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Systematic Growth in Advanced Clusters

Systematic Growth in Advanced Clusters. October 2004. D. C. B. A. Bahá’í cluster population. Intensive Growth. Section 2.4 Building Momentum. 2.1. Section 2.3. Section 2.2. X. Building capacity for growth. Proceeding Through a Sequence of Courses.

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Systematic Growth in Advanced Clusters

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  1. Systematic Growth in Advanced Clusters October 2004

  2. D C B A Bahá’í cluster population Intensive Growth Section 2.4 Building Momentum 2.1 Section 2.3 Section 2.2 X

  3. Building capacity for growth Proceeding Through a Sequence of Courses Walking Together on a Path of Service Study circles multiply Individual and collective teaching efforts increase such as firesides and teaching teams Teaching the Faith Sharing stories of the history of the Faith increases The Twin Manifestations Teaching Children’s Classes Children’s classes multiply Deepening activities and home visits increase Arising to Serve Reflections on the Life of the Spirit Devotional meetings increase

  4. D C B A Bahá’í cluster population Bahá’í cluster population Intensive Growth Section 2.4 Building Momentum 2.1 Section 2.3 Section 2.2 X

  5. Community building Training D C B A Bahá’í cluster population Bahá’í cluster population Bahá’í cluster population Intensive teaching Intensive Growth Section 2.4 Building Momentum 2.1 Section 2.3 Section 2.2 X

  6. Bahá’í cluster population Bahá’í cluster population Cycle of Growth Community building Training Once this pattern is established, it is possible to act systematically to increase its effectiveness. Intensive teaching

  7. Bahá’í cluster population Cycle of Growth Community building Training Suppose you want to build up the pattern of activity to achieve 50 new believers in a year 50 new believers Intensive teaching

  8. Bahá’í cluster population Cycle of Growth Community building Training To achieve this level of growth, what will you do to intensify teaching activities? Receptive populations Intensified individual teaching Teaching teams Teaching projects 50 new believers Intensive teaching = 600 individuals taught

  9. 300 Non-Bahá’í participants Bahá’í cluster population Cycle of Growth Community building Training As you teach this number, how many seekers would be added to your “community of interest?” Receptive populations Intensified individual teaching Teaching teams Teaching projects 50 new believers Intensive teaching = 600 individuals taught

  10. 0 Non-Bahá’í participants Bahá’í cluster population Cycle of Growth Community building Training Study circles: 20 Children’s classes: 20 Devotional meetings: 20 300 To engage this number of seekers, how many core activities will you need to establish? Receptive populations Intensified individual teaching Teaching teams Teaching projects 50 new believers Intensive teaching = 600 individuals taught

  11. Book 7 50 150 - 200 Book 1 300 Non-Bahá’í participants Bahá’í cluster population Cycle of Growth Community building Training Study circles: 20 Children’s classes: 20 Devotional meetings: 20 To establish this number of core activities, how many people will have to complete the institute courses? Receptive populations Intensified individual teaching Teaching teams Teaching projects 50 new believers Intensive teaching = 600 individuals taught

  12. Book 7 50 150 - 200 Book 1 300 Non-Bahá’í participants Bahá’í cluster population Cycle of Growth Community building Training Study circles: 20 Children’s classes: 20 Devotional meetings: 20 These numbers are all estimates. Experience in your cluster will enable you to devise more realistic numerical projections. Receptive populations Intensified individual teaching Teaching teams Teaching projects 50 new believers Intensive teaching = 600 individuals taught

  13. 4153-2533596091195 Study circles: 19 Children’s classes: 35 Devotional meetings: 29 +/- 300 Non-Bahá’í participants Receptive populations Intensified individual teaching Teaching teams Teaching projects Bahá’í cluster population 191 new believers +/- 300 191 1195 609 359 253 53 41 19 35 29 Battambang, Cambodia 2002 * Includes all ages

  14. 4779-3014316701325 Study circles: 24 Children’s classes: 44 Devotional meetings: 38 +/- 1000 Non-Bahá’í participants Receptive populations Intensified individual teaching Teaching teams Teaching projects Bahá’í cluster population 661 new believers +/- 1000 661 1325 670 431 301 79 47 24 44 38 Battambang, Cambodia 2003 * Includes all ages +/- 300 191 1195 609 359 253 53 41 19 35 29

  15. 279402-68083513352086 Study circles: 33 Children’s classes: 42 Devotional meetings:300 +/- 1500 Non-Bahá’í participants Receptive populations Intensified individual teaching Teaching teams Teaching projects Bahá’í cluster population 1156 new believers +/- 1500 1156 2086 1335 835 680 402 279 33 42 300 Battambang, Cambodia 2004 * Includes all ages +/- 300 191 1195 609 359 253 53 41 19 35 29 +/- 1000 661 1325 670 431 301 79 47 24 44 38

  16. 1716-83042121 Study circles: 17 Children’s classes: 3 Devotional meetings: 8 +/- 50 Non-Bahá’í participants Bahá’í cluster population 7 new believers +/- 50 7 121 42 30 8 16 17 17 3 8 Broward County, Florida, USA 2002 B cluster

  17. 1921-143266145 Study circles: 27 Children’s classes: 5 Devotional meetings: 13 +/- 150 Non-Bahá’í participants Bahá’í cluster population 14 new believers +/- 150 14 145 66 32 14 21 19 27 5 13 Broward County, Florida, USA 2003 B cluster +/- 50 7 121 42 30 8 16 17 17 3 8

  18. 4944-5573163212 Study circles: 40 Children’s classes: 12 Devotional meetings: 20 +/- 250 Non-Bahá’í participants Receptive populations Intensified individual teaching Teaching teams Teaching projects Bahá’í cluster population 46 new believers +/- 250 46 212 163 73 55 44 49 40 12 20 Broward County, Florida, USA 2004 A cluster +/- 50 7 121 42 30 8 16 17 17 3 8 +/- 150 14 145 66 32 14 21 19 27 5 13

  19. ??????? Study circles: ? Children’s classes: ? Devotional meetings:? ? Non-Bahá’í participants Receptive populations Intensified individual teaching Teaching teams Teaching projects Bahá’í cluster population ? new believers ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Your Cluster

  20. D C B A X Bahá’í cluster population Intensive Growth What are the current challenges? • Are there a sufficient number of tutors? • Is the training effective? • Are the friends being encouraged to enlist in the institute courses? • What is the appropriate balance between study circles and centralized courses?

  21. D C B A X Bahá’í cluster population Intensive Growth What are the current challenges? • How can intensive training be organized? • Are core activities being multiplied? • How do we increase the participation of non-Bahá’ís in the core activities? • How do we achieve some initial increase in growth?

  22. D C B A X Bahá’í cluster population Intensive Growth What are the current challenges? • What previous experience do we have in effective teaching? • How do we effectively teach interested participants of the core activities? • Do we invite seekers to become Bahá’ís? • How do we reach receptive populations? • Can we form teaching teams?

  23. Institute Area Teaching Committee Strengthening Assemblies Tutors Teaching projects Home visits and deepening Junior youth Multiply devotional meetings Host reflection meetings Children’s class teachers • Gather statistics Cluster Administration Institute cluster coordinator Secretary or cluster facilitator

  24. Cycle 1 An Intensive Program of Growth An intensive program of growth can begin with a cycle of collective activities that may last for a period of three, four, or six months. These activities will unfold in a series of phases where the primary focus is directed toward planning, expansion, or consolidation. 2 weeks 3 months

  25. Cycle 1 An Intensive Program of Growth Planning phase The planning phase involves reflection and consultations among the institutions working in the cluster. Institutional consultations 2 weeks 3 months

  26. Cycle 1 An Intensive Program of Growth Cluster reflection meeting Planning phase The results of these consultations are presented in a plan at the cluster reflection meeting for further discussion and mobilization of individuals. Institutional consultations 2 weeks 3 months

  27. Cycle 1 An Intensive Program of Growth The expansion phase involves a period of intensive teaching activity through concerted individual efforts and/or a collective project that enlists new believers and increases the number of interested people in core activities. Expansion phase community of interest 400 700 # of believers 300 350 Planning phase Institutional consultations Cluster reflection meeting Teaching teams, fireside campaigns, or teaching project to expand community of interest and enroll new believers 2 weeks 3 months

  28. Cycle 1 An Intensive Program of Growth In the consolidation phase teaching continues, but the primary focus shifts to integrating seekers and new believers into core activities and conducting home visits. community of interest 400 700 # of believers 300 350 Consolidation phase 15 DM 20 Devotional meetings Children’s classes 6 CC 20 Junior youth groups 3 8 JYG Study circles 8 SC 20 Home visits 2 12 HV Planning phase Institutional consultations Cluster reflection meeting Expansion phase Teaching teams, fireside campaigns, or teaching project to expand community of interest and enroll new believers 2 weeks 3 months

  29. Cycle 1 An Intensive Program of Growth community of interest 400 700 # of believers 300 350 15 DM 20 Devotional meetings Children’s classes 6 CC 20 Junior youth groups 3 8 JYG Study circles 8 SC 20 Home visits 2 12 HV Planning phase After the first program cycle comes to an end, a new cycle can follow immediately. The activities carried out during the next cycle are designed based on the learning from experience in the previous cycle. Institutional consultations Cluster reflection meeting Expansion phase Teaching teams, fireside campaigns, or teaching project to expand community of interest and enroll new believers Consolidation phase These numbers are all estimates. Experience in your cluster will enable you to devise more realistic numerical projections. 2 weeks 3 months

  30. Cycle 1 Cycle 2 An Intensive Program of Growth community of interest community of interest 400 700 700 1,100 # of believers # of believers 300 350 350 425 20 DM 30 15 DM 20 20 CC 22 6 CC 20 8 JYG 13 3 8 JYG 20 SC 30 8 SC 20 2 12 HV 12 HV 15 3 months 2 weeks Planning phase Institutional consultations Cluster reflection meeting Expansion phase Teaching teams, fireside campaigns, or teaching project to expand community of interest and enroll new believers Consolidation phase Devotional meetings Children’s classes Junior youth groups Study circles Home visits 2 weeks 3 months

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