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Comprehensive Design Review

Comprehensive Design Review. Team Vibraid March 2014. Vibraid. Michael Balanov (Mike) EE. Spyridon Baltsavias (Spiros) EE. Reona Otsuka (Leo) EE . Andrew Woo (Andy) EE. Previous Block Diagram. 4. 4. 8. 4. 4. 4. variable resistance. variable resistance. s witch signal.

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Comprehensive Design Review

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Comprehensive Design Review Team Vibraid March 2014

  2. Vibraid Michael Balanov (Mike) EE SpyridonBaltsavias (Spiros) EE Reona Otsuka (Leo) EE Andrew Woo (Andy) EE

  3. Previous Block Diagram 4 4 8 4 4 4 variable resistance variable resistance switch signal

  4. Revised Block Diagram 4 4 4 4 4 4 variable resistance variable resistance switch signal

  5. Demo Outline 4 way directionality amplitude comparison Microphone inputs, processing and output functioning correctly. Filter not yet integrated but functional

  6. FPR Goal - Revised Requirements • How to meet spec? • Amplitude comparison algorithm modifications • Time delay estimation between input sound signals

  7. Determining Time delay Use cross-correlation of pair of signals Find argmax, corresponding to delay (in samples) between signals

  8. FPR Goal - Revised Requirements • Sampling frequency? • 10kHz ADC on Arduino • 4 inputs -> 10k/4 = 2.5kHz each • 1.25kHz maximum signal • Important sound frequencies • Baby cry: 300 – 440 Hz • Car Horn: 400 – 500 Hz • Alarms and sirens: 1 - 3 kHz

  9. FPR Goal - Revised Requirements

  10. Q&A

  11. CDR Deliverables • Goal: Demonstrate 4-way detection and vibration directionality • Correct quadrant determination • Meet range, frequency specs • Implement working user interface • Prototype filter • Implement levels of motor activation • Portable power supply

  12. Pros and Cons of Design • Pros • Intuitive polar representation • Horizontal orientation • Adjustable • Cons • User may need to tuck in their shirt • Hand/clothing obstruction

  13. Sprectrum of potential sound sources Baby cry: 300 – 440 Hz Car Horn: 400 – 500 Hz Alarms and sirens: 1 - 3 kHz https://www.google.com/search?q=frequency+range+of+alarams&oq=frequency+range+of+alarams&aqs=chrome..69i57.5644j0j1&sourceid=chrome&espv=210&es_sm=122&ie=UTF-8#q=frequency+range+of+alarms http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vehicle_horn http://www.livescience.com/38298-cry-analyzer-could-indicate-babies-health.html

  14. D d

  15. Gantt chart

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