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Residential Institute

Residential Institute. M.S. in Employment Law Program, Summer 2014 Avery Le Emerging Technologies & Institutional Repository Librarian Shepard Broad Law Library & Technology Center ale@nova.edu (954) 262-6203. Shepard Broad Law Library & Technology Center.

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Residential Institute

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  1. Residential Institute M.S. in Employment Law Program, Summer 2014 Avery Le Emerging Technologies & Institutional Repository Librarian Shepard Broad Law Library & Technology Center ale@nova.edu (954) 262-6203

  2. Shepard Broad Law Library & Technology Center Reference Desk (research help, passwords) (954) 262-6201 Circulation Desk (library hours, borrowing materials, interlibrary loan) (954) 262-6202

  3. Create a Research Plan

  4. Stay Organized Throughout the Research and Writing Process • Lexis Guide to Law Review Research: http://w3.lexis.com/lawschoolreg/tutorials/lawreview/ • University of Washington Guide - Writing for & Publishing in Law Reviews: Finding & Developing Topics • https://lib.law.washington.edu/content/guides/lawrevs-top • Keep a research log with notes and citations • Use organizational tools on Westlaw Next, Lexis Advance, and Bloomberg Law, e.g., folders

  5. Select a Topic, Narrow Your Topic, and Recognize When to Consider a New Topic Preemption Checking Yale Law School, Lillian Goldman Law Library http://library.law.yale.edu/preemption-checking Selected Topic Selection Web Sites Westlaw Next, Lexis Advance, and Bloomberg Law (News): e.g., on Westlaw Next, BrowseAll Content tabNews Newspapers: Go to http://www.nova.edu/library/main/databases.html, select “Students, Faculty, and Staff, scroll to “Browse by material type”, and select “Newspapers” SSRN (Social Science Research Network, working papers and forthcoming papers in areas of specialized research): http://ssrn.com/

  6. Check out Blogs and Newspapers for Ideas • Blogs: • SCOTUSBlog (http://www.scotusblog.com) • JustiaBlawg Search (http://blawgsearch.justia.com ; Employment Law category) • Law Professors Blog --- (http://www.lawprofessorblogs.com; Workplace Prof Blog) • Newspapers and Newsletter Databases • Westlaw/Lexis • Bloomberg Law – Employment and Labor Practice • BNA – BNA Law Reports • ABA Journal • US Law Week (available electronically) • National Law Journal • Use key term – “circuit splits” for controversial or hot topics

  7. Generate Effective Search Terms & Use Advanced Search Options Natural Language Search v. Boolean Search Example: (using Westlaw Next) You are interested in researching whether or not current employers or potential employers should have the right to know the passwords for your social media profiles (i.e. Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc.?) Natural Language Search: facebook passwords and employers Boolean Search; (go to advanced): (employers /s ask) & “Facebook passwords” Note: When searching in an online database, make sure the proper jurisdiction is selected and remember to use a citator, e.g., KeyCite or Shepard’s.

  8. Resources and Services at the Law Library & Technology Center Shepard Broad Law Library’s Collection NovaCat (to search for library materials): www.novacat.nova.edu Employment Law LibGuide: http://nova.campusguides.com/employment

  9. Electronic Resources:Databases & Journal Finder Go to: www.novacat.nova.edu Click on “Electronic Resources” In the “Electronic Resources” menu, you will find a link for both Databases and Journal Finder

  10. Electronic Resources:Databases To access databases provided by the NSU libraries, select “Databases” from the menu under “Electronic Resources” on NovaCat. Click on “Students, Faculty, and Staff” Browse databases alphabetically, by subject (e.g., law) or by material type (e.g., newspapers, statistical sources).

  11. Electronic Resources:Journal Finder Journal Finder has two primary uses for researchers: (1) to check whether you have access to an electronic journal through the NSU libraries; or (2) to locate the full text of an article when you have a citation. Select “Journal Finder” from the menu under “Electronic Resources” on NovaCat. Search for titles using the search box and search options.

  12. Google Scholar http://scholar.google.com/ *If you use Google Scholar on campus (when connected to the NSU network), you will see links to full text articles available to NSU students through the library. If you are not on campus, these links will not appear. So, if you run a search on Google Scholar, but the full text of the article is not available, you can use “Journal Finder” to see whether you can access the article through a database. Example: Google Scholar Search for Articles

  13. Westlaw Next www.lawschool.westlaw.com 1-800-WESTLAW (937-8529) Topic Search Tools: Go to “News” and “Secondary Sources” and look at Law Reviews & Journals, Legal Newspapers & Newsletters. From the “Secondary Sources” link, you can also look at Westlaw Bulletins & Topical Highlights, which discuss recent developments in a variety of legal areas.

  14. Lexis Advance www.lawschool.lexis.com Customer Support: 1-800-45-LEXIS (53947)

  15. Bloomberg Lawhttp://www.bloomberglaw.com/ Register for an account (using your NSU email address; no activation code required): http://bloomberglaw.com/activate 24/7 Help Desk: 1-888-560-BLAW (2529) Suggested Resource: On Bloomberg Law, under the Practice Center tab, click on “Labor & Employment”

  16. Source Selection & Evaluation You should pay special attention to source evaluation when you are researching on the Internet. For some general information about selecting and evaluating online sources, see: http://virtuallylegal.net/how-to-determine-if-a-website-is-a-credible-source-of-information/

  17. Citations, Style, and Proofreading The Bluebook: Understanding and mastering The bluebook : a guide for students and practitioners / Linda J. Barris http://novacat.nova.edu:80/record=b2129918~S13 OWL Online Writing Lab, Purdue University http://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/ Florida Style Manual, Florida State University (Bluebook supplement for Florida specific citations) http://www.law.fsu.edu/journals/lawreview/downloads/floridastylemanual.pdf

  18. Publishing

  19. Resources: Books Fajans, Elizabeth & Mary R. Falk. Scholarly Writing for Law Students: Seminar Papers, Law Review Notes and Law Review Competition Papers. St. Paul, MN: West, 2011. Volokh, Eugene. Academic legal writing : law review articles, student notes, seminar papers, and getting on law review. New York: Foundation Press, 2007. Strunk and White. The Elements of Style. New York, NY [u.a.] : Longman, 2012. NovaCat: http://novacat.nova.edu:80/record=b2247776~S13 http://novacat.nova.edu:80/record=b1838667~S13 http://novacat.nova.edu:80/record=b2331192~S13

  20. Resources:Library Guides Library Guides Nova Southeastern University, Shepard Broad Law Library Nova Employment Law LibGuide: http://nova.campusguides.com/employment University of San Francisco, DorraineZief Law LibraryFinding a Topic for Your Law School Paper or Law Review Comment/Note: http://legalresearch.usfca.edu/FindingATopic To find other law library guides on your topic, run a search using Google for “employment law” and “library guide”.

  21. Questions? Rob Beharriell (954) 262-6224 beharriellr@nsu.law.nova.edu Carolyn Brown (954) 262-6171 cbrown3@nsu.law.nova.edu Becka Rich (954) 262-6237 richr@nsu.law.nova.edu Alison Rosenberg (954) 262-6215 rosenberga@nsu.law.nova.edu Mitchell Silverman (954) 262-6223 silvermanmi@nsu.law.nova.edu Mary Paige Smith (954) 262-6213 smithm@nsu.law.nova.edu Eric Young (954) 262-6211 younge@nsu.law.nova.edu Reference Desk (954) 262-6201 Circulation Desk (954) 262-6202

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