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Writing the Comparison and Contrast Essay

2. Fall 2008. Comparison and Contrast. Involves comparing and contrasting two related subjectsThe purpose behind your analysis of these two topics must frame the discussion (e.g. you have been asked to select one topic over the other, make a proposal, etc.) . 3. Fall 2008. Understanding the Assignment.

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Writing the Comparison and Contrast Essay

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    1. Fall 2008 1 Writing the Comparison and Contrast Essay Cristina Maldonado for the Writing Center Roxbury Community College

    2. 2 Fall 2008 Comparison and Contrast Involves comparing and contrasting two related subjects The purpose behind your analysis of these two topics must frame the discussion (e.g. you have been asked to select one topic over the other, make a proposal, etc.)

    3. 3 Fall 2008 Understanding the Assignment Compare and Contrast Essay assignments tend to use the following language: "How does X differ from Y?" "Compare X and Y" "What are the advantages and disadvantages of X and Y?" Example: Of the two proposed urban planning projects, which should the committee select—Plan 1 or Plan 2? Compare the Plans.

    4. 4 Fall 2008 Brainstorming Before you begin writing, it is important for you to have a working knowledge of the similarities and differences between your two topics. Identification of the similarities and differences will assist you in creating a clear thesis statement.

    5. 5 Fall 2008 Brainstorming: Create a Table Draw a table with two columns List every detail you know about each topic underneath its respective column After filling out the table, try to identify the similarities and differences

    6. 6 Fall 2008 Sample

    7. 7 Fall 2008 Sample Table

    8. 8 Fall 2008 Developing a Thesis Statement Use your brainstorming table to assist you in creating a thesis. Ask yourself the following: Does the assignment ask me to answer a question? Is there something important, significant, or interesting in the similarities and differences on my list? What will the reader learn by seeing these two items compared and contrasted?

    9. 9 Fall 2008 Sample Thesis Statement While the two major urban planning initiatives share similar goals, a closer analysis reveals that Plan 2 is a better policy due to its tax generation and neighborhood development.

    10. 10 Fall 2008 Organizing the Paper Pattern 1 Plan 1 Advantages Disadvantages Plan 2 Advantages Disadvantages Identification of your proposed plan

    11. 11 Fall 2008 Organizing the Paper Pattern 2 Advantages Plan 1 Plan 2 Disadvantages Plan 1 Plan 2 Identification of your proposed plan

    12. 12 Fall 2008 Transitional Words on the other hand, similarly, yet unlike A, B ... in the same way but while both A and B are ..., only B .. Nevertheless, on the contrary though despite

    13. 13 Fall 2008 Points to Remember Brainstorming is essential—it is important for you to understand how your topics are related and how they are different. This understanding will assist you in writing a clear thesis statement. Transitional words will help pinpoint the similarities and differences for the reader – be sure to use them.

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