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Klaus Jungmann SPIN2004, 14 October 2004 EDM Experiments

Klaus Jungmann SPIN2004, 14 October 2004 EDM Experiments. New Experiments to Search for Permanent Electric Dipole Moments. Fundamental Symmetries and Forces Discrete Symmetries Fundamental Fermions Models Beyond Standard Theory Precision Experiments How to Compare Experiments

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Klaus Jungmann SPIN2004, 14 October 2004 EDM Experiments

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  1. Klaus Jungmann SPIN2004, 14 October 2004 EDM Experiments

  2. New Experiments to Search for Permanent Electric Dipole Moments • Fundamental Symmetries and Forces • Discrete Symmetries • Fundamental Fermions • Models Beyond Standard Theory • Precision Experiments • How to Compare Experiments • Other approaches to same Physics Questions  only scratching some examples Klaus Jungmann, Kernfysisch Versneller Instituut,Groningen

  3. Forces and Symmetries Local Symmetries  Forces • fundamental interactions Global Symmetries  Conservation Laws • energy • momentum • electric charge • lepton number • charged lepton family number • baryon number • ….. ? What are we concerned with ? fundamental := “ forming a foundation or basis a principle, law etc. serving as a basis”

  4. Gravitation Gravitation Electro - Electro - Magnetism Magnetism Magnetism Magnetism Maxwell Electricity Electricity ? ? Physics within the Standard Model Glashow, Salam, t'Hooft, Veltman,Weinberg Weak Weak Electro - Weak Electro - Weak Standard Model Standard Model Strong Strong Grand Grant Unification Unification not yet known? not yet known? Fundamental Interactions – Standard Model Physics outside Standard Model Searches for New Physics

  5. ? What are we concerned with ? fundamental := “ forming a foundation or basis a principle, law etc. serving as a basis” Standard Model • 3 Fundamental Forces • ElectromagneticWeak Strong • 12 Fundamental Fermions • Quarks, Leptons • 13 Gauge Bosons • g,W+, W-, Z0, H, 8 Gluons However • many open questions • Why 3 generations ? • Why some 30 Parameters? • Why CP violation ? • Why us? • ….. • Gravitynot included • No Combind Theory of Gravity and Quantum Mechanics

  6. TRImP Low Energies & Precision Measurement High Energies & direct observations Possibilities to Test New Models 

  7. Discrete Symmetries • Parity P • is violated • b-decay • Time Reversal T • Reported violated directly in K-decay • CPT Invariance CPT • No observed violation reported yet, searched for • Strong theorem • Combined Charge Conjugation and Parity CP • K, B mesons • with CPT assumed CP violation implies T violation

  8. P C T matter anti-matter time   time mirror image Time Reversal Violation can be measured at low energies The World according to Escher identical to start start anti-particle particle e+ e- From H.W. Wilschut

  9. Discrete Symmetries At present we have activities in particular to study: • Parity • Parity Nonconservation in Atoms • Nuclear Anapole Moments • Parity Violation in Electron-Scattering • Time Reversal and CP-Violation • Electric Dipole Moments • R and D Coefficients in b-Decay • CPT Invariance

  10. Discrete Symmetries At present we have activities in particular to study: • Parity • Parity Nonconservation in Atoms • Nuclear Anapole Moments • Parity Violation in Electron-Scattering • Time Reversal and CP-Violation • Electric Dipole Moments • R and D Coefficients in b-Decay • CPT Invariance

  11. Discrete Symmetries At present we have activities in particular to study: • Parity • Parity Nonconservation in Atoms • Nuclear Anapole Moments • Parity Violation in Electron-Scattering • Time Reversal and CP-Violation • Electric Dipole Moments • R and D Coefficients in b-Decay • CPT Invariance

  12. What's particular about CP-violation ? Matter – Antimatter Asymmetry MAY be explained by (Sacharov) • Baryon number violation • Thermal non - equilibrium • CP- violation Beware: There are other routes! e.g. Matter – Antimatter Asymmetry MAY be explained by (Kostelecky et al.): • Baryon number violation • CPT - violation

  13. z J is the only vector characterizing a non-degenerate quantum state • magnetic moment: • mx= gmxc-1J • electric dipole moment: • dx= mxc-1J • magneton: • mx= eħ / (2mx) Jz J X 9.7•10-12 e cm (electron) 5.3•10-15 e cm (nucleon) mx c-1 J ={ Fundamental Particles

  14. H= -(d E+µ B) J/J d - electric dipole moment µ- magnetic dipole mom J - Spin Permanent Electric Dipole Moments Violate Discrete Fundamental Symmetries • EDM violates: • Parity • Timereversal • CP- conservation • (if CPT conservation assumed) • Standard Model values are tiny, • hence: • An observedEDM would be • Sign of New Physics • beyond • Standard Theory

  15. } No status in Physics , yet “Not even wrong” Permanent Electric Dipole Moments are predicted by the Standard Model and a plurality of Models Beyond Standard Theory • Strong CP Violation • LeftRight Symmetry • Supersymmetry • Higgs Models • Technicolor • . . . There is no indication whatsoever given by nature, yet, which would justify to prefer any of these possibilities

  16. Schiff Theorem - introduced by Ramsey and Purcell • A neutral system composed of charged objects re-arranges in an external electric field such that the net force on it cancels on average. • This may give rise to • significant shielding of the field at the location of the particle of interest • (strong) enhancement of the EDM effect • “Schiff corrections” need to be looked at very carefully – there is a need for theoretical support

  17. EDM Limits as of summer 2004

  18. Mercury Electron

  19. Neutron Muon

  20. Theoretical work close to Experiment … …and more in Speculative Spheres

  21. EDMs – Where do they come from ?(are they just “painted“ to particles? Why different experiments? ) • electron intrinsic ? • quark intrinsic ? • muon second generation different ? • neutron/ proton from quark EDM ? property of strong interactions ? new interactions ? • deuteron basic nuclear forces CP violating? pion exchange ? • 6Li many body nuclear mechanism ? • heavy nuclei (e.g. Ra, Fr) enhancement by CP-odd nuclear forces, nuclear “shape“ • atoms can have large enhancement, sensitive to electron or nucleus EDMs • molecules large enhancement factors , sensitive to electron EDM • . . .

  22. molecules: 1.610-27 • • 199Hg Radium potential Start TRIP de (SM) < 10-37 Some EDM Experiments compared New 2004 from muon g-2: d (muon) < 2.810-19 after E.Hinds

  23. Origin ofEDMs from C.P. Liu

  24. Origin ofEDMs from C.P. Liu

  25. Origin ofEDMs from C.P. Liu

  26. Origin ofEDMs from C.P. Liu

  27. Origin ofEDMs from C.P. Liu

  28. Origin ofEDMs from C.P. Liu

  29. One may miss something essential by focussing on ONE yellow spot only! Origin ofEDMs from C.P. Liu

  30. A Nucleus is more that the sum of Nucleons • Neutron has EDM of the Nucleon e.g. • Nucleus carries Nucleon EDM plus EDM from CP-odd Nucleon-Nucleon Forces • Nucleus may induce EDM into Atom • screening • dipole operator Schiff operator

  31. < nl | -de(-1)  E | n’(l+1) > < n’ (l+1) | -er | nl > dA= + c.c. Enl – En’(l+1) n’ Enhancement of EDM in Atomic Shell • Heavy Atoms dA/de 10 Z3a2 • Induced Dipol Moment  Polarizability in nucleus as well as atomic shell • Example: Tl ~ -585, Fr ~ 1150, Ra ~ 40.000

  32. Generic EDM Experiment Preparation of “pure“ J state Interaction with E - field Analysis of state hcontains all physics – “e cm” values by themselves not very helpful • mx= eħ/2mx Determination of Ensemble Spin average Polarization Spin Rotation Electric Dipole Moment: d = x c-1 J Spin precession : e dJ hJ Example:d=10-24 e cm, E=100 kV/cm, J=1/2 e 15.2 mHz

  33. Generic EDM Experiment Sensitivity 1 d  Pe t  N T/ t E P Polarization e Efficiency N Number of particles per second T Measurements Time • Spin Coherence Time E Electric Field  Work on • high Polarization , high Field • high Efficiency • long Coherence Time • makes little sense to increase Measurement Time well beyond Coherence Time

  34. Washington Seattle dHg < 2.1 10-28 e cm

  35. New Experimental Approaches • Molecules • strong Enhancement through internal fields • YbF, PbO • Radioactive Atoms • fortunate atomic level scheme in Radium • nuclear enhancement through deformations • Charged particles • novel idea to exploit motional electric fields in storage rings • muon, nuclei, deuteron • Condensed matter • alkali atoms in solid He • neutrons in superfluid He • magnetization in paramagnetic material • liquid Xe • Atoms using novel ideas • Xe with “nuclear maser”

  36. New Experimental Approaches • Molecules • Strong Enhancement through internal fields • YbF, PbO • Radioactive Atoms • Fortunate atomic level scheme in Radium • Nuclear enhancement through nuclear deformations • Charged particles • Novel idea to exploit motional electric fields in storage rings • muon, nuclei, deuteron • Condensed matter • Alkali atoms in solid He • neutrons in superfluid He • magnetization in paramagnetic material

  37. TRImP Radium Permanent Electric Dipole Moment Benefits of Radium • near degeneracy of 3P1 and 3D2 ~40 000 enhancement • some nuclei strongly deformed  nuclear enhancement 50~1000 6 3D : electron spins parallel  electron EDM 1S : electron Spins anti-parallel  atomic / nuclear EDM Ra also interesting for weak interaction effects Anapole moment, weak charge (Dzuba el al., PRA 6, 062509)

  38. from: J. Engel

  39. Ba Ra Next Species Laser Cooling Chart Efficient production of cold atoms: Magneto Optical Trap Other Possibilities: Buffer Gas loading into magnetic trap J. Doyle, Harvard; A. Richter, Konstanz

  40. [A] [A] Similar to Barium  identification as alkaline earth element Radium Spectroscopy Data Radium Discharge analyzed with grating spectrometer Ebbe Rasmussen, Z. Phys, 87, 607 , 1934; Z. Phys, 86, 24, 1933. Resolution ~ 0.05 A, 99 lines, absolute accuracy 1S0-1P1 1S0-3P1 Corrections in deduces energy levels H.N. Russel, Phys. Rev. 46, 989 (1934)

  41. 7s 7p 1P1 Repumping necessary 1*105 s-1 3*105 3*104 s-1 Repumping 7s 6d 1D2 2 1 0 3 4*103 s-1 2 1 7s 6d 3D 2.2*108 s-1 7s 7p 3P Cooling Transition Weaker line, second stage cooling 1.6*106 s-1 1.4*10-1 s-1 7s2 1S0 Trappist’s View Preliminary Transition Rates as calculated by K. Pachucky (also by V. Dzuba et al.)

  42. 7s 7p 1P1 1*105 s-1 3*105 3*104 s-1 7s 6d 1D2 2 1 0 3 4*103 s-1 2 1 7s 6d 3D 2.2*108 s-1 7s 7p 3P 1.6*106 s-1 7s2 1S0 Trappist’s View Preliminary Transition Rates as calculated by K. Pachucky (also by V. Dzuba et al.)

  43. Energy levels calculation 3D-States are lower J. Biron & K. Pachucky (priv. Comm.) 7s 7p 1P1 7s 6d 1D2 2 1 0 3 3 2 2 1 1 7s 6d 3D 7s 6d 3D 2.2*108 s-1 7s 7p 3P 1.6*106 s-1 7s2 1S0 Trappist’s View Consequences for Laser Cooling with 1S0-3P1 Smaller Enhancement of EDM Longer Lifetime of 3D2 in E-Field

  44. 6s 6p 1P1 8.4 nsec 6s 6p 3P 60% 1.4 µsec 1  3 m 553.7 nm 6s 5d 3D 791.3 nm 40% 6s2 1S0 Barium Intercombination line 1S0–3P1 3 2 1 Creation of intense beam of meta-stable D-state atoms

  45. TRImP Magnetic separator D Q Q D Wedge Q Q Q D Q D Production target Q Q Ion catcher (gas-cell or thermal ioniser) AGOR cyclotron RFQ cooler/buncher MOT Low energy beam line Combined Fragment and Recoil Separator MOT

  46. TRImP FirstTRImPTests 15N +205Tl  213Ra + 7n 213Fr Ra Fr x-rays N CTlC Production Test 213Ra fitted x-ray spectra x-ray counts [arb.] extracted Fr x-rays raw data Expected Production Rates ~ 107/s with 1kW primary beam x-ray energy [channels] A. Rogachevsky, H. Wilschut, S. Kopecky, V. Kravchuk, K. Jungmann + AGOR team

  47. Competitors

  48. New Experimental Approaches • Molecules • Strong Enhancement through internal fields • YbF, PbO • Radioactive Atoms • Fortunate atomic level scheme in Radium • Nuclear enhancement through nuclear deformations • Charged particles • Novel idea to exploit motional electric fields in storage rings • muon, nuclei, deuteron • Condensed matter • Alkali atoms in solid He • neutrons in superfluid He • magnetization in paramagnetic material

  49. Why a Muon EDM Experiment ? • The muon magnetic anomaly am and the muon electric dipole moment dm are real and imaginary part of a single complex quantity. • dm = 3*10-22 *(amNP / 3*10-9) * tan fCP e cm a New Physics related muon magnetic anomaly would be related to an EDM through a CP violating phase fCP. • Particular models(L/R symmetry) predict nonlinear mass scaling for lepton EDMs. For muon 5*10-23 e cm possible.

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