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How to access services for children with suspected DD and for their families Community Resources

Ok, so you have a concern(s). What to do/where to refer: child under 3 years of ageWhat to do/where to refer: school-aged child, 3 years and olderWhat to do with a family requiring resources/support . First Steps . Obtain consent!Refer for diagnostic assessment if necessary!Contact and communi

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How to access services for children with suspected DD and for their families Community Resources

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    1. How to access services for children with suspected DD and for their families? Community Resources Melanie Callen, MEd Developmental and Behavioral Pediatrics UCSF/SFGH-MDAC

    2. Ok, so you have a concern(s) What to do/where to refer: child under 3 years of age What to do/where to refer: school-aged child, 3 years and older What to do with a family requiring resources/support

    3. First Steps Obtain consent! Refer for diagnostic assessment if necessary! Contact and communicate with developmental providers and community resources! Document concern and referral! Follow up!

    4. Options for children of all ages Developmental/Behavioral Evaluations: MDAC GGRC SFUSD CPMC

    5. MDAC SFGH

    6. Multi-Disciplinary Assessment Clinic (MDAC) Developmental and Behavioral Evaluations for children: ages 0-5 living in San Francisco, with funding provided by First 5 California ages 6-22 if they live in San Francisco, have Medi-Cal, and are pre-approved by their insurance providers MDAC team: psychologist (1), developmental and behavioral pediatrician (1), care coordinator (1), speech therapist (2), occupational therapist (1), developmental/educational specialist (1), pediatric nurse practitioner (1), administrative assistant (1)

    7. Golden Gate Regional Center GGRC

    8. Golden Gate Regional Center Children 0-3 years of age with suspected delays and Children/Youth with Eligible Conditions: MR/Cognitive-Adaptive Disability and other conditions related to mental retardation Cerebral Palsy Autistic Spectrum Disorders Epilepsy High Risk for a developmental disability due to biomedical risk factors

    9. GGRC New Rules and Regulations Early Start Services- Infants/Toddlers under 24 months: eligible if 33% delay in one of the following areas: cognition, physical/motor development (vision & hearing included), communication, social/emotional development and adaptive development OR 25% delay in 2 areas of development *** Adjusted age is used up to 24 months of age

    10. GGRC New Rules and Regulations Early Start Services for Infants/Toddlers over 24 months of age: Eligible if they exhibit 50% delay in one area of development or a 33% delay in > 2 different areas Fine and Gross Motor = 1 area Expressive and Receptive Language = 1 area

    11. GGRC New Rules and Regulations Prevention Program=? Infant/Toddler with substantial disability risk due to > 2 biomedical risk factors OR Infant/Toddler who is 24-35 months of age and doesnt meet criteria b/c they only have 1 area between 33% and 49% delayed Services include:: evaluation/assessment, case management and referral to genetic resources.

    12. GGRC New Rules and Regulations Once evaluation => child has required % of delay to receive early intervention services the Parent/Guardian is REQUIRED to use insurance (MEDI-CAL included) to find and receive therapeutic services. GGRC is no longer the primary provider of therapy services Chief of Regional Center Services -San Francisco, San Mateo and Corte Madera

    13. How to refer to GGRC? FAX Specific GGRC Referral Form: www.ggrc.org Have Parent/Guardian Call to Follow-up 888-339-3306

    15. Where are service sites? Possible therapeutic service sites: OT and PT SFGH CPMC UCSF Speech San Francisco Hearing and Speech St. Francis CPMC Make Contact with your Patients GGRC Case Manager! (email or call)

    16. San Francisco Unified School District SFUSD

    17. SFUSD Screening and Assessment Services Initial assessment for special education eligibility Psychoeducational testing Speech evaluation OT evaluation Hearing/Vision/Physical and other disability

    18. SFUSD Eligibility: Resident of San Francisco > 3 years of age May be enrolled in private school

    19. SFUSD How to Refer: For preschool 3-5 yrs: contact Special Education Department 355-7735 For kindergarten and older: contact Screening and Assessment Center 695-5500 Parent/Guardian needs to submit: Written letter of request Application form (SFUSD sends to parent, not available on website) 2 proofs of residency (PG&E Bills, Rent) Birth certificate/Vaccination Copy

    20. IEP Process

    21. IEP/Special Education Options Designated Instructional Services (DIS) Resource Support/Specialist Program (RSP) Inclusion Special Day Class (SDC) Transition Program

    22. Kalmanovitz Child Development Center CPMC

    23. CPMC Child Development Center Developmental Assessments including speech, OT/Feeding, neuropsychological testing, etc. Eligibility: Private Insurance, Medi-Cal and Out of Pocket for Neuropsychological evaluations/services Process: parent/guardian call -> intake over the phone -> questionnaire packet sent to home -> appointment is scheduled

    24. Even without a documented or suspected concern for developmental delay or behavioral problem, consider your Patients Risk Factors

    25. Environmental Risk Factors for Developmental Delay & Disorders Examples include: Low SES Homelessness Low maternal education Exposure to violence/trauma Stressful life events: divorce, loss of a job, incarceration, or death Level of familial organization: lack of predictability, structure, and regularity of the home Limited parenting ability Parental substance abuse Toxin exposure: EtOH, Lead Child abuse or neglect Lack of medical insurance More risk factors = greater risk of delay/disability

    26. Where to Refer Families for Resources, Support and Services in San Francisco

    27. Family/Parent Support Resources Families who are homeless or without stable housing: Compass Family Services- Family Resource Center with case management, workshops/parent classes, child play groups. . . 644-0507 X 421 for Intake Coordinator www.compass-sf.org Homeless Prenatal- Drop-in child care, wellness center, immigrant support groups. . . 546-6756 X 350 www.homelessprenatal.org

    28. Family/Parent Support Resources Children with Special Needs: Support for Families of Children with Disabilities- Resource libraries, support groups, educational workshops, links to mental health services, drop in support, volunteer parent mentors, autism groups. . 282-7494 www.supportforfamilies.org

    29. Family/Parent Support Resources Mental Health Services, Counseling, Parent-Child Playgroups, Case Management and Parent Support Groups: Instituto Familiar de la Raza, Inc. 229-0500 www.ifrsf.org Good Samaritan Family Resource Center 401-4253 www.goodsamfrc.org Portola Family Connections 715-6746 www.portolafc.org Mission Family Center 695-6955

    30. Referrals to Daycare/Childcare/Preschool Childrens Council- Resource and referral counselors 343-3300 www.childrenscouncil.org San Francisco Head Start 405-0500 www.sfheadstart.org Whitney Young Child Development Center 821-7550 (Bayview/HP) 355-0210 (Haight) www.whitneyyoungcdc.org

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