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Going Beyond Grades In Assessing Student Learning Slides: www.zogotech.com/grants/

Going Beyond Grades In Assessing Student Learning Slides: www.zogotech.com/grants/. Dr. Blaine Bennett Michael Taft Michael Nguyen. Outline. About SWTJC, History Data-based Decision Making?? Data Collection / Analysis Intervention: Math linking Intervention: Intrusive Advising (T5)

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Going Beyond Grades In Assessing Student Learning Slides: www.zogotech.com/grants/

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  1. Going Beyond Grades In Assessing Student LearningSlides: www.zogotech.com/grants/ Dr. Blaine Bennett Michael Taft Michael Nguyen

  2. Outline • About SWTJC, History • Data-based Decision Making?? • Data Collection / Analysis • Intervention: Math linking • Intervention: Intrusive Advising (T5) • Institutionalize Processes: Student Learning • Questions Speaking: Dr. Blaine Bennett

  3. About SWTJC • Large service area • 11 Counties (16,769 square miles) • Rural • HSI ~ 6,000 Enrollment • 70+% FTIC need remediation • Achieving the Dream • Developmental Education • Gateway Courses • Culture of Evidence

  4. Data-Based Decision Making Example: HSI-STEM

  5. Background: SWTJC Student Data Warehouse Speaking: Dr. Blaine Bennett

  6. Gateway Completion Analysis • Look at course completion rates, poke around • Compare time-to-degree for gateway • Look for gaps in sequence completion

  7. Data-based Decision Makinge.g. Course Completion Slice and dice, discover problems Look at different variables: Ethnicity, Gender, Age, Location, Mode of Instruction

  8. Biggest Gatekeeper: College Algebra Correlation between gateway course completion and graduation. Within 4 terms of completing College Level math (in green) 30% of students have graduated (almost double that of the reading and writing gateway courses!)

  9. Taking Too Long

  10. Ideal Curve

  11. Intervention? Data show: • College algebra is biggest gatekeeper • Students taking too long between time completing last dev ed math course and completing college algebra Need to close the gap But how??

  12. Intervention #1:Math Linking • Solution: Link the highest level of dev math and College Algebra into a single semester format • Target math-linking at the “best” dev ed students

  13. Challenges Who are the best deved students?? John Doe’s Placement John Doe’s Class History Where is this student in dev ed pipeline?? Too much data, not enough information

  14. Subject LevelsTest Scores + Grades = Subject Levels Test History Bottom Line Class History è • Incorporate test scores + grades into single “level” • Easy to understand, analyze

  15. Intervention Now we have easy way to pull out the best dev ed students, we can put them in a linked class Let’s see the results

  16. Math Linking Assessment 90% of Students in the linked class (blue) completed college level algebra within 2 terms. For non-linked students it took nearly 10 terms to achieve even 40%.

  17. Math Linking Assessment The data clearly demonstrates that math linking is having the desired effect We are looking at other linking options including MATH 0302 to MATH 0303

  18. Intervention #2: Intrusive Advising Intervene with students Early and Often Query to identify specific sub-groups of students

  19. Student Engagement Noel-Levitz retention variables Computed At-risk indicators Downloaded ERP information Gives advisors / faculty easy access to data to make data-driven decisions on an individual student basis (note: all information here is randomized)

  20. Contact via Multiple Modes Email Mail Phone Face to Face (Classroom) Above: Identify students who may be at-risk because they have significantly increased their course load. Click the email button to contact them and record those contacts in a central location.

  21. Target specific student groups Identifying students who may be at risk: there are 474 students who are retaking a class in 2007 Spring, have < 45 credits and have < 2.5 GPA.

  22. But Are They Learning?? Lots of interventions and improved completion, retention rates, but how can we prove they are learning?? How can we measure student learning?

  23. Review Learning Indicators Direct Grades (GPA) Test Data Placement Completion (dev ed / gateway courses, core, certificate/degree) Subject Levels (normalized placement) Academic Status (Probation, Suspension, PTK, Near graduation, LHF) Outcome Assessment Data Indirect (affects learning) Demographic & Personal Data Attendance (99% of success is showing up) Student Activities/Support Services (Engagement- Advisement, Tutoring) Enrollment patterns External factors (Financial, job, family, etc)

  24. Outcome Assessment Project • Objective: assess student learning institutionally • Process: Faculty develop outcomes • For example: College Level Algebra: Solve equations/inequalities of various types with particular emphasis on linear and quadratic polynomials • Develop multiple choice questions for each outcome • Establish mastery level (e.g. 75% 3 of 4 questions for related outcome answered correctly) • Score assessments and store results in DW

  25. Data Flow Key points: Automatic downloads, no additional data entry

  26. Prosper Answer Form Objective and subjective (i.e. writing samples) responses captured

  27. Improved Programs & Learning (Institution) Grade distribution follows normal bell curve. Would expect the post-test assessment to line up, but it is far behind

  28. Improved Programs & Learning (Faculty) For some faculty it’s pretty close, so there’s hope

  29. Conclusion • Analyze – Intervene – Assess • Need multiple data sources to analyze beyond just grades (i.e. outcomes assessment ,attendance, pre/post testing, NSC) • A data warehouse (i.e. ZogoTech) can help

  30. Questions Southwest Texas Junior College Blaine Bennett blaine.bennett@swtjc.edu (830)591-7275 ZogoTech Michael Taft mtaft@zogotech.com (214) 774-4780 x801 Michael Nguyen mnguyen@zogotech.com (214) 774-4780 x803

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