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CASEMIS Overview

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CASEMIS Overview

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    1. CASEMIS Overview CASEMIS Data Meeting Fall 2009 Webcast

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    5. 5 General Instructions Table A (Student Data Table) shall contain one record for each student found eligible for and received special education services. The unique identifier of a student record for a SELPA is derived by the combination of the SELPA_CODE and STUDENT_ID data fields in the table. Table A shall also contain one record for each child referred and evaluated but not eligible for special education or related services. (Data Field A-32, PLAN_TYPE, code 90) Table A shall also contain one record for each child referred, found eligible, and did not receive special education and related services because parent declined services or child was parentally placed in private school where no ISP services were provided. Table B (Student Services Data Table) shall contain at least one record for each student in Table A, except those with a code of 70, 80 or 90 in Data Field A-32 PLAN_TYPE. Table B may contain more than one record, one for each service received by the student.

    6. 6 General Instructions, cont’d Table C (Discipline Data Table) shall contain one record for each disciplinary action for a student receiving services in Table A. Table C may contain more than one record for a student, if the student is subjected to more than one disciplinary action during the school year (for end-of-year reporting cycle only). Table D (Post-secondary Follow-up) – Is reinstated in June 2010. Federal requirements have changed; data will need to be gathered in Spring 2010 and submitted with the June 30, 2010 data. More information will be forthcoming through your SELPA Director.

    7. 7 General Instructions, cont’d It is important that each data table maintained by the LEA contains all data fields with appropriate codes according to this structure. Generally, there are no optional data fields in the CASEMIS data tables Exceptions: A-12 SSN may be left blank For students with code 20 (Individual Service Plan) in field A-32 PLAN_TYPE other data fields may be left blank (See table A in the TAG) For students with code 70, 80, 90 in field A-32 PLAN_TYPE, only fields A-1 through A-32 need to be completed

    8. 8 Criteria – Table A, B, C One record per student in Table A. The CASEMIS Student Data file shall contain one record per student; in order to ensure this, the student identification code shall be determined in such a way that no two students (or no two records) have the same identification code. More than one record permissible in Tables B and C.The Services Data Table and Discipline (Suspension/Expulsion) Data Table may have more than one record per student, as applicable. Must be receiving services or referred and evaluated for special education. All students in the data file must be receiving (or have received) special education and related services according to an individualized education program (IEP) or an individual family service plan (IFSP), or were referred, and evaluated for Special Education services.

    9. 9 Criteria, cont’d Data based on IEP or evaluation. All data for a student in the student level data file shall be based on the student's IEP or evaluation. Students served in SOP not reported by LEA/SELPA. A student who is receiving (or has received) special education services in a state-operated program for the disabled, shall not be included in the student level data file submitted by an LEA (SELPA). The SOP shall report these students. SELPA that provides services reports the student. If a student is placed by a SELPA to another SELPA for providing special education services, the SELPA that provides the services to the student shall report the student; the SELPA that placed the student shall not report the student. Entity providing most intensive/majority of services reports. If more than one SELPA, county or district provides special education services to a pupil, the agency that provides the most intensive or majority of the services shall report the pupil.

    10. 10 Criteria, cont’d NPS/NPA student reported by district that placed the student. A pupil placed in a nonpublic school or agency (NPS) shall be reported by the school district, county office or the SELPA that made the placement. Related service must assist child to benefit from special education. A disabled child who is receiving a related service may be reported only if that related service assists the child in benefiting from special education. Native American children on or near a reservation may be reported only if the SELPA provides special education services to these children. Disabled children on military facilities may be reported only if the SELPA provides special education services to these children. DDS funded infants/toddlers not reported in CASEMIS. A child younger than three years with a disability whose services are funded through a contract or vendor agreement with a regional center of the Department of Developmental Services is not to be included in the CASEMIS report process.

    11. 11 Reporting Deadlines

    13. 13 End of Year Reports For the 2009-010 End-of-Year Reporting Cycle: the files shall contain data on students who have received special education and/or related services for any period of time between July 1, 2009 and June 30, 2010. the files shall include students who have entered and/or exited as well as those who have continued through the program during the reporting period. The files shall include students who were referred for evaluation and assessment including those who were not found eligible. The determination of this criterion will be based on the data in the fields ENTRY_DATE and EXIT_DATE. All students shall be included in the files except those whose EXIT_DATE is before July 1, 2009 or ENTRY_DATE is after June 30, 20010. End-of-Year report also includes those students referred for SE, evaluated but did not receive SE. Although the End-of-Year data file will contain records of students who are active as well as have exited, all exit reports are generated based on the exited students only.

    14. 14 Reporting Cycles and Data Tables

    15. 15 Data Comparison Report Calculation Mirrors a federal requirement on CDE Calculated by comparison with prior year Must have at least 20 in at least one of the years for comparison Test 1: (2009-2008)/2008*100>=100% Test 2: (2009-2008)/2009*100>=100% Test 3: |2009-2008|>=50 Required part of data submission

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    19. 19 Anomalies Report SELPA must submit a report providing explanation for each of the circled items on the report Conduct some level of inquiry to determine if there was a specific cause for the shift For example Change in data collection system, software or form Change in policy, procedures or practices Change in key personnel, staffing patterns or program shifts from one LEA to another

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    21. 21 Reminder For December 09 For students with Plan Type 20 certain fields may be left blank:

    22. 22 Charter School Coding Children served by charters that are schools of the district SELPA – where authorizing district is a member DOR – authorizing district CDS code DOS – authorizing district CDS code School – charter school CDS code number School Type – 55 Children served by charters that are LEAs for special education purposes SELPA – where charter is a member DOR – authorizing district CDS code DOS – charter school CDS code School – charter school CDS code number School Type – 56

    23. 23 Charter School Coding Children served by schools that are chartered by the State Board of Education SELPA – where charter is a member DOR – charter school LEA CDS code number DOS – charter school LEA CDS code number School – charter school School CDS code number School Type – 56 Note: In order to be considered a charter acting as an LEA, the school must be included in an CDE approved Local Plan. For more information about approved local plans contact Darlene Helbling (dhelblin@cde.ca.gov). For more information about charter schools contact Jennifer Faukner (jfaukner@cde.ca.gov)

    24. 24 SSIDs In the process of validating June 09 submissions Range test – included 3-18 years and Plan Type 10,20

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    27. School Codes CDE conducting analysis of school codes

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    40. 40 Personnel Data The Personnel Data reports are required by the Department of Education in order to comply with the reporting requirements under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act (IDEA 04). The CASEMIS software contains a module called Personnel. This module allows SELPAs to submit the personnel data to State electronically. Personnel Data Report forms and instructions are disseminated under separate cover. The Personnel Data Report will be changed (reorganized) to reflect state and federal requirements related to Highly Qualified Teachers.

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    52. SEDRS Timelines Oct. 1 - Nov. 30 Complete observation and documentation Dec. 1 - Jan. 31 Submit DRDP data via SEDRS February 1Fax SELPA Certification Report to CDE

    53. 53 To Get Help Contact the SELPA Contact CASEMIS@cde.ca.gov


    55. 55 For December 2009

    56. 56 New Federal Race/Ethnicity Requirements – Fall 2009 On October 19, 2007, the U.S. Department of Education issued final guidance on collecting, reporting, and maintaining race/ethnicity information on students and staff. (See http://www.ed.gov/legislation/FedRegister/other/2007-4/101907c.pdf) A two-part question is now required to collect race and ethnicity information from students and staff. The first question asks whether or not the respondent is Hispanic or Latino. The second question asks the respondent to select one or more races from the following five groups: American Indian or Alaska Native Asian Black or African American Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander White Respondents may select more than one race from the above categories.

    57. 57 Race/Ethnicity Requirements, contd Race and ethnicity data will be aggregated and reported using the following seven categories: Hispanic or Latino of any race; and, for individuals who are non-Hispanic/Latino only: American Indian or Alaska Native Asian Black or African American Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander White, and Two or more races Schools and districts must begin collecting race and ethnicity data according to the final guidance beginning in the fall of 2009. CASEMIS is being adjusted in conformance with overall CDE efforts. Letter to districts re: collection http://www.cde.ca.gov/ds/sp/cl/documents/raceethnicity08.pdf

    58. Ethnicity Options At the May 2009 SELPA Director Meeting, CDE staff presented a method for making a short term adjustment to CASEMIS reporting to the local, two question data collection format that is required by the federal government and the new CALPADS data collection. SELPA Directors rejected the short term fixes in favor of making permanent fixes with more lead time. Subsequently, several contractors contacted CDE to advocate for making the changes. At the June 2009 SELPA Meeting, CDE staff presented contractor concerns and led a further discussion related to making a change. At this meeting SELPA Directors were in favor of making the needed changes, provided they did not require the addition of new fields. Following the September SELPA Meeting, Directors requested that the change wait until July 2010. 58

    59. Software Options Two versions of the CASEMIS software will be available: New Ethnicity Compatible CASEMIS Old Ethnicity Compatible CASEMIS SELPAs may choose either version for December 2009 Only New Ethnicity Compatible CASEMIS will be available in June 2010 59

    60. New Ethnicity Fields 60

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    64. 64 Errors and Warnings Dec 09 E119 - ETHNICITY CODE IS IN ERROR The ETHNICITY code is not one of those listed under this field. E149 - DUPLICATE RACE CODES Two or more of the entries in the fields RACE 1-3 have the same code.

    65. To Begin Data Collection December 2, 2009

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    69. 69 STAR/CMA Test for 2010 CMA for ELA – Grades 3-9 including CMA for Writing in grade 7 (Note: No grade 4 Writing in CST or CMA) CMA for Mathematics – Grades 3-7 CMA for Algebra I – Grades 7-11 who will complete Algebra I during the 2009-10 school year CMA for Science – Grades 5 and 8 CMA for Life Science – Grade 10 (Note: all grade 10 take Life Science, CST, CMA or CAPA Level 5, no exceptions)

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    71. 71 Questions?

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