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Изкуствен интелект Упражнение № 9

Изкуствен интелект Упражнение № 9. спец. Информатика, ФМИ 2003/2004. Формална граматика. букви правила лексикон - списък от думи групирани в категории (части на речта) : отворени класове съществителн o ( noun,pronoun) глагол (verb) прилагателно (adjective) затворени класове

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Изкуствен интелект Упражнение № 9

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  1. Изкуствен интелектУпражнение № 9 спец. Информатика, ФМИ 2003/2004

  2. Формална граматика • букви • правила • лексикон - списък от думи групирани в категории (части на речта): • отворени класове • съществителнo (noun,pronoun) • глагол (verb) • прилагателно (adjective) • затворени класове • определителeн член (article, determiner) • предлог (preposition) • съюз (conjunction) • наречие (adverb)

  3. Формална граматика • нетерминални символи • S (sentence) • NP (noun phrase) • VP (verb phrase) • PP (prepositional phrase) • RelClause (relative clause)

  4. Формална граматика S  NP VP S  S Conjunction S NP  Pronoun NP  Noun NP  Det Noun NP  NP PP NP  NP RelClause

  5. Формална граматика VP  Verb VP  VP NP VP  VP Adjective VP  VP PP VP  VP Adverb PP  Preposition NP RelClause that VP

  6. Обработка на естествен език • Синтактичен анализ(syntactic analysis, parsing) • Семантичен анализ(semantic analysis)

  7. Основни алгоритмиза синтактичен анализ • Отгоре надолу (Top-down parsing) • Отдолу нагоре (Bottom-upparsing)

  8. Отдолу нагоре (Bottom-up parsing) the cat is dead Det cat is dead (Det->the) Det Noun is dead (Noun->cat) NP is dead (NP -> Det Noun) NP Verb dead (Verb->is) NP Verb Adj (Adj->dead) NP VP (VP-> Verb Adj) S (S-> NP VP)

  9. Отгоре надолу (Top-down parsing) S NP VP (S-> NP VP) Det Noun VP (NP -> Det Noun) the Noun VP (Det->the) the cat VP (Noun->cat) the cat Verb Adj (VP-> Verb Adj) the cat is Adj (Verb->is) the cat is dead (Adj->dead)

  10. S NP VP Det Noun Verb Adj The cat is dead

  11. S NP VP Det Noun Verb Adj The dog is big

  12. Отгоре надолу det([the]). det([a]). noun([cat]). noun([dog]). verb([is]). adj([big]). adj([dead]).

  13. Недетерминиран append append([X|Y],Z,[X|L]):- append(Y,Z,L). append([],X,X):-!.

  14. sentence(S):- append(NP,VP,S), np(NP), vp(VP).

  15. np(NP):- append(Det,Noun,NP), det(Det),noun(Noun), write(det=Det),nl,write(noun=Noun),nl.

  16. vp(VP):- append(Verb,Adj,VP), verb(Verb),adj(Adj), write(verb=Verb),nl,write(adj=Adj),nl.

  17. Пример | ?- sentence([the,cat,is,dead]). det=[the] noun=[cat] verb=[is] adj=[dead] yes

  18. S ProN VP Verb NP PP Prep NP Det Noun PP NP Det Noun Prep Det Noun I saw on the the telescope the man hill with

  19. S ProN VP Verb NP PP PP Prep NP Det Noun NP Prep Det Noun Det Noun I saw on the the telescope the man hill with

  20. sentence --> noun_phrase verb_phrase noun_phrase --> determiner noun rel_clause noun_phrase --> proper_noun verb_phrase --> trans_verb noun_phrase verb_phrase --> intrans_verb rel_clause --> that verb_phrase rel_clause --> or verb_phrase rel_clause -->

  21. determiner --> every determiner --> a noun --> man noun --> woman noun --> student proper_noun --> john proper_noun --> mary trans_verb --> loves trans_verb --> is trans_verb --> lives

  22. Отдолу нагоре % noun(Sentence,Rest,Var,LF) noun([man|Rest],Rest,X,man(X)). noun([woman|Rest],Rest,X,woman(X)). noun([student|Rest],Rest,X,student(X)). % proper_noun(Sentence,Rest,LF) proper_noun([john|Rest],Rest,john). proper_noun([mary|Rest],Rest,mary).

  23. % trans_verb(Sentence,Rest,Var1,Var2,LF) trans_verb([loves|Rest],Rest,X,Y,loves(X,Y)). trans_verb([is|Rest],Rest,X,Y,is_a(X,Y)). % intrans_verb(Sentence,Rest,Var,LF) intrans_verb([lives|Rest],Rest,X,lives(X)).

  24. :-op(800,xfy,#). :-op(700,xfy,&). rel_clause([that|Rest1],Rest,X,N_LF,(N_LF & VP_LF)):- verb_phrase(Rest1,Rest,X,VP_LF). rel_clause([or|Rest1],Rest,X,N_LF,(N_LF # VP_LF)):- verb_phrase(Rest1,Rest,X,VP_LF). determiner([every|Rest],Rest,X,R_LF,V_LF,all(X,(R_LF ->V_LF))). determiner([a|Rest],Rest,X, R_LF,V_LF,exists(X,(R_LF & V_LF))).

  25. sentence(S,Rest,LF) :- noun_phrase(S,NPRest,X,VP_LF,LF), verb_phrase(NPRest,Rest,X,VP_LF). noun_phrase(S,Rest,X,VP_LF,VP_LF) :- proper_noun(S,Rest,X). noun_phrase(S,Rest,X,VP_LF,LF) :- determiner(S,DRest,X,R_LF,VP_LF,LF), noun(DRest,NRest,X,N_LF), rel_clause(NRest,Rest,X,N_LF,R_LF).

  26. verb_phrase(S,Rest,X,LF) :- trans_verb(S,VRest,X,Y,V_LF), noun_phrase(VRest,Rest,Y,V_LF,LF). verb_phrase(S,Rest,X,LF) :- intrans_verb(S,Rest,X,LF). rel_clause(S,S,_,LF,LF).

  27. Пример | ?- sentence([a,man,loves,a,woman],Rest,LF). Rest = [], LF = exists(_A, man(_A)& exists(_B, woman(_B)&loves(_A,_B))) ? yes | ?- sentence([john,loves,mary],Rest,LF). Rest = [], LF = loves(john,mary) ?

  28. Пример |?-sentence([every,man,that,lives,loves,a,woman], Rest,LF). Rest = [], LF = all(_A,(man(_A)&lives(_A)-> exists(_B,woman(_B)&loves(_A,_B))))

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