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A buy guest posts Success Story You'll Never Believe

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A buy guest posts Success Story You'll Never Believe

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  1. Appium is free-ware open source tool for automation of native, mobile and mobile-web application on iOS and Android platform. Appium is cross-platform that allows to automation of multiple platforms using the same libraries. Single automation test code can be used between across platforms for execution. ™ In this topic, we will understand the procedure and configuration setup required to parallel execution with Appium . Appium Setup configuration for Parallel Execution With Parallel execution, we need to work on two repositories simultaneously. Parallel execution with 2 devices, we need to create 2 instances of Appium server: We need to create 2 repositories i.e. one for Android and one of iOS. We need to make sure that some of the values in terms of the configuration of Appium can be different. Installation/Configuration Pre - Requisites: 7. For Running iOS : 8. All the Pre-required set up should be done 9. Android Studio with required API's should be installed Useful Commands: Parallel Testing Set-Up: Procedure: First Instance Procedure: Second Instance 5. Provide the command with a different address, port, callback Port, and Bootstrap Port as below command: node Appium.js -a -p 3456 -cp 3456 -bp 4567 6. Second instance is created with URL : 0.0.2:3456/wd/hub 7. Now both the command prompts are running different instances of Appium server. 8. Now call to start the sync services from the repositories for respective platforms 9. Same way call actors from the respective repositories. 10. The number of an instance of Appium server will increase with an increase in devices connected in parallel. Post Set Up:

  2. You may like to watcha Video on: Content marketing is the most powerful way to reach your potential customers. As having a different platforms are there, contents also created for such audience type as well. There is no one fits for all platforms & kinds of audience. You always need to create content concerning the particular platform and audience it has. Writing content is not limited to website only, every social media having unique demands and audience base. To get the most out of the media marketing efforts, the content has to be customized as per the platforms. Everyl media have a different algorithm compare to a website, so better for content writers to create content accordingly. Every media demands highly creative and graphical rather just a descriptive text. so here you have to deliver your message with minimum word usage. Also, there will be a graphical content need to craft your marketing message. Here sharing things to consider while writing for any social media, things that help to craft your content message properly and present in a more effective way: Personalization message When you write for the business, your content has to speak your brand. As you have a unique brand, better to craft your message matches your theme. Especially when you write for social media, creativity should be your priority. Writing a creative message help you stand out from your competition and also make your message more recognizable for long. Understand the Platform first Diverse social media platform demands various content types. On Facebook, you can share images, text and video content, while Instagram only let you post images and a short video. Whereas twitter gives you limit to craft your message within 140 characters only with images. Like the platforms, like audience you better to create customizable one. Understand your target audience To create a customizable media content you also need to understand who your target audience is. Target audience is the same as you target the right keywords for your blog posts. With the right audience and keyword, you can create content that presents the message well. It's a social platforms so better to write that relevant to the audience's interest. Consistent content creation The success of social media marketing is also depending on how active you stay there. To promote your brand out there and to create a buzz, you need to create and deliver regular content on social media. Staying active on every media also put you in the audience's connection and making an effective brand image. Regular posting keep check here your audience engage with you and also improve the brand reputation. Be social with audience Social media is all about connections. Sole posting content there is not enough, the business has to stay connected with them. These mediums are the best source of getting your business and product reviewed. here you can ask direct questions to your audience and perform market research. Being social with an audience makes a positive impression of your business and adds a brand loyalty.

  3. Creative contents Social platforms are the creative medias, demands creative contents. You should be ready to create graphics that present your message creatively. A creative posts appealing the mass and improving the engagements in terms of likes, shares, and commenting. As a social media content creator, you have to place your audience first. Indeed you write for business, but the audience is the one who takes action. So better to write with concern to their interest. As competition is high and customers have many options, as content creators you need to create messages creatively that your competitors don't.

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