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1 st Semester Review

1 st Semester Review. What is significant about the year 1776?. Signing of Declaration of Independence Which symbolized Revolution from a tyrannical king and broke a social contract with England . What major event during the Revolution was Thomas Jefferson absent from?.

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1 st Semester Review

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  1. 1st Semester Review

  2. What is significant about the year 1776? • Signing of Declaration of Independence • Which symbolized Revolution from a tyrannical king and broke a social contract with England.

  3. What major event during the Revolution was Thomas Jefferson absent from? • Participating in the Constitutional Convention. • He was serving in France

  4. What best describes George Washington’s role in the American revolution? • Provided effective military leadership in order to defeat England.

  5. In which Amendment is this quote found?“He has deprived us, in many cases, of the benefits of trial by jury.” • 7th Amendment

  6. What best summarizes the problem with the Articles of Confederation? • No ability to regulate trade or create a tax base for the national government.

  7. Describe inalienable rights? • Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. • Rights every human has at birth!

  8. The major importance of 1787 is what? • Constitution is written • The development of a new government replacing a weak one.

  9. How did the English Bill of Rights and Magna Carta influence the U.S. Constitution? • Freedom of Speech • Trial by Jury • No taxation without representation

  10. How can you best summarize the 1st Amendment? • Protects a persons 5 basic freedoms

  11. How can you best explain the 13th, 14th and 15th Amendments? • Rights and protections given to African Americans after the Civil War.

  12. Summarize the impact the Great Plains had on the Old West. • Many people migrated west but had to spread out settlement due to location of water resources.

  13. What are four effects on the physical environment due to population growth? • Reduction of natural resources • Pollution • Reduction of unused and underdeveloped land • Disease

  14. Explain how barbed wire, the steel plow, and the windmill impact the settlement of the Great Plains. • Allowed people to better produce crops

  15. Define the term “American Frontier” • The constantly moving area where pioneer settlement ended

  16. What reasons led to increased immigration in the late 1800’s • Political and Social unrest in foreign lands • Desire to make more money • Religious persecution • Desire to be free

  17. Define Americanization • Learning and acceptance of the dominant culture of the U.S.

  18. What did the Dawes Act do? • The U.S. Governments attempt to divide native American land & force them to live an “American way of life”

  19. What are three factors that contributed to the fall of the Plains Indians? • Lack of organization between tribes. • Dwindling number of Buffalo • Outnumbered by U.S. Troops

  20. What impacts did the Railroad have on the Old West? • Boom in the cattle industry. • Increase in immigrant expansion westward causing the spread of multiple cultures

  21. Which innovation had the largest impact on the development of the U.S.? • Electric power

  22. What are characteristics of political machines. • Did favors in exchange for votes. • They would control candidates they helped get elected • Elected officials would exchange jobs for $

  23. Social Darwinism is the belief that… ? • Companies left alone by the government will allow the strongest to survive.

  24. Technological influences during the 19th century lead to these three things? • Businesses diversified and expanded to serve more people. • Expansion of transportation to ship goods more quickly • Rapid expansion of Monopolies

  25. What impacts did monopolies have on the lives of the American Worker. • Higher prices of goods • Lower wages (pay)

  26. What desires led to the formation of the labor unions in the early 20th century? • Desire for better wages • Safer factories • Lower the work day to 8 hours

  27. How did Muckrackers help create social and political reforms? • By writing stories and taking pictures that brought attention to the condition of the poor.

  28. What did 3rd party politics offer society in the 19th century. • 3rd parties gave people more choices

  29. The Pendleton Act and Civil Service reform sought to accomplish what? • Require a person to pass a test in order to get a job

  30. What did the assembly line do for the American automobile? • It led to mass production of cars which lowered costs and increased sales which changed how people lived

  31. What major problems led to initiative, referendum and recall. • A corrupt and isolated government that only allowed legislatures the opportunity to introduce and pass laws. • Did not allow ordinary citizens to have a say.

  32. What was the major problem with the population of the cities in the mid 1880’s? • The cities were full of lawless men and criminals.

  33. The Meat Inspection Act and the Pure Food and Drug Act reforms came directly from what? Big companies and trusts that disregarded health and safety and created horrible working conditions.

  34. During the late 19th century Jacob Riis often wrote about what? • His sympathy and concern for terrible living conditions of America’s poor.

  35. 1898 is significant why? • It was the beginning of U.S. Imperialism.

  36. The years of 1914 – 1918 are significant because? • The United States emerged as a World Power after WWI.

  37. The Panama Canal was built during who’s Presidency. • Roosevelt

  38. What are the 4 long range causes of WWI • Militarism • Alliance system • Imperialism • Nationalism

  39. Immediate causes for the U.S. to enter WWI included. • Germany’s unrestricted warfare and their attempt to arrange an alliance with Mexico known as the Zimmerman note

  40. What did Roosevelt mean by “speak softly but carry a big stick”. • America should use the military in order to protect its interest around the world.

  41. Taft’s Dollar Diplomacy effects included • Loaning money in order to have influence over Latin America

  42. Battle of Argonne Forest is significant because • Turned WWI around for the Allies because they defeated the Germans for the first time.

  43. Wilson’s 14 points sought to do what? • World peace forever

  44. Political Boundaries that changed after WWI included • Germany was reduced • Poland was created • Czechoslovakia was created • Austria-Hungary were split up

  45. The Treaty of Versailles that ended WWI led to what? • Fragile peace throughout Europe that eventually led to WWII.

  46. Nations that were created from the Austria-Hungary Empire after WWI. • Czechoslovakia • Austria • Hungary • Yugoslavia

  47. A major reason for the changes in geographical boundaries after WWI was. • The Allies (winners) of WWI feared large European Empires

  48. What is the purpose of the constitutional principal of separation of powers • The federal government is divided into 3 branches that each have specific duties

  49. What is an example of governmental checks and balances? • President can veto a law made by congress. • Congress must pass a law then the president signs it.

  50. What is the purpose of checks and balances? • Prevents one branch of federal government from becoming too powerful

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