internal Communication and Data Sharing Plan Campus wide Coordination of Enrollment Activities

  30. Benchmarking Determine Competitors & Comparators www.collegeresults.com College Board: Institutional Comparison US News (United States) McCleans (Canada) Higher Ed Times (Great Britain) Shanghi Jiaotong (China)

  31. BENCHMARKING RESOURCES www.act.org (retention study and tracking charts, labor and education policy/tends) www.ama.com (marketing trends and applications) www.collegeboard.org (student psychographics www.collegeresults.org (four-year retention benchmarking) www.educationalpolicy.org (retention calculator) www.nces.gov (2007 Digest of Education Statistics) www.higheredinfo.org (college participation rates) www.noellevitz.com (funnel analysis) www.stamats.com (teen and parent trend analysis) www.wiche.org (student projections) www.educationtrust.org (k-18 environmental scans and best practices) www.lumina.org (k-18 research and public policy analysis) www.greentreegazette.com (higher education issues and news) www.pewinternet.org (communication and internet trends) www.postsecondary.org (education trends and issues reports) www.communicationbriefings.com (tactics and analysis) Chronicle of Higher Education August Almanac Recruitment and Retention in Higher Education

  32. Recruitment Plan What submarkets are being addressed by who, when and how Pre-College Activities (camps, visits, etc) Freshmen Transfers Graduate Students Sub-Markets: traditional vs non-traditional Special Degree or Certificate Programs

  33. Environmental and Market Trend Scans

  34. Over 4200 Colleges & Universities:Heavy Competition for StudentsNumber of Colleges and Universities SOURCE: U.S. Education Department http://chronicle.com Section: The 2007-8 Almanac, Volume 54, Issue 1, Page 8

  35. Undergraduate Enrollment by Attendance Status 1986-2016 College Board, 2007 Source: U.S. Department of Education

  36. WICHE, 2008

  37. National vs. Regional Trends WICHE, 2008

  38. College Going Rate Continues to Decline WICHE, 2008

  39. Factors Most Noted in Choosing a College Majors & Career Programs Offered Location/Campus Characteristics Cost/Affordability Campus Size/Safety Characteristics of Enrolled Students Selectivity

  40. National Student Success Trends ACT, 2007

  41. Financial considerations the most common reason for leaving college SOURCE: ELS:2002 “A First Look at the Initial Postsecondary Experiences of the High School Sophomore Class of 2002 (National Center for Education Statistics)

  42. The Golden Circle for Recruitment +70% enroll within 140 miles of home +80% enroll in home state

  43. FS07 First Time College Enrollees (1040) FS07 First Time College Admits (2154) FS07 First Time College Applicants (2305) FS07 First Time College Inquiries (9629) FS2007 First Time College Domestic Enrollment Yield

  44. SOURCE: US Dept. of Education 2005

  45. Future Students: Demographic and Population Changes Fewer first-time, traditional students in the overall pipeline until between 2015 -- while older population is growing More students of color More students of lower socioeconomic status More students unprepared college level work WICHE, 2003 & 2008

  46. NATIONAL Shift Impacts on Higher Education Nationally, in 2009-10 the number of high school graduates will begin a gradual decline. The proportion of minority students is increasing and will account for about half of school enrollments within the next decade. High school graduates in the future will include higher percentages from families with low incomes. Knocking at the College Door: Projections of High School Graduates by State, Income, and Race/Ethnicity, WICHE 2008.

  47. Labor Demand vs. Student Interests Source: U.S. Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics, www.bls.gov/emp/home.htm

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