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Developing Student Growth Objectives in ALL Content Areas

Developing Student Growth Objectives in ALL Content Areas. Donna McInerney , Ed.D . dmcinerney@njpsa.org. Online Discussion Site . Go to: http://todaysmeet.com/ SGO-FEA. Post questions, share information, etc. Room will remain “open” until Sept. 30, 2013.

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Developing Student Growth Objectives in ALL Content Areas

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  1. Developing Student Growth Objectives in ALL Content Areas Donna McInerney, Ed.D. dmcinerney@njpsa.org

  2. Online Discussion Site Go to: http://todaysmeet.com/SGO-FEA • Post questions, share information, etc. • Room will remain “open” until Sept. 30, 2013. • Use it after the workshop to continue discussion.

  3. Today’s Agenda Morning Session Afternoon Session SGO Design Template Review Sample walk-through of SGO template-online tool Data Considerations in Developing SGOs The role of data in developing SGOs Collaborative analysis of data and development of SGOs Facilitate Development of Teachers’ SGOs Creating a SMART SGO - Using the template, participants begin developing/creating their SGO Table Groups – Samples from content areas as models for SGO Writing Debrief/Groups Report Out- Examples from each content area shared with group Next Steps Planning at the School and District Level J . Concluding Points Feedback form • A. Introduction & Overview • Overview of NJ Evaluation System • B. SGO Basics • SMART SGOs • Achievement and Progress Goals • 4 Types of SGOs • BREAK (15 minutes) • C. SGO Development Process & Timeline • Developmental stages & timeline • Assessment Practices • Formative Assessments • Webb’s Depth of Knowledge • Classroom Assessments • Considerations when choosing or developing a quality assessment. • E. Wrap-up Activities • Review SGO Template • Revisit KWL Self-Reflection • LUNCH (45-60 minutes)

  4. Desired Outcomes Understand Student Growth Objective (SGO) requirements. Understand and apply the SMART-based SGO development process. Effectively lead professional staff in the creation of standards-based, assessment-driven SGOs.

  5. Activity #2 Self-Reflection

  6. Activity #1 Let’s take our… SGO 101 Pre-assessment! 6

  7. Introduction to Student Growth Objectives June January September 7

  8. In New Jersey… G SLOs

  9. What is a Student Growth Objective? According to the NJDOE (2013): “Student Growth Objectives (SGOs) are academic goals for groups of students that are aligned to state standards and can be tracked using objective measures.” 9

  10. What is a Student Growth Objective? • A Student Growth Objective must be: • Annual, specific and measureable • Based on growth and achievement • Aligned to NJ/CC curriculum standards • Based on available prior student learning data • A measure of what a student has learned between two points in time • Ambitious and achievable • A collaborative process between teacher and supervisor • Approved by the principal 10 http://www.state.nj.us/education/AchieveNJ/teacher/SGOGuidebook.pdf




  14. SGO SETTING Compliance!

  15. Introduction to Teacher Evaluation Teachers in Tested Grades 4-8 Teacher Practice Performance on a teacher practice instrument, driven primarily through observation Stu. Growth Percentile State-calculated score that measures individual teacher’s ability to drive growth on NJ ASK NJASK Stu. Growth Objective Locally-calculated score that measures an individual teacher’s impact on stu. achievement Summative Rating Overall eval. score that combines the multiple measures of practice and student progress Inputs of Effective Teaching Outcomes of Effective Teaching N.J.A.C. 6A:10-4.1

  16. Student Growth Percentiles (SGPs)… FYI            All students can show growth. • Student Growth Percentiles (SGP) measure how much a student has learned from one year to the next compared to peers with similar academic history from across the state. • Students scored on a scale from 1 – 99. • Growth baseline established by student’s prior learning as measured by all of student’s NJ ASK results.                          For More Information…NJDOE SGP video            http://www.state.nj.us/education/AchieveNJ/teacher/percentile.shtml      

  17. Teachers in Tested Grades Tested Grades and Subjects (Currently grades 4-8, math and ELA): 55% from teacher practice and 45% from student achievement measures * The NJDOEwill look to incorporate other measures where possible and percentages may change as system evolves.

  18. Teacher Evaluation: Introduction Introduction to Teacher Evaluation Teachers in Non-Tested Grades/Areas Teacher Practice Performance on a teacher practice instrument, driven primarily through observation Stu. Growth Objective Locally-calculated score that measures an individual teacher’s impact on stu. achievement Summative Rating Overall eval. score that combines the multiple measures of practice and student progress Inputs of Effective Teaching Outcomes of Effective Teaching N.J.A.C. 6A:10-4.1

  19. Teachers in Non-Tested Grades/Subjects Non-Tested Grades and Subjects: Student Achievement will be 15% in SY 13-14. Teacher Practice will be 85%. *The Department will look to incorporate other measures where possible and percentages will change as system evolves.

  20. Teacher Evaluation: Summative Evaluation Non-Tested Grades and Subjects 3.075 • 20

  21. Teacher Evaluation: Summative Evaluation Tested Grades and Subjects

  22. Principal Evaluation: Introduction • New evaluation systems for Principals will include the following components: Principal Practice Performance on a principal practice evaluation instrument Eval. Leadshp. Outputs that define how well a principal is leading imp. of the eval system School SGP State-calc. score that measures a principal’s ability to drive growth in ELA and math Average SGO Locally-calc. score that aggregates the perf. of all teachers in a school on SGOs Admin. Goals Locally-calc. score that measures a principal’s impact on stu. achievement Summ. Rating Overall eval. score that combines the multiple measures of practice & outcomes Inputs Student/Teacher Outcomes

  23. Principal Evaluation: SGP and SGO Components School SGP • Principals whose students have SGPs will receive the average school-wide SGP score. • Principals will be placed in 3 categories: Multi-Grade SGP Principal, Non-SGP Principal, Single-Grade SGP Principal. Component weighting will differ across categories. SGO Average • Principals will be rated on their teachers’ success in achieving student growth objectives (SGOs) each year through an average of their teachers’ scores.

  24. Principal Evaluation: A Look at All Components Inputs Student/ Teacher Outcomes

  25. SGO SETTING Process!

  26. Introduction to SMART SGO

  27. What does it mean to be… S ? M A R T

  28. SMART SGOs are… S … Specific M … Measurable A … Attainable/Ambitious R … Results-driven T … Timed

  29. SMART SGOs are…

  30. Growth vs. Achievement Goals GROWTH ACHIEVEMENT Students’ post-assessment scores will be ___% greater than the pre-assessment. On the post-assessment, ___% of students will achieve a score of ___ or higher. SGOs can be GROWTH and/or ACHIEVEMENT goals. • 30

  31. IS THIS SGO . . . . During the 2013-14 school year, Language Arts students will improve their accuracy, fluency and comprehension. SMART During the 2013-14 school year, all of my 3rd grade Language Arts students will demonstrate measurable progress in the reading skills of accuracy, fluency and comprehension. All students will achieve at least 1 year’s gain as measured by the Star Reading Enterprise Assessment. Students in the below grade level band will attain at least 1.2 year’s gain.

  32. IS THIS SGO . . . . SMART ??? During the 2013-14 school year, English 1 students will improve their written expression and mechanics/ usage skills.

  33. Making It SMARTer… PARCC (parcconline.org)

  34. PARCC (parcconline.org)

  35. IS THIS SGO . . . . SMART? During the 2013-14 school year, English 1 students will improve their written expression and mechanics/ usage skills. SMARTer !!! During the 2013-14 school year, 100% of the 25 9th grade students enrolled in English 1 Honors will demonstrate measurable progress in writing/written expression. Each student will improve by one (1) performance level in development of ideas, organization, clarity of language and knowledge of language and conventions on the district’s writing rubric, modeled from the PARCC rubric for analytic writing. Furthermore, 80% of the students will score a “3” or better overall.

  36. ACTIVITY #3 S M A R T

  37. TYPES of SGOs With Algebra Examples NJDOE Overview – May 2013

  38. Teacher attainment of SGOs Source: http://www.state.nj.us/education/AchieveNJ/teacher/SGOGuidebook.pdf • 38

  39. TYPE: General SGO ELEMENTARY LITERACY NJDOE, May 2013 SGO Statement: • 39 • 39

  40. TYPE: General SGO GRADE 6 MUSIC NJDOE, May 2013 SGO Statement: • 40

  41. TYPE: General SGO GRADE 10 – INSTRUMENTAL MUSIC NJDOE “Shifting Gears PowerPoint for Visual and Performing Arts Educators” – June 2013

  42. GRADE 10 – INSTRUMENTAL MUSIC NJDOE “Shifting Gears PowerPoint for Visual and Performing Arts Educators” – June 2013

  43. GRADE 10 – INSTRUMENTAL MUSIC 80% or more students met goal. (39 students) 70% or more students met goal. (32 students) 60% or more students met goal. (27 students) Less than 60% or more students met goal. (1-26 students) (32-38 students) LEVELS OR RANGES (32-38 students) (24 or fewer students) (39-45 students) (25-31 students)

  44. TYPE: Tiered General SGO PHYSICS 1 NJDOE, May 2013 SGO Statement: • 44

  45. SGO Statement: At least 75% of my 65 students will score at/above their designated target score on the end of course test. Using the full attainment score range as a starting point, assigning of ranges to the other attainment standards as shown below is permissible. For consistency, 14% ranges are used. TYPE: Tiered General SGO

  46. Tiered SGO with Ranges Scoring Plan and Weighted Score

  47. Specific/Targeted Students GRADE 8 LAL SGO Statement: 7-8 students met goal. 6 students met goal. 3-5 students met goal. 0-2 students met goal. • 47

  48. Specific/Targeted for Content/skill BIOLOGY NJDOE, May 2013 SGO Statement:

  49. TYPE: Specific/Targeted Content/Skill HISTORY Teachers can also use rubrics or portfolio assessments to measure student attainment. In this example the district created a rubric for U.S. History students to measure attainment of specific critical thinking skills.


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