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AngularJS A radically different way of building Single Page Apps

AngularJS A radically different way of building Single Page Apps. b y Jivko Petiov. Agenda. Demo - Hello World What is Angular Demo - How a real-world app is made Conclusion – why and when to use it. Demo - Hello World. What is Angular.

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AngularJS A radically different way of building Single Page Apps

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  1. AngularJSA radically different way of building Single Page Apps by Jivko Petiov

  2. Agenda • Demo - Hello World • What is Angular • Demo - How a real-world app is made • Conclusion – why and when to use it

  3. Demo - Hello World

  4. What is Angular • What is a SPA (Gmail, Github, Hotmail, Trello, Facebook) • JavaScript Framework for building SPA apps • “Angular is what HTML should have been, if it has been specifically designed for AJAX apps”

  5. JavaScript Frameworks • Backbone.js • Ember.js • KnockoutJS • AngularJS • Dojo • YUI • Agility.js • Knockback.js • CanJS • SproutCore • Polymer • Cujo.js • dermis • Spine.js • Ext.js • Sammy.js • JavascriptMVC • Epitome • Kendo UI • PureMVC • Olives • PlastronJS • Dijon • rAppid.js • Batman.js • React • Exoskeleton

  6. Architectural Patterns • MVC • MVP • MVVM • MVA (Model View Adapter) • PAC (Presentation Abstraction Control) • HMVC (Hierarchical Model-View-Controller)

  7. Why so Complicated

  8. Angular Pattern? MVW

  9. Angular Pattern? Model View Whatever MV*

  10. Angular Architecture

  11. Demo Time Pray to the Demo Gods

  12. Views • Views = HTML • Directives are reusable components within the View; They are similar to jQuery Plugins, but much more than that • Declarative DSL – controversial and yet powerful

  13. Directive Examples <rating max="5" model=“data.rating" /> <tabs> <tab title="Tab 1">…</tab> <tab title="Tab 2">…</tab> </tabs> <span tooltip="{{model.text}}">…</span>

  14. jQuery vs Angular <tabs> <tab title="Tab 1">…</tab> <tab title="Tab 2">…</tab> <tab title="Tab 3">…</tab> </tabs> <div id="tabs"> <ul> <li><a href="#tabs-1">Tab 1</a></li> <li><a href="#tabs-2">Tab 2</a></li> <li><a href="#tabs-3">Tab 3</a></li> </ul> <div id="tabs-1">...</div> <div id="tabs-2">...</div> <div id="tabs-3">...</div> </div> $( "#tabs" ).tabs();

  15. Controllers • No Reference to DOM / Views • The “code-behind” of the view • What should happen if user does X • Where do I get X from

  16. Controller Example app.controller("myController", function($scope, backendService) { $scope.people = [ { name: “Person 1”, city: “Sofia” }, { name: “Person 2”, city: “Moscow” }, { name: “Person 3”, city: “New York” } ]; $scope.addPerson = function(person) { backendService.addPerson(person); }; }

  17. Models and Scope • Model = data = JSON • Scope is container for model, one scope per controller • $scope.people = [ { name: “Person 1”, city: “Sofia” }, { name: “Person 2”, city: “Moscow” }, { name: “Person 3”, city: “New York” } ]

  18. Services • Usually no reference to DOM • Singletons, SRP, Dependency Injection • How do I do X? • Server communication, business logic, helpers, modal dialogs, error handling, sharing data between controllers

  19. Service Example app.factory('myService', function($http, $q) { return { getAllItems: function() { vardeferred = $q.defer(); $http.get(“/api/getItems").success(function(data) { deferred.resolve(data); }).error(function(){ deferred.reject(“Error Message"); }); return deferred.promise; } } }

  20. Service Example (continued) app.controller("myController", function($scope, myService) { myService.getAllItems().then(function(data) { $scope.items = data; }); } app.controller("myController2", function($scope, myService) { $scope.items = myService.getAllItems(); }

  21. Filters • currency • date • filter • json • limitTo • lowercase • number • orderBy • uppercase • Simple formatters of data

  22. Filter Example myApp.filter('capitalize', function() { return function(input, scope) { return input.substring(0,1).toUpperCase() + input.substring(1); } }); <div>{{person.Name | capitalize }}</div>

  23. Conclusion • SPA, Data-driven apps, CRUD • The role of the server-side – HTML vs JSON: • Don’t send HTML if you end up parsing it client-side to do some calculations over it • Don’t send JSON if all you do with it is just put it inside the DOM

  24. QA? jivko@abilitics.com @jivkopetiov

  25. Thanks to our Sponsors: Diamond Sponsor: Gold Sponsors: Silver Sponsors: Technological Partners: Bronze Partners: Swag Sponsors: Media Partners:

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