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VALUING EMPLOYMENT NOW. 4 th March 2010 Susan Underhill. The Strategy. Valuing Employment Now was launched in June 2009 It is a cross government strategy to radically increase the numbers of people with learning disabilities into employment by 2025.

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  1. VALUING EMPLOYMENT NOW 4th March 2010 Susan Underhill

  2. The Strategy • Valuing Employment Now was launched in June 2009 • It is a cross government strategy to radically increase the numbers of people with learning disabilities into employment by 2025. • Focus on people with moderate to severe learning disabilities.

  3. Understanding the Need for Change • For non-disabled people of working age employment levels arecurrently at more than 80% • " For disabled people employment levels are at 47% (up from 38%a decade ago – Valuing People Now: Three Year Strategy2009) • " For people with learning disabilities employment levels, for paidwork, remain disappointingly low. Less than 10% known toservices, and of these only half are in employment as defined bythe DWP. • 65% of people with learning disabilities would like to have a job

  4. Overarching Principles of the Strategy • If real disability equality is to be achieved work needs no longer to be seen as optional. The default must be that everyone will have the chance to get a job. • Work means real jobs in the open market that are paid at the prevailing wage or – Self Employment • As many people as possible working at least 16 hours per week because this is the point at which they are better off. • People with profound and complex disabilities should not be excluded from the world of work. • Delivering change will need strong leadership at all levels.

  5. Economic and Financial Realities • No new funding. The emphasis is on making better use of existing funding for adults with learning disabilities • More effective use of existing resources including education, adult learning and employment support. • Local authorities will be encouraged to refocus spend on adult day services to supported employment and review and align provision under their new learning funding responsibilities.

  6. Valuing Employment Now –What needs to happen? • Changing attitudes • Growing the presumption of employability from an early age • Joint Working for individual employment paths • Close partnership working and aligning of funding streams • Better work preparation at school and college • Foundation Learning, better work experience opportunities • The role of Personal budgets and social care • Personal budgets can and should be used to support adults with learning disabilities into work • Increasing high quality job coaching

  7. The Delivery Plan • At national level a Cross-Government Delivery Team will report to the Minister for Disabled People and the Minister for Care Services as well as the national cross-government Learning Disability Programme Board. • At regional level Deputy Regional Directors for Social Care and regional Valuing People Leads will coordinate delivery and support local areas. • At local level Learning Disability Partnership Boards will include progress on this strategy as part of their annual reports London Skills and Employment Board

  8. Valuing Employment Now - What’s Happening Now? • Getting a Life programme • Running in 10 Local Authority Areas • Project Search • Access to Work • New Work Choice programme • Foundation Learning • Local Authority Commissioning for 19 -25

  9. Valuing Employment Now –Discussion What are the challenges to delivering Valuing Employment Now? • How can we raise expectations? • How can we provide better and more effective work experience? • How can a partnership approach increase opportunities for sustainable paid employment?

  10. Valuing Employment Now –Discussion • What are the challenges to delivering Valuing Employment Now? • How can we raise expectations? • How can we provide meaningful work experience • How can a partnership approach increase opportunities for sustainable paid employment?

  11. Find out more The following websites will give you more information on some of the projects and programmes outlined in this programme: Valuing Employment Now - Strategy http://www.dh.gov.uk/en/Publicationsandstatistics/Publications/PublicationsPolicyAndGuidance/DH_101401 Valuing Employment Now – Delivery Plan http://www.officefordisability.gov.uk/docs/wor/pro/ven-delivery.pdf Real Roles website http://www.realroles.co.uk/ Project Search http://www.officefordisability.gov.uk/working/project-search.php Getting a Life http://www.gettingalife.org.uk/ Foundation for People with Learning Disabilities http://www.learningdisabilities.org.uk/

  12. Susan Underhill JH Consulting 0791 808 8194 Susan.underhill@jhconsulting.org

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