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eRM , effects of instrumentation pockets in the G11 plate

This study investigates the impact of holes/pockets for instrumentation in the G11 plate. FEA simulations were conducted to analyze the stress and strain distribution with and without pockets. Results showed that pockets affect the stress distribution, especially in terms of readings of preload at room temperature. Friction contributions from the plate and vkey were also examined, revealing variations in the measuring points. The study concludes that pockets have an influence on the (s,e) situation and should be considered in FEM models.

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eRM , effects of instrumentation pockets in the G11 plate

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  1. eRM, effects of instrumentation pockets in the G11 plate November 2018 Susana Izquierdo Bermudez, Manuel García Pérez

  2. Introduction Holes/pocketsfortheinstrumentation

  3. Introduction Holes/pocketsfortheinstrumentation

  4. Introduction • Holes/pocketsfortheinstrumentation: • Affectsthe stress/strain? • Adds 3D effects? • Howimportant are these? • Itdoesnotaffectthe Shell, butpotentiallycouldaffectthecoil. • FEA simulations: • 2D, withoutpockets (full G11 plate) • 2D, withthepockets • 3D, withoutpockets • 3D, withpockets

  5. Strain gauge readingse and s

  6. Strain gauge readingse and s

  7. Strain gauge readingse and s

  8. Strain gauge readingse and s

  9. Strain gauge readingse and s

  10. Strain gauge readingse and s • Doesnotaffecttheshell, as expected • Itisnotveryimportant in terms of Dcooldown • Itaffects, though, to thereadings of preload at roomtemperature • More remarked in terms of stress. • FEA modelsadapted to includethepocketconsideration. Pocket area in 3D modelfeatures a finermesh. • A pocketisthree-dimensional. Carefulwith 2D models. • Default 3D modelwithpockets • Default 2D modelwithoutpockets

  11. Vertical distribution of the stress CMT y Thecooldownanalyticalmodelassumeduniformdistributions of the stress in thecoil Therealitymightnot be so, i.e., s = s(y) and e =e(y). Westudythis vertical dependency in thecoil Possiblyvaryingmuchifpockets are considered. Studytheimportance of thefriction: coil+G11plate vkey+vpad

  12. Vertical distribution of the stress Plots of sx Non-uniformdistribution y Gagepocketareas

  13. Vertical distribution of s 3D modelwithpockets, dummycoils Theplatefrictionistaking a bit lessthan +10 MPaout of thecoil stress Thevkeyfrictionistakinganother +15 MPa Thepockets introduce highvariations in themeasuringpoints, nothing in thecoilbottom

  14. Vertical distribution of e 3D modelwithpockets, dummycoils Strain: Theplate’sfriction has no effect; thevkeyfrictiontakesabout 200 mstr at thecooldownstage.

  15. Vertical distribution of s 2D modelwithoutpockets, planes, dummycoils Theplatefrictionistakingalmost +10 MPaout of thecoil stress, Thevkeyfrictiontakes 14MPa Theseresults are consistent to the 3D model

  16. Vertical distribution of e 2D modelwithoutpockets, planes, dummycoils Theresultshere are notconsistentwiththe 3D Attributed to theplanesformulation

  17. Vertical distribution of e 2D modelwithoutpockets, planes, Nb3Sn coils Thisdistributionisbetweenthefirst conductor layer and the pole Thepockets are notlocatedrightabovethelocation, thustheyentail no effect Nb3Sn resultsconsistent to Al dummyresults:

  18. Vertical distribution of e 2D modelwithoutpockets, planes at cooldown, Dummy and Nb3Sn coils

  19. Summary of frictioncontribution Verygoodagreement (frictionsat cooldown) 2D and 3D in dummycoils Thepocket can releavethe stress in thegagelocation to anextent of theorder of 25—30 MPa, 100mstr, buthave no effect at thebottom Strain 2D vs. 3D differsby a 20% due to theplanesassumption. Theeffecs of thepockets

  20. Conclusions • Holes/pocketsfortheinstrumentation: • Theseaffectthe (s,e) situation as the Vertical Pushdoesnotexertsylocally. • FE modelsoriginallyhadsimplifiedgeometrywithoutpockets. • Coilgages are located in pocketareas: thereadings are affected • Default FEM selected: 3D withpockets, 2D withoutpockets • Pocketsaffectthe vertical distributions(y),e(y) • Lessimportant in the Nb3Sn coils: thepockets are in the pole only.

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