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Hu2/ 艸 /13 plant (gourd)

葫. Hu2/ 艸 /13 plant (gourd) . 葫蒜 hu2 suan4 – garlic and Leeks 葫荽 hu2 sui1 – coriander 我的朋友不喜歡吃葫蒜 . My friend does not like to eat garlic and leeks. 蘆. Lu2/ 艸 /20 reed. 蘆草 lu2 cao3 – reed 蘆花 lu2 hua1 – the fluffy ends of a reed 這一片山野長滿了蘆草 , 非常好看 .

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Hu2/ 艸 /13 plant (gourd)

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Hu2/艸/13 plant (gourd)

  2. 葫蒜hu2 suan4– garlic and Leeks 葫荽hu2 sui1 – coriander 我的朋友不喜歡吃葫蒜. My friend does not like to eat garlic and leeks.

  3. Lu2/艸/20 reed

  4. 蘆草 lu2 cao3 – reed 蘆花 lu2 hua1 – the fluffy ends of a reed 這一片山野長滿了蘆草, 非常好看. Reeds fully grow on the remote highlands and look very nice.

  5. xi4/糸/11 thin, detailed, meticulous

  6. 細小 xi4 xiao3 – very small, tiny, trivial 細心 xi4 xin1 – careful, attentive 日本筷子比中國筷子細. Japanese chopsticks are thinner than Chinese ones.

  7. teng2/艸/19 climbing vine, rattan

  8. 藤條 teng2 tiao2 – rattan 藤蔓 teng2 man4 – vine 晚上爺爺喜歡坐在走廊的藤椅上乘涼. In the evening, the grandfather likes to sit in a rattan chair on the veranda, to enjoy the cool air.

  9. jie2/糸/12 to knot, knot, to untie

  10. 結束 jie2 shu4 – to conclude, to end 結婚 jie2 hun1 – to marry, marriage 他在繩上打了一個結. He tied a knot in the rope.

  11. ya2/虫/10

  12. 蚜蟲 ya2 chong2 – an insect kept by ants

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