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Twisters. By Lindsay Goldman. The Great Tornado of 1925. On March 18, 1925 at 1:01pm a tornado started in Illinois and also went to towns like Murphysboro, Gorham, and DeSoto. How many were killed or injured?.

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  1. Twisters By Lindsay Goldman

  2. The Great Tornado of 1925 • On March 18, 1925 at 1:01pm a tornado started in Illinois and also went to towns like Murphysboro, Gorham, and DeSoto

  3. How many were killed or injured? 695 people were killed and 2027 were injured. The storm was rated F5! Isn’t that a lot for weather to do? So many people thought they had no hope that day.

  4. About it At About 1:01 PM on March 18, 1925, trees began to snap north-northwest of Ellington, Missouri, and for the next three and a half hours more people would die, more schools would be destroyed, more students and farm owners would be killed, and more deaths would occur in a single city than from any other tornado in U.S. history. Records would be set for speed, path length, and probably for other categories that can't be measured so far in the past. The tornado maintained an exact heading, N 69 degrees E, for 183 of the 219 miles, at an average 62mph, following a slight topographic ridge on which a series of mining towns were built.

  5. Money Losses in Mississippi towns totaled about $500,000. Murphysboro losses totaled about $10,000,000 Parrish was devastated, with 22 deaths, as was the northwest part of West Frankfort, with $800,000 damage. About half of Princeton was destroyed, and losses there totaled $1,800,000. To help with medical aid, Chicago organizations offered half a million dollars.

  6. What is a tornado? A tornado is a “ violently rotating column of air, pendant from a cumuliform cloud”. The ingredients for a tornado is: big thunderstorms, winds blowing from opposite directions, and a strong updraft. The air pressure in the center of the vortex drops as more air is sucked into it.

  7. Websites The websites I used to help me were www.tornadoproject.com www.animationfactory.com www.ask.com www.yahoo.com www.weatherwizkids.com Thanks very much!!

  8. Brought to you by Build a bear. Those bears just love to support us!!!

  9. Project manager.... Lindsay Typer.... Lindsay Designer.... Lindsay Student.... Lindsay Assigned Project.... Mrs. Deringer

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