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Spectrum Options and Policies

Spectrum Options and Policies. Aryeh B. Fishman Associate General Counsel, Regulatory Legal Affairs 2014 Utility Spectrum Access Meeting Southern Company, Atlanta, GA September 9, 2014. The Spectrum Gap. A Strategy to close the gap. Raising awareness of utility spectrum needs.

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Spectrum Options and Policies

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  1. Spectrum Options and Policies Aryeh B. FishmanAssociate General Counsel, Regulatory Legal Affairs2014 Utility Spectrum Access MeetingSouthern Company, Atlanta, GASeptember 9, 2014

  2. The Spectrum Gap

  3. A Strategy to close the gap

  4. Raising awareness of utility spectrum needs

  5. Demonstrate vital role of electric power industry • Link industry to national priorities • Highlight EVs, M2M communications that support efficiency and environmental goals • Tie industry to business continuity interests: • Emphasize: utility communications are key to maintaining and restoring power

  6. Demonstrate Critical Interests In Modernized Grid • Reliable operations over large service territories • A modern grid that is part of the “internet of things” • Demonstrate industry investments in grid modernization, and emphasize $16 billion/year to improve communications and security • The digital economy, including data centers • Integration of renewables and distributed generation

  7. Define Problems and Solutions • Establish that utilities face increasing difficulty in securing sufficient spectrum access • IP transition and termination of services • Demonstrate that utility spectrum deficit will slow nation’s progress to greater energy independence, energy efficiency and environmental goals • Establish that identifying a national band for utility networks would speed up smart grid deployment that supports national objectives

  8. Options for a National Utility Spectrum Plan • 10 MHz of spectrum is needed to meet utility demands • Some options: • Dedicated or shared spectrum • Expanded Spectrum sharing • Unlicensed spectrum • Reductions or limits on technical restrictions

  9. Industry’s “Asks” • Utilities need spectrum in 1 or 2 separate bands in frequency range below 1 GHz: • 1st potential “ask” is sharing 406-420 MHz with Federal agencies • 2nd potential “ask” is separate slightly higher band below 1 GHz for urban areas • 3rd potential “ask” would be options in the 700 MHz and 900 MHz land mobile bands

  10. Call to Action • What is the best way to use this white paper to raise awareness among industry and policy makers?

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