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Y and EN

Y and EN. Y. Y helps avoid repetition of places and locations. Y is a pronoun that can be used to replace the names of places that start with prepositions ( à , dans , en and chez ).

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Y and EN

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Y and EN

  2. Y • Y helps avoid repetition of places and locations. • Y is a pronoun that can be used to replace the names of places that start with prepositions (à, dans, en and chez). • Y is placed BEFOREthe conjugated verbOR, if there is both a conjugated and an infinitive (unconjugated) verb putYdirectly in front ofthe infinitive.

  3. Example before aconjugated verb • Where would Y go in order to respond correctly? • What in the answer would be replaced by Y? • Before nages • Replaces à laplage. • Oui, j’ y nage Lundi. Lundi, tu nages à la piscine?

  4. Example before an infinitive verb Est-ce que tu aimes aller au café avec tes amis? • Where would Y go in order to respond correctly? • What in the answer would be replaced by Y? • Before aller • Replaces au café. • Oui, J’ aime y aller avec mes amis.

  5. EN • EN means some (of it/them)-any • EN replaces du, de la, de l’ and des + a noun, nouns following a # or nouns following an expression of quantity. • EN is placed before the conjugated verbOR if there is both a conjugated and an infinitive verb putENbefore the infinitive (unconjugated verb) if there is one.

  6. Example before an infinitive verb • Where could en go in this sentence??? • What could en replace??? • Before manger! • Replaces deuxcroques-monsieurs • Jacques veut enmanger. Jacques veut manger deux croques-monsieurs.

  7. Example before aconjugated verb • Where does en go in this sentence??? • What does it replace in this sentence??? • Before achète • Replaces des cerises. • Camille en achète. Camille achète des cerises.

  8. Example before a conjugated Passé Composé verb • Where does en go in this sentence??? • What does it replace in this sentence??? • Before a achète • Replaces des cerises. • Camille ena achète. Camille a achète des cerises.

  9. Aurevoir!

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