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Loudoun County EMS Council, Inc ALS Committee

Loudoun County EMS Council, Inc ALS Committee. King LT-D Airway Program. King LT-D Airway. It is a supraglottic device Also known as a blind insertion Airway Device (BIAD) Proximal cuff blocks oropharynx Distal cuff blocks esophagus. Five Sizes. Other Accessories. Proper BSI BVM

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Loudoun County EMS Council, Inc ALS Committee

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  1. Loudoun County EMS Council, Inc ALS Committee King LT-D Airway Program Revised 11/2013

  2. King LT-D Airway • It is a supraglottic device • Also known as a blind insertion Airway Device (BIAD) • Proximal cuff blocks oropharynx • Distal cuff blocks esophagus Revised 11/2013

  3. Five Sizes Colors for the King LTD do not correlate with Broselow colors. Use the LMA # for the King Airway size.

  4. Other Accessories • Proper BSI • BVM • Oral airway • Tape • Water-based lubricant • Stethoscope Need Picture Revised 11/2013

  5. Standing Orders for King Airway insertion • When the patient is pulseless and apneic • When the patient does not have a gag reflex (accepts an oral airway) • For ALS providers as an alternative if difficulty intubating • On-Line Medical Control must be obtained for any other situation Revised 11/2013

  6. Contraindications for the use of the King Airway • Patient is ALIVE! • Patient is under 35 inches • Patient has a gag reflex • Patient has ingested a caustic substance Revised 11/2013

  7. Use of the King Airway • When used in conjunction with AED insertion is considered following: • All Shocks Completed • 3 No Shocks • Complicated Airway (Med-Control Only) Revised 11/2013

  8. King Airway Insertion 1 of 7 Prepare Your Equipment Revised 11/2013

  9. King Airway Insertion 2 of 7 Check tube and balloon Lubricate back of tube only Revised 11/2013

  10. King Airway Insertion 3 of 7 • Pre-Oxygenate patient for at least 1 minute • Place patient’s head and neck in a neutral position • Remove Oropharyngeal (O.P.) Airway • Grasp tongue and jaw • Lift the tongue and jaw anteriorly (tongue-jaw-lift) • Hold the King Airway at the connector area as you would a pencil INSERTION Revised 11/2013

  11. King Airway Insertion 4 of 7 • Insert the tube with the blue line facing the corner of the mouth • As the tube passes behind the tongue, continue to insert while rotating tube until blue line is mid line Revised 11/2013

  12. King Airway Insertion 5 of 7 • Insert the tube until the base of the connector is at the level of the teeth or gums. • Inflate balloon with the appropriate amount of air based on size used. Revised 11/2013

  13. King Airway Insertion 6 of 7 • Attach a BVM to the KING Airway and while bagging the patient, gently withdraw the tube until ventilation becomes easy and free flowing • Confirm chest rise and lung sounds • Capnography may be used to confirm placement CONFIRMATION Revised 11/2013

  14. King Airway Insertion 7 of 7 Securing the Device • After placement has been verified (to include breath sounds) • Insert an oral airway to prevent the patient from biting the tube. • Secure the tube using tape and C-collar. Revised 11/2013

  15. When to remove the King Airway • TheKing Airway should only be removed if patient regains a gag reflex and begins to “fight” (reject) the tube Revised 11/2013

  16. How to remove the King Airway • Make sure suction is available and ready • Remove tape and airway • Lay patient on their side • Deflate cuff • Slowly remove tube • Suction patient as needed Revised 11/2013

  17. REVIEWQUESTIONS Revised 11/2013

  18. In Loudoun County, you have standing orders to use the King Airway on patients that are ________ . Pulseless and Apneic Revised 11/2013

  19. When using the King Airway, inflate Size 4 (Red) with __ to __ cc of air and the Size 5 (Purple) with __ to __ cc of air. Red 60-80 cc Purple 70-90 cc Revised 11/2013

  20. When using the King Airway, inflate Size 3 (Yellow) with __ to __ cc of air and the Size 2.5 (Orange) with __ to __ cc of air. Yellow 45-60 cc Orange 30-40 cc Revised 11/2013

  21. When using the King Airway, inflate Size 2 (Green) with __ to __ cc of air. Green 25-35 cc Revised 11/2013

  22. The Cuff (Balloon) should be inflated after assuring chest rise? TRUE or FALSE False Revised 11/2013

  23. If you do not get chest rise when first ventilating the King Airway, you should _______ . Slightly pull it back and attempt to ventilate Revised 11/2013

  24. You should secure the King Airway in place using __________. Collar Tape Bite Block Revised 11/2013

  25. The King Airway should only be used on patients that are ____ inches or taller. 35 Revised 11/2013

  26. The King Airway should be inserted until __________ . The teeth or gums are at the base of the connector Revised 11/2013

  27. The EDD (Esophageal Detector Device) should be used to check King Airway placement. TRUE / FALSE False Revised 11/2013

  28. Which medications can be administered through the King Airway? None Revised 11/2013

  29. When used in conjunction with an AED, the King Airway should be inserted after the 3rd shock or 3rd No Shock during a cardiac arrest. TRUE / FALSE True Revised 11/2013

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