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What if inspections do not work ?

What if inspections do not work ?. Ir. Rob van Dorp ( Msc ) Inspectorate of environment and Transport The Netherlands. Relentsless compliance problems.

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What if inspections do not work ?

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Whatifinspections do notwork? Ir. Rob van Dorp (Msc) Inspectorate of environment and Transport The Netherlands

  2. Relentslesscomplianceproblems • Sometimeswhenregulation and inspectionssimply do notwork. A regulator has to go “back to the drawing board” to invent a newsolution to a societalproblem.

  3. Definition of a societalproblem: • Actor • Action • Harm • Limitations

  4. A processapproach

  5. A simpleexample

  6. Processanalysis of the socialprocess: • Harmfullaction:

  7. Taking the individualperspective: Tools, information, support

  8. Taking the societalperspective: Tools, information, support

  9. Putting ittogether

  10. To solve the problem, youchange the process

  11. 7 strategys • Strategy 1: creating awareness to the actor of the harm his action creates to society • Strategy 2: negatively compensate the profit (fulfilled needs) of the actor • Strategy 3: Filling the unfulfilled needs of the actor in another way • Strategy 4: taking away the tools, information or support needed for the action • Strategy 5: Compensating the harm to society • Strategy 6: Changing the context of the action • Strategy 7: Adding tools, information or support to stimulate desired behavior.

  12. Strategy 1: creating awareness to the actor of the harm his action creates to society

  13. Strategy 2: negatively compensate the profit (fulfilled needs) of the actor

  14. Strategy 3: Filling the unfulfilled needs of the actor in another way

  15. Strategy 4: taking away the tools, information or support needed for the action

  16. Strategy 5: Compensating the harm to society

  17. Strategy 6: Changing the context of the action

  18. Strategy 7: Adding tools, information or support to stimulate desired behavior

  19. A chain of processes

  20. Thankyou forlistening, • Rob van Dorp • +32704563273 • Robert.van.dorp@ilent.nl

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