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WMO CG-XVI (Doc 3.7), May 20, 2011

Developing a Space-based Architecture for Climate Monitoring Lars Peter Riishojgaard, Chair, OPAG-IOS. WMO CG-XVI (Doc 3.7), May 20, 2011. Develop a Space-Based Architecture for Climate Monitoring.

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WMO CG-XVI (Doc 3.7), May 20, 2011

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  1. Developing a Space-based Architecture for Climate MonitoringLars Peter Riishojgaard, Chair, OPAG-IOS WMO CG-XVI (Doc 3.7), May 20, 2011

  2. Develop a Space-Based Architecture for Climate Monitoring • WMO Executive Council (EC-LXII) requested WMO Space Programme to initiate development of Architecture for sustained, space-based climate monitoring, in coordination with GCOS with involvement of relevant TC’s, Space Agencies, CEOS, CGMS, GEO for consideration by Congress • CBS Ext.(10) welcomed draft outline and agreed that architecture should enhance and be modelled after the end-to-end system implemented for weather • Responding to a CGMS request, Workshop on Architecture and Continuity Requirements for Climate Monitoring, Geneva, Jan 13-14, 2011, co-sponsored by WMO and GCOS

  3. Items discussed at January 2011 Climate Architecture Workshop • Implementation Approach • Focus on ECVs (Essential Climate Variables) that are: • Observable from space • At risk; i.e. variables for which measurements are not (adequately) provided by operational weather missions • What contingency planning steps are needed to ensure continuity of these ECVs? • What would a failure response look like? • Architecture Implications • Implications for an overall architecture and component functions • Sustainability – R2O transitions represent a risk for continuity • How could a new R&O paradigm mitigate these risks and ensure • sustainability?

  4. Workshop Outcome • Agreement that Strategy to develop Climate Architecture was needed • Writing group identified to draft strategy for developing the architecture (due August 31, 2011) • Representation from CEOS, CGMS, and WMO Secretariat • Chair: Mark Dowell, EC • Initial Review group will include representation from GEO GCOS, WCRP • Subsequent review opportunity for the broader community

  5. Space-based Architecture for Climate at WMO Cg-XVI • Side event on May 18 • Presentations from EUMETSAT, NOAA/NESDIS, CMA/NSMC, and Architecture Writing Team • Broad support from attendees • CM-11 on High Level Policy on Satellite Matters on May 20 • Very strong support for current development track expressed from space agencies • Congress is requested to approve draft resolution 3.7/1 • Decide to further develop Architecture

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