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TKR trigger simulation (timing study)

TKR trigger simulation (timing study). M. N. Mazziotta (LAT-TD-01128). Udine, January 30-31, 2003. Aim of this work. Requirements for the hardware design: Trigger delay to latch the discriminator output Trigger efficiency vs threshold and coincidence window

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TKR trigger simulation (timing study)

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  1. TKR trigger simulation (timing study) M. N. Mazziotta (LAT-TD-01128) Udine, January 30-31, 2003

  2. Aim of this work • Requirements for the hardware design: • Trigger delay to latch the discriminator output • Trigger efficiency vs threshold and coincidence window • Hit capture efficiency vs delay and threshold • Applications: • Detector acceptance calculation • GRB time detection • 3. ....

  3. Simulation code • GEANT 3.21: geometric description and tracking • 4 middle trays (4 x-z layers and 4 y-z layers) • HEED: Si energy loss and e-h pairs production • Front end electronics simulation (transfer function) • Induced current calculation (Ramo’s Theorem)

  4. Timing studies Voltage Vth TOT T1 T2 time The threshold value has been set at a fraction of Vmip.

  5. Trigger timing Trigger: 6-fold coincidence of the first 3 x-z and 3 y-z fired planes Coincidence window = 1 s (one shot) Tc (time coincidence) = the last T1 of the triggered planes Tf(trigger falling edge) = the first T2 of the triggered planes Time coincidence width = Tf-Tc

  6. Trigger timing T1 T2 T1 T2 T1 T2 Tc Tf

  7. Timing studies: 1 GeV muons Strip signals: Vth=1/4Vmip

  8. Timing studies: 1 GeV muons Plane signals: OR of the strips in the plane

  9. Timing studies: 1 GeV Plane signals: OR of the strips in the plane Two peaks!

  10. Trigger timing:1 GeV muons

  11. Trigger timing: 1 GeV

  12. Hit capture efficiency T2-Tc = time interval when the strip signal is over the threshold (respect to the trigger time Tc). Td = time interval between the trigger and the hit capture time (delay) The hit is “captured” if Td < T2-Tc The efficiency as a function of Td is evaluated from the cumulative distribution of T2-Tc 1 GeV muons have been simulated at zenith angles 0º, 10º,20º,30º,40º and uniformly distributed in azimuth

  13. Hit capture efficiency:  1 GeV Trig to TKR Tc

  14. Hit capture efficiency:  1 GeV =40°, =0° Trig to TKR Tc

  15. Hit capture efficiency:  1 GeV =0°: threshold scanning Trig to TKR Tc

  16. Hit capture efficiency:  1 GeV =40º:threshold scanning Trig to TKR Tc

  17. Future plans GLEAM DIGIT (fired strips, ToT per layer) GLAST DIGI HIT (rin, rout, E) Timing analysis L1T TkrTrig

  18. Preliminary results (2 GeV , =0°) Plane signals: OR of the strips in the plane

  19. Preliminary results (2 GeV , =0°)

  20. Preliminary results (2 GeV , =0°) Trig to TKR

  21. Conclusions • A trigger timing study has been performed on a mini TKR tower consisting of 4 middle trays • The trigger hit capture efficiency has been also evaluated To evaluate the trigger efficiency a simulation on the whole TKR system is needed: GLEAM era! (people: M.N.M., M. B., F. L., F. G., N. G.)

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