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Agriculture. Agricultural Hearths – 1 st Agricultural Revolution. Carl Sauer ’s beliefs on domestication. Domestication probably did not develop in response to hunger Starving people must spend every waking hour searching for food

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  1. Agriculture

  2. Agricultural Hearths – 1st Agricultural Revolution

  3. Carl Sauer’s beliefs on domestication • Domestication probably did not develop in response to hunger • Starving people must spend every waking hour searching for food • Started by people who had enough food to remain settled in one place • Did not occur in grasslands or river floodplains because of thick sod and periodic flooding • Must have started in regions where many different kinds of wild plants grew • Started in hilly district areas, where climates change with differing sun exposure and altitude • Vegetative Planting 1st (transplanting part of actual plant) then Seed Planting

  4. Diffusion along Trade Routes • Techniques as well as foods

  5. Subsistence Agriculture • Found in LDC’s • Commercial Agriculture • Found in MDC’s • Distinguishing features • Purpose of farming • # of farmers in the labor force • Use of machinery • Farm size • Relationship of farming to other businesses Rubenstein p. 330-333

  6. Percent of Labor Force engaged in Agriculture Rub. Map 331

  7. Agricultural Regions • By Derwent Whittlesey, 1936 • 11 main agricultural regions • 5 in LDC’s • 6 in MDC’s • Plus 1 where ag is nonexistent

  8. LDC: Shifting Cultivation • Characterized by • Slash and burn agriculture • Using field for only a few years • Cleared land called Swidden or ladang, milpa, chena or kaingin • Crops • SE Asia: rice • S America: maize & cassava • Africa: millet & sorghum

  9. LDC: Pastoral Nomadism • A form of subsistence agricultural • Located in semiarid lands of: N. Africa, Middle East, Central Asia • Only 15 million people are pastoral nomads but us 20% of Earth’s land area • Transhumance

  10. LDC: Intensive Subsistence Agriculture w/wet rice • Intensive: farmers more work more intensively to subsist • Areas of high population density resulting in less land available/farmer • Some are wet rice areas • Some have double cropping

  11. LDC: Intensive Subsistence Agriculture wet rice not dominant • Areas with low precipitation • Crops: wheat, barley, legumes, etc. • Crop rotation • Common in Communist China

  12. LDC: Plantation Farming • A large farm that specializes in one or two crops: cotton, sugarcane, coffee, rubber & tobacco • Usually in subtropics • Usually in areas of low population density – must import workers

  13. MDC: Mixed Crop & Livestock • Most common form of commercial ag in US • Most crops are fed to animals rather than for human consumption – corn or soybeans common • Uses crop rotation Rub. Map 343

  14. MDC: Dairy Farming • Once only in MDC’s, now more common in S & E Asia – • India is the #1 producer • Must be close to market – milkshed • Improved transportation and refrigeration have increased milkshed radius Rub. Map p. 344

  15. MDC: Grain Farming • Crops grown primarily for human consumption • Grains are: wheat, corn, oats, barley, rice, millet, etc. • Stores easily & transported a long distance • N. Am prairies – world’s “breadbasket” Rub. Map 346

  16. MDC: Livestock Ranching • Commercial grazing of livestock over an extensive area • Range wars caused by enclosures • Introduction of new cattle breeds • Non-US ranching: Spain, Portugal, Argentina, southern Brazil & Uruguay Rub. Map 348

  17. MDC: Mediterranean Ag. • S. Europe, N. Africa, w. Asia, California, central Chile, & sw. Australia • All of the above borders seas, most on west coast off continents • Mostly horticulture: fruits, vegetables, and flowers & commercial tree crops • Most of world’s olives & grapes produced in Med. areas

  18. MDC: Commercial Gardening • Predominant in se US • Aka “truck farming” (truck was a Middle English word for bartering) • Highly efficient large-scale operations • New England has specialty farming – limited but increased demand among affluent, ex: asparugus, strawberries, etc.

  19. 2nd Agricultural Rev. • 1750-1900 – with the Industrial Rev. • Increased productivity • More food with less farmers • Esther Boserup - agric. output depends on the pop. - Anti-Malthusian • 5 stages of intensification of farmland • 1. forest fallow, 2. bush fallow 3. short fallow 4. annual cropping 5. multicropping

  20. Green (3rd) Revolution • Invention and quick diffusion of agricultural techniques during 1960’s-80’s • Main techniques • Genetic Engineering • Higher-yield seeds – Norman Borlaug • Drought/disease resistance • Quicker growing season (double-cropping) • Expanded use of fertilizers • Need tractors, irrigation pumps & other machinery to take full advantage

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