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Methamphetamine. What is Methamphetamine?. A highly addictive Central Nervous System (CNS) stimulant. It is man-made in illegal laboratories using inexpensive, over the counter ingredients. It is a white, odorless, bitter-tasting crystalline powder that easily dissolves in water or alcohol.

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  1. Methamphetamine

  2. What is Methamphetamine? • A highly addictive Central Nervous System (CNS) stimulant. • It is man-made in illegal laboratories using inexpensive, over the counter ingredients. • It is a white, odorless, bitter-tasting crystalline powder that easily dissolves in water or alcohol. • It is a Schedule II stimulant, which means it has a high potential for abuse.

  3. Street Names • Speed • Meth • Chalk • Poor Man’s Coke • Zip • Go fast • Ice • Crystal Glass

  4. How is Methamphetamine Used? • It can be taken orally, snorted, injected, or smoked. • It alters the user’s mood depending on how it is taken. • Smoking and injecting produces an intense rush that lasts only a few minutes. • Snorting or ingesting orally produces euphoria- a high but not intense rush.

  5. Short-Term Effects • Increase in wakefulness • Increase in physical activity • Increased respiration • Increased heart rate • Euphoria • hyperthermia • Violence • Irritability • Tremors • Convulsions

  6. Long-Term Effects • Addiction • Paranoia • Anxiety • Insomnia • Auditory Hallucinations • Delusions • Mood Disturbances • Stroke • Increased Risk of HIV/AIDS • Brain Damage • Irregular heartbeat • Extreme anorexia • Death

  7. The Users…. • In 2006, 5.77% of the US population aged 12 or older used methamphetamine at least once in their lifetimes for non-medical purpose. • In 2006, There was an estimated 731,000 current users of methamphetamine, aged 12 or older.

  8. Date Rape Drugs

  9. There are several very dangerous drugs on the streets and campuses these days being used to sedate potential rape victims. Powerful, odorless, tasteless, drugs like GHB, Rohypnol and Ketamine dissolve quickly and invisibly into liquids. They are being used to spike beverages, causing rapid and severe intoxication which can dramatically reduce inhibitions and memory loss. These drugs can incapacitate victims and prevent them from resisting sexual assault.

  10. What is GHB? • GHB is gamma hydroxy-butyrate, a depressant that slows down the brain and body processes. • It is clear and odorless and tastes like salt water, but when mixed with a sweet or strong flavored drink, its taste is mostly covered up. • Although it is sometimes found in a powder or tablet, GHB is usually liquid, which users sip from bottle caps. • In the past, doctors have used it to treat insomnia, childbirth problems, anxiety, and a few other problems. • It was outlawed by the US Federal Government in 1990 because of the ease of accidental overdose and potential addiction. • Two ingredients of street GHB are a particular engine degreaser and a drain cleaner.

  11. GHB Street Names • “G” • Liquid Ecstasy • Georgia Home Boy • Grievous Bodily Harm • Gamma G • Somatomax • Growth Hormone Booster • Soap • Easy Lay • Vita-G

  12. Effects of GHB • Slowed heart rate and breathing rates • Inability to think quickly or logically • Physical weakness • Loss of consciousness • Taking with alcohol can be deadly • Repeated use can lead to addiction and tough withdrawal • Overdose can usually occur because the dosing is not precise and can cause: • Drowsiness • Nausea • Vomiting • Headache • Loss of physical reflexes • Coma • seizures • Death

  13. What is Rohypnol? • Rohypnol is the brand name of a drug called Flunitrazepam, a surgical anesthetic or sleeping pill used legally by doctors around the world. • The pills are usually round, white, and labeled “Roche” with a circled number “1” or “2”. They are sometimes ground up into a white powder. • It dissolves quickly in a liquid and has a bitter taste that can be easily covered up. • It can produce “anterograde amnesia”, in which individuals may not remember their experiences while under the influences of the drug. • The newer version of the drug will turn blue when it is put in a drink and will take longer to dissolve.

  14. Rohypnol Street Names • Roofies • Roach • Roofenol • Roche • La Rocha • Roll-and-Fall • Rope • The Forget-Me Pill

  15. Effects of Rohypnol • Gives a “hypnotized” feeling. • Loss of muscle control • Lowered blood pressure • Dizziness • Drowsiness • Visual disturbances • Confusion • Digestive problems • Amnesia • Death

  16. What is Ketamine? • Ketamine was developed in 1960’s as an anesthetic for surgeries. • It is a legal prescription drug, used mostly in veterinary medicine. • Ketamine is found in a white powder or a liquid in small pharmaceutical bottles. • It may be snorted, injected into a muscle, or taken by mouth. • It is odorless and tasteless.

  17. Ketamine Street Names • Special K • Vitamin K • Lady K • Super K • Ketaject • Cat Tranquilizers

  18. Effects of Ketamine • Delirium • Unconsciousness • Hallucinations • Impaired motor function • Numbing • Amnesia • Agitation • Violence • Confusion • Difficulty hearing, understanding, or speaking • High blood pressure • Fatal respiratory problems • death

  19. Precautions to take in order to avoid being a victim of date rape drugs • Don’t: • Leave your drink unattended • Share or exchange drinks • Take beverages from a stranger • Don’t Drink Anything: • From a punch bowl • With an unexpected color, appearance, or smell • From an open container • That tastes salty when it shouldn't

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