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Pop Fizzers!!

Pop Fizzers!!. By: Kylee Cornelius. Problem. Have you ever wondered is caffeine effects how much pop fizzes?. Hypothesis. I think that caffeine will effect how much pop fizzes because caffeine makes you hyper and I bet it will make the pop hyper. Materials. Measuring cups Stop watch

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Pop Fizzers!!

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Pop Fizzers!! By: Kylee Cornelius

  2. Problem • Have you ever wondered is caffeine effects how much pop fizzes?

  3. Hypothesis • I think that caffeine will effect how much pop fizzes because caffeine makes you hyper and I bet it will make the pop hyper.

  4. Materials • Measuring cups • Stop watch • Mt.Dew • Pepsi • Dr.Pepper • Coke • Sprite • Strawberry Crush • Orange Crush • Grape Crush

  5. Procedure • 1. Gather Materials • 2. Clear off large surface • 3. Shake the first pop for 30 seconds • 4. Let pop fizz in a plastic bowl • 5. Measure the pop that fizzed out • 6. Record data • 7. Do the same with the other pops

  6. Major Observations • I saw that the lighter the pop the more the pop fizzed. The darker the less it fizzed.

  7. Results • Caffeine does effect how much it fizzes. Caffeine makes it fizz more.

  8. Conclusion • The caffeine did make the pop fizz more, but not by much. My hypothesis was right caffeine does effect how much pop fizzes.

  9. Possible Applications • This may apply to life so you know not to shake the caffeine because it will fizz all over.

  10. Possible Causes of Error • An error maybe was that I shook some of the pops different.

  11. Time Spent • It took me about 45 minutes to shake the pops and measure and to clean up. It didn’t take as long as I thought it would.

  12. Bibliography • "Caffeine Content of Drinks - How Much Caffeine in Coffee, Soft Drinks, Tea - Amount of Caffeine." Wilstar - Discover the History of Holidays, Good Eating Habits, Games, Puzzles, and Music. Web. 25 Jan. 2011. <http://wilstar.com/caffeine.htm>. • "Caffeine." Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia. Web. 25 Jan. 2011. <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Caffeine>. Caffeine Withdrawl." Desperition. N.p., n.d. Web. 16 Dec. 2010. <www.medicinenet.com/caffeine/article.htm>.

  13. Acknowledgements

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