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Career Development Forum Agenda

Career Development Forum Agenda. Introduction, handouts and career development grant opportunities. - Russ Prough , PhD Overview of Career Development success rates and how do we stack up with Benchmark and CTSA Institutions. - Rita Wedig , PhD

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Career Development Forum Agenda

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Career Development Forum Agenda Introduction, handouts and career development grant opportunities. - Russ Prough, PhD Overview of Career Development success rates and how do we stack up with Benchmark and CTSA Institutions. - Rita Wedig, PhD Research Integrity Training for Career Development - Russ Prough, PhD Panel Moderator: Russ Prough, PhD Panel Members: Craig McClain, MD; SOM, Mentor Robert Greene, PhD; SOD, Mentor Thomas Mitchell, PhD; SOM, K02 SwatiJoshi-Barve, PhD; SOM, K01 Mathew Cave, MD; SOM, K23 Tailor your education objectives to meet your career development needs. - Carl Hornung, PhD

  2. Types of Grants for Faculty • Investigator Initiated Grants: R01, R21, R0 • COBRE (NCRR): trans-Institute specific for universities in lower half of NIH-funded universities • CEGIB Career Development Awards ($23K) • School of Medicine Office of Research Grants • Departmental or Center funds

  3. NIH Training Grants • Ruth L. Kirschstein National Research Service Awards (NRSA) Training Grants and Fellowships • NRSA individual F30, F31, F32 (postdoc); , F33 (senior fellows) • T-Series Training Grants • T32: Pre-/Postdoctoral Fellows (2 years, pre- and postdoc) • T35: Short-term Training Grant (1-3 months, summer med students) • K-series • K01, K03, K05, K07, K08, K12, K18, K22, K23, K24, K25, K26, K30, K99 • http://grants.nih.gov/training/careerdevelopmentawards.htm

  4. NIH Career Development (K) Awards

  5. NIH Career Development K12 Awards

  6. K awards at Benchmark Institutions

  7. K awards at CTSA Institutions

  8. K awards at CTSA Institutions cont

  9. Research Integrity Training • All F, K, & T training grants have requirements for RI training • Summer medical student • For Pre- and Post-doctoral Fellows on F/K/T fellowships on the HSC, there is a 1 credit course BIOC630: Responsible Conduct of Research: Survival Skills & Research Ethics • Postdoctoral Fellows will take 4 hours per year of Research Integrity Training • Faculty: Being planned by Allison Ratterman and HSCRO

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