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  2. 1. List four types of information you should provide to emergency medical services when you call. 2. Identify four sources of information you can use to learn about the accident, injury, or illness. 3. Differentiate between clinical death and biological death. 4. What do the ABCDs of CPR stand for? 5. List five reasons for stopping CPR once it has been started. 6. List the four steps to control severe bleeding in the correct order of their use. 7. List five points that should be checked frequently to make sure circulation is not impaired after a splint or bandage has been applied. 8. What is triage? FIRST AID CPR


  4. First aid is not full and complete treatment. • TRUE • FALSE

  5. Always check the scene and make sure it is safe to approach an accident victim. • TRUE • FALSE

  6. Never move an injured victim unless the victim is in a dangerous area. • TRUE • FALSE

  7. Never make a diagnosis or discuss the victim’s condition with observers at the scene. • TRUE • FALSE

  8. Since biological death occurs eight to ten minutes after clinical death, it is important to start CPR as soon as possible. • TRUE • FALSE

  9. To check for breathing, look, listen, and feel for breathing for three seconds. • TRUE • FALSE

  10. To open the airway with a head-tilt chin-lift method, put one hand on the forehead and the finger tips of the other hand under the fleshy part of the jaw. • TRUE • FALSE

  11. To do chest compressions on an adult, put two hands over the xiphoid process. • TRUE • FALSE

  12. To give ventilations to an infant, cover the infant’s mouth with your mouth and pinch the infant’s nose shut. • TRUE • FALSE

  13. Give chest compressions at the rate of 80 per minute for an adult victim. • TRUE • FALSE

  14. Feel for a pulse for at least 5 seconds but no more than 10 seconds before starting chest compressions. • TRUE • FALSE

  15. If a victim is choking and coughing, give abdominal thrusts. • TRUE • FALSE

  16. If an infant has an obstructed airway, give five back blows followed by five chest thrusts. • TRUE • FALSE

  17. Palpate the carotid artery of an infant to see if the infant has a pulse. • TRUE • FALSE

  18. If a finger is cut off, pack the finger in ice and transport it with the victim. • TRUE • FALSE

  19. Venous blood oozes from the wound slowly, is less red than arterial blood, and clots easily. • TRUE • FALSE

  20. The pressure point to stop bleeding in the arm is the brachial artery. • TRUE • FALSE

  21. All shock victims must be positioned flat on the back with the feet raised 12 inches. • TRUE • FALSE

  22. If a victim swallows a petroleum product, induce vomiting immediately before the product is absorbed. • TRUE • FALSE

  23. For a snakebite, wash the wound and immobilize the injured area, positioning it higher than the level of the heart if possible. • TRUE • FALSE

  24. A superficial burn involves injury to the top layers of skin, including both the epidermis and dermis. • TRUE • FALSE

  25. The main treatment for all types of burns is to cool the area by flushing it with large amounts of cool water. • TRUE • FALSE

  26. If chemicals splash on the skin and cause burns, use large amounts of water to wash the skin and dilute the chemicals. • TRUE • FALSE

  27. The internal body temperature is 105°F (40.6°C) or higher in heat exhaustion. • TRUE • FALSE

  28. To treat a victim of heat stroke, put the victim in a tub of cool water or sponge the skin with cool water. • TRUE • FALSE

  29. To treat a victim with frostbite, rub the area vigorously to stimulate circulation and warm the skin. • TRUE • FALSE

  30. A compound fracture has two breaks in the bone. • TRUE • FALSE

  31. Treat a dislocation the same way a fracture is treated. • TRUE • FALSE

  32. A sprain is an injury to the tissues surrounding a joint. • TRUE • FALSE

  33. Cold applications are used initially to decrease swelling for both sprains and strains. • TRUE • FALSE

  34. To treat a nosebleed, place the victim in a sitting position with the head tilted backward. • TRUE • FALSE

  35. Signs and symptoms of a heart attack vary depending on the amount of heart damage. • TRUE • FALSE

  36. A cerebrovascular accident can be caused by either the presence of a clot in a cerebral artery or hemorrhage from a blood vessel in the brain. • TRUE • FALSE

  37. Even though a victim is unconscious, he or she may be able to hear and understand what is going on. • TRUE • FALSE

  38. Fainting can be a sign of a serious illness or condition that requires medical attention. • TRUE • FALSE

  39. If a victim is convulsing, restrain the arms to stop the muscle movements and prevent injury to the victim. • TRUE • FALSE

  40. If a diabetic is unconscious and you are not able to determine whether the condition is diabetic coma or insulin shock, put granulated sugar under the victim’s tongue. • TRUE • FALSE

  41. It is better to wait for EMS to arrive than allow patients to administer their epi pen • TRUE • FALSE

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