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Martin Hellmich

Martin Hellmich. ID Section Meeting IT/SDC 17 th June 2013. Background. From Göttingen Studied in Magdeburg and Edinburgh Openlab during MSc thesis. EUDAT. EUDAT responsibilities. Lead research task: data interfaces and data access

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Martin Hellmich

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Martin Hellmich ID Section Meeting IT/SDC 17th June 2013

  2. Background From Göttingen Studied in Magdeburgand Edinburgh Openlabduring MSc thesis IT-SDC-ID section meeting

  3. EUDAT IT-SDC-ID section meeting

  4. EUDAT responsibilities Lead research task:data interfaces and data access Projects for data access: cloud storage, caching, integrating fts3, hadoop, … Wrote deliverable: roadmap for data archive interfaces IT-SDC-ID section meeting

  5. DPM responsibilities Dmlite plugins:S3, memcache, and mysql Perfsuite Puppet for lcgdm Bamboo mock plugin IT-SDC-ID section meeting

  6. Last 2 months Helped setting up the bamboo builds Wrote puppet module for XRootD Held 2 meetings on scalable federated data architectures with EUDAT people here at CERN Put FTS3 in the EUDAT safe replication service Reset our DPM testbed IT-SDC-ID section meeting

  7. Next steps Entertain the summer student Evolve puppet modules Finish setting up the testbed IT-SDC-ID section meeting

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