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Serving Young Children Experiencing Homelessness Preconference Institute

Serving Young Children Experiencing Homelessness Preconference Institute. National Association for the Education of Homeless Children and Youth 24rd Annual Conference | Albuquerque, New Mexico October 27, 2012. Young Homeless Children: National Numbers and Trends.

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Serving Young Children Experiencing Homelessness Preconference Institute

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  1. Serving Young Children Experiencing HomelessnessPreconference Institute National Association for the Education of Homeless Children and Youth 24rd Annual Conference | Albuquerque, New Mexico October 27, 2012

  2. Young Homeless Children:National Numbers and Trends • In 2008-2009, 52% of all children in HUD homeless shelters were under the age of 6 • Nearly 30,000 homeless children ages 3-5 (not kindergarten) were enrolled in public preschool programs in 2008-2009; this is only 4% of all students identified as homeless by public schools • The number of homeless children served by Head Start nationally increased by 44% between 2007 and 2009

  3. Homeless Children as Percent of Cumulative Enrollment in Head Start and Early Head Start Programs Source: Head Start Program Information Reports 2008-2012

  4. The Reality of Family Homelessness • Lack of structure, routine, stability • Trauma • Loss • Lack of access to food • Lack of health care • Inappropriate living conditions (no play space, overcrowded, unhealthy, over-stimulation or under-stimulation) • Stressed attachments to caregivers • Invisibility

  5. Impacts on Young Children • Higher rates of developmental delays: • Infants who are homeless start life needing special care four times more often than other babies • Homeless toddlers show significantly slower development than other children • Higher rates of chronic and acute health problems • Higher exposure to domestic and other types of violence

  6. Reflection 1 Take a moment to reflect on the impact of homelessness on young children and their families and the relevance of this information to your work. Jot down a phrase or two to record your thoughts.

  7. Homeless Emergency Assistance and Rapid Transition to Housing (HEARTH) Authorizes and amends the McKinney-Vento homeless assistance programs administered by HUD Signed into law May 2009 Regulations have been issued Hearth act: new hud assurances related to CHILDREN

  8. “Project applicants must demonstrate that programs that provide housing or services to families are designating a staff person to ensure that children are enrolled in school and connected to the appropriate services within the community, including early childhood programs such as Head Start, Part C of the Individuals with Disabilities Act, and McKinney-Vento education services” Hearth act: hudassurances related to young children

  9. Getting started…… • Finding out about what’s out there for young children to support their learning • Connecting with colleagues to better address the needs of young homeless children • Work to enroll them in the most high quality early childhood programs you can find!

  10. Early Childhood Landscape:Early Development, Care and Education • Child Care • Individuals with Disabilities Education Act • State Pre-Kindergarten Programs • McKinney-Vento and Preschool • Head Start & Early Head Start • MIECHV Home Visiting

  11. Early Childhood Landscape: Child Care • Federal CCDF block grant that states can supplement • State and local child care funding supplements • States can use federal TANF block grant funds • Designated “state child care administrator” • State administrative rules, e.g., eligibility, priorities • State and some local regulations • CCDF requires coordination of ALL child care through Child Care Resource & Referral Agencies (CCR&R) • CCDF designates set asides for quality initiatives and services for infants and toddlers

  12. Early Childhood Landscape: Child Care • Subsidized Child Care • Publically funded child care centers, networks of family child care homes through contracts and grants to local agencies • Child Care Subsidies, or Vouchers • Used by families to purchase care from licensed and unregulated care providers, including relatives and friends, for the care that best meets their needs • Serve children from infants through school-age • Quality Rating & Improvement Systems (QRIS)

  13. Early Childhood Landscape: IDEA Parts B & C • Federal funds to states under Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) • Part B/619 – Preschool Special Education ages 3-5 • Part C – Infants and Toddlers • Uses McKinney-Vento definition of homeless • Provides for identification, location, evaluation and education of children with disabilities who are experiencing homelessness • Individualized Plan (ISP, IFSP) • Home-based, classroom & consultation models • Goal of mainstreaming

  14. Early Childhood Landscape: State Pre-K Programs • State funding of preschool services for 4-year-olds or for 3- and 4-year-olds • Most states now have some type of state pre-k system • State agencies provide leadership and funding to local school districts • Both school based and community providers • Both targeted and universal designs • State Advisory Councils (under the Head Start Act), Early Childhood Cabinets and integrated state agencies and departments • Local councils and community partnerships

  15. Early Childhood Landscape: McKinney-Vento and Preschool • School district McKinney-Vento liaisons must ensure that families and children have access to Head Start, any public preschool programs administered by the LEA and Even Start if still available • State McKinney-Vento plans must describe procedures that ensure that homeless children have access to public preschool programs • School districts are required to remove barriers to the enrollment of homeless children, including preschool children

  16. Early Childhood Landscape: Head Start • Created under LBJ’s “War on Poverty” ~ 1965  included other programs & initiatives like Job Corps and Community Action Agencies • Intended to achieve 2 primary goals ~ break the cycle of poverty ~ empower low-income families • Specific child goals: ~ social competence ~ school readiness

  17. Early Childhood Landscape: Head Start • 1,600 grantees in the U.S (and U.S. territories) that serve over 900,000 children (age 0 to 5) annually • Direct federal to local funding – does not pass through any state agency • Head Start – preschool aged children ages 3-5 • Vary as to number of three’s and four’s • Early Head Start – pregnant women and children ages birth to 3 years • Reaches about 5% of those eligible

  18. Early Childhood Landscape: Head Start Head Start mandates COMPREHENSIVE SERVICES to children and families - a unique feature of the program • Health Services = health, mental health, dental, nutrition and physical activity; prenatal care • Education and special education/disabilities services • Approximately 20% of children with IEPs served by Head Start • Family services thru Family Partnership Agreement, parent involvement and governance, fatherhood initiatives, etc. • 20-25% of Head Start staff are current or former Head Start parents • Community partnerships

  19. Early Childhood Landscape: Head Start Head Start Program Services: • Full-day/full-year; part day/part year; school day/ school year • Program designs include Center-based, Home-based, and Family Child Care (Home Start) • Combination and Locally Designed Options Head Start Act of 2007 allows programs to explore changing program designs to meet changing needs based on their local community assessment

  20. Early Childhood Landscape: Head Start Enrollment primarily based on federal poverty At least 10% of children must have active IEP/IFSP Additional categorical eligibility: • Families on public assistance (TANF) • Children in foster care • Children who are homeless according to the McKinney-Vento education definition

  21. Head Start: A Perfect Match for Homeless Families • Head Start provides comprehensive services that homeless children may not otherwise receive • The Head Start focus on entire family means parents receive assistance in reaching their goals • Philosophy of community partnerships put Head Start in an excellent position to work with all agencies serving homeless families • Head Start programs are required to identify and prioritize homeless children for enrollment; allow homeless children to enroll while required paperwork is obtained; and coordinate with LEA liaisons and other community agencies

  22. Early Childhood Landscape: MIECHV Home Visiting • New national resource through the federal Affordable Care Act • States must select and implement from among a list of designated evidence-based models • Focused on high risk populations • State advisory bodies and coordinated professional development

  23. Head Start & Early Head Start Child Care IDEA State Pre-Kindergarten Programs Other Early Care and Education Partners Early Care and Education Landscape

  24. ACTIVITY: Early Childhood Development, Care and Education Landscape in Your World Work with someone sitting near you to complete the Early Childhood Development, Care and Education Infrastructure in My State/ Community for either the state or local level If you cannot complete a cell, use the Early Childhood Development, Care and Education Resource List to find a resource for obtaining the name, contact information you need to complete our grid. You will have 5 minutes for this activity.

  25. HEARTH Act: Who is Covered? • The Continuum of Care agencies • Shelter + Care providers • Emergency Solutions Grants • Supportive Housing Project • To find your Continuum of Care, go to www.hudhre.gov

  26. HEARTH: Definition of Homelessness • Families must meet criteria before M-V definition applies: • Do not otherwise qualify • Homeless for 60 days or more • Moved at least 2 Xs in 60 days • Expected to remain homeless • Definition of chronic homelessness includes families where a head of household has a disability.

  27. HEARTH Act: Education42 U.S.C. 11386 et seq. • Providers must • Demonstrate that their policies are consistent with McKinney-Vento and do not restrict the exercise of McKinney-Vento rights. • Designate a staff person to assist homeless children and youth connect with school, early education, special education, etc. • Gov’t agencies which oversee/place families in shelters must • Demonstrate that they are coordinating with local school systems to identify homeless children/youth and inform them about McKinney-Vento. • Consider the educational needs of homeless children, including placing them in shelters close to school of origin to reduce travel.

  28. How can providers meet the HEARTH education requirements? • Assess education needs at intake • Inform families of education rights and options • Assist discussion regarding school selection • Connect families with schools/education programs • Advocate for enrollment and access to services • Collaborate with school districts around provision of supportive services • Monitor attendance and achievement • Ensure shelter policies do not create barriers to education • Discuss education as part of exit planning

  29. Head Start • No new policy updates • Coordinate with Head Start programs to better identify homeless families and provide services

  30. IDEA- Part B- Child Find • Evaluations must be completed within 60 days from parent’s request • If family changes LEAs during evaluation period the same 60 day time frame applies to new LEA • Assessments must be coordinated between former LEA and receiving LEA • When homeless child has IEP and enters new LEA, the IEP must be implemented • If it is a new state, the IEP must be implemented while the school conducts its evaluation.

  31. IDEA Part C: Final Regulations • New federal regulations published, in September 2011 • Homeless children are explicitly included throughout the regulations • Homeless family shelters added as a primary referral source • 2 day referral time frame extended to 7 days • States can opt for screening process to determine if there is suspected disability • At screening level must give parents notice that they have right to request an evaluation

  32. IDEA Part C: Final Regulations • Evaluation determines a child’s initial and continuing eligibility • Assessment determines the child’s unique strengths and needs and the intervention services appropriate • Enhanced due process option: lead agency may establish procedure allowing aggrieved party at due process hearing to request reconsideration • Copies of evaluations, assessments and IFSPs must be provided to parents at no cost

  33. Child Care Subsidy • New federal legislation introduced on Aug. 1! “Improving Access to Child Care for Homeless Families Act of 2012” • Prioritize homeless children for access to care • Immediate enrollment w/o all documents • Ensures co-payments are not barrier • Lead agency must coordinate w/ M-V school liaison and other community providers • Go to www.naehcy.org to the legislative update section for sample letter to U.S. Senator

  34. Reflection 2 Take a moment to reflect on existing and potential resources in your community. What do you need to learn about them so that you can work together to support young children and families? Jot down a phrase or two to record your thoughts.

  35. Barriers to Early Childhood Programsfor Families Experiencing Homelessness • Lack of awareness: Head Start programs may not know the definition of homelessness, MV liaisons may not be “fluent” in early childhood systems, HUD providers may not know “lay of the land” of ECE • Lack available slots for all eligible children, especially infants and toddlers, including those who are homeless • Lack of capacity for McKinney-Vento liaisons and Head Start programs to do outreach and targeted assistance • High mobility • Lack of transportation • Lack of documentation for enrollment

  36. Removing Barriers:Strategies for Awareness and Identification • Head Start programs/school districts can incorporate questions on housing status on applications • McKinney-Vento liaisons can inquire about young siblings of school-age children • Homeless service providers can document ages of all children at intake, and make referrals to Head Start, ECEAP, and other ECE programs

  37. Removing Barriers:Strategies for Awareness and Identification • Early childhood programs can include information on how to recognize homelessness in staff development/trainings/in-services • Shelters can make sure that young children are assessed for developmental delays • New HUD contacts can be trained in assessment programs (Ages and Stages, Early Intervention programs, and Special Education Child Find) that provide indicators of potential developmental delays

  38. Removing Barriers:Strategies for Identification and Responding to Mobility • Obtain parental consent for release of information from providers or liaison in order to share information between agencies, and obtain new addresses and continue to provide services when families move • In anticipation of mobility, develop joint procedures to expedite services and provide continuous services for highly mobile children.

  39. Removing Barriers:Strategies to Expedite Access • Liaisons and homeless service staff can provide Head Start applications to identified families and help them fill them out • Expedite records by working together; e.g. liaisons can get immunization records, etc. for young siblings of school-age children • Develop joint or streamlined procedures and forms (e.g. housing intake forms)

  40. Putting it All Together:Strategies for Collaboration Head Start & ECEAP Programs could adopt a number of strategies to reach homeless families: • Develop relationship with K-12 Homeless Liaison for referrals • Assign staff member to be the liaison with local homeless shelters/service providers • Training for family advocates to continue identifying homeless families throughout the year as circumstances change • Presentations and visits to (and from) homeless shelters and advocacy groups about services available • Create connections with food banks, churches, health department, and housing groups in the community

  41. Putting it All Together:Strategies for Funding Comprehensive Services

  42. Reaching Children Where They Are: Using Federal Funding to Support Comprehensive Services in Child Care Christine Johnson-Staub Senior Policy Analyst Hannah Matthews Director Child Care and Early Education May 1, 2012

  43. Why Comprehensive Services? Programs showing lasting benefits of high quality early education focused on whole child and included comprehensive services. Increased attention to school readiness, child outcomes, return on investment. Increased poverty has increased need for comprehensive services.

  44. What Do We Mean By Comprehensive Services? Connection and access to preventive health care services, such as assistance in connecting to medical homes, preventive dental screenings, and tracking of vaccination and medical screening records; Support for emotional, social and cognitive development, including screening to identify developmental delays, mental health concerns, and other conditions that may warrant early intervention, mental health services, or educational interventions; Family leadership and support, including parent leadership development, parenting support, abuse prevention strategies, and connecting families to needed social services.

  45. Why Financing and Funding Partnerships? • Child Care and Early Education Funding is Insufficient • Head Start serves 40% of eligible preschoolers and fewer than 3% of eligible infants and toddlers. • CCDBG serves 17% of eligible children and states do not pay rates higher enough to support comprehensive services. • Emphasis on effective and efficient use of funds. • States, localities exploring ways to coordinate service delivery sectors and funding streams

  46. Early Childhood System Components Child SafeEnvironments

  47. CLASP’s Financing Work • CLASP studies federal funding streams and how they can best support quality early childhood programs and services. • Forthcoming guide to using federal funding streams to finance comprehensive services in child care and early education settings. • Guide to funding streams, related policies, allowable uses. • State and local examples. • Step by step advice for exploring financing strategies.

  48. Financing Guide Focuses on the Following Funding Streams Maternal and Child Health – Title V Early Childhood Comprehensive Systems Home Visiting – Evidence Based and MIECHV Child Abuse Prevention and Treatment Act Medicaid Elementary and Secondary Education -Title I SAMHSA (Project LAUNCH) CDBG

  49. What Can A Partnership With Child Care Look Like? Funding direct services in a child care setting Funding coordination of services that take place either inside or outside of the setting Training child care staff to provide services Funding materials and supplies to provide services

  50. Contact Information Charting Progress for Babies in Child Care Christine Johnson-Staub cjohnsonstaub@clasp.org 202-906-8005 Hannah Matthews hmatthews@clasp.org 202-906-8006 www.clasp.org/childcare

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