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Namaste. Ganesh. Indus Valley Civilization [2500-1500 BCE]. Hydraulic civilization based on agriculture and trade that reach the Mediterranean. Himalayan Note:

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Namaste

  2. Ganesh

  3. Indus Valley Civilization [2500-1500 BCE]

  4. Hydraulic civilization based on agriculture and trade that reach the Mediterranean

  5. Himalayan Note: Based on analysis of stone beads traded, recent research has discovered that trade in the Indus Valley Civilization stretched up into the western Himalayas.

  6. Vedic Civilization ≠Invasion Slow waves of migration by horse/chariot using nomadic peoples Early and profoundly significant interactions with already settled peoples

  7. Hinduism I: Vedic Ritualism

  8. Zeus and Indra: warrior gods who are thunderbolt-wielders

  9. Agni: the fire god who “marches ahead” of Aryan warriors, clearing the forest for settlement Later Hindu holy men also perform this service for humanity.

  10. Beyond Ritual Manipulation of gods and cosmos, new Spiritual Experiments: Psychotropic Plants, Upanishads, Asceticism, Yoga

  11. 800 BCE: The Rise of Sanyassins, Sadhus: Wandering ascetics

  12. A traditional religious role that continues until today

  13. Microcosm ≈ Macrocosm

  14. Hinduism II: Mysticism and YOGA Yoking the energies of the body to realize ultimate truth

  15. Normal Waking Consciousness

  16. Samadhi: the goal of Yoga spiritual attainment [“trance”] Direct, clear, awareness of divine within: ATMAN = BRAHMAN [Tat Tvam Asi]

  17. key primordial sound that opens the mind to spiritual understanding. OM/ AUM:

  18. KARMA Deed Effect of deed, a natural law of cause and effect Deposited in the soul [atman], leading to future fruition: good→good, bad→bad This life and future lifetimes….

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