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A Compass for Citrus Canker Complexity

Linda Weinland Peter Woodruff Margaret Waterman Ethel Stanley* *consultant. A Compass for Citrus Canker Complexity. Family Trees.

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A Compass for Citrus Canker Complexity

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  1. Linda Weinland Peter Woodruff Margaret Waterman Ethel Stanley* *consultant A Compass for Citrus Canker Complexity

  2. Family Trees Carlos Silva sipped his morning coffee in the shade of the orange and grapefruit trees in the yard. He had planted one at the birth of each of his children. As he read the paper, Carlos was startled by the full-color map on the front page. His eyes moved quickly to the center of the map where he found his own home to be outside a yellow zone north of US 41 and east of NW 87th Ave.

  3. Yellow areas are 1900 ft canker zones. If your citrus tree is located in one of the yellow map areas it will likely be cut down by the state citrus-canker fighters. Ref: Miami Herald, July 26, 2001 http://www.citruscanker.com/canker0726map.gif

  4. Family Trees With a sigh of relief, Carlos looked down at the grapefruit he was peeling and wondered if the spots on it were a problem.

  5. Dade County

  6. http://www.nass.usda.gov/fl/gif/cprd0001.gif

  7. http://www.imok.ufl.edu/plant/docs/canker_indian_river_2002.pdfhttp://www.imok.ufl.edu/plant/docs/canker_indian_river_2002.pdf

  8. http://doacs.state.fl.us/canker/images/canker-by-year.jpg

  9. http://www.imok.ufl.edu/plant/docs/canker_indian_river_2002.pdfhttp://www.imok.ufl.edu/plant/docs/canker_indian_river_2002.pdf

  10. http://www.imok.ufl.edu/plant/docs/canker_indian_river_2002.pdfhttp://www.imok.ufl.edu/plant/docs/canker_indian_river_2002.pdf

  11. http://www.edrinc.com/edr-hurricane.jpg

  12. http://www.escambia-emergency.com/images/hcanemap.jpg

  13. http://www.fema.gov/nwz99/images/hurr0819.gif

  14. CA AZ TX FL

  15. http://www.met.fsu.edu/explores/Tropical/atl2.htm l

  16. Models and Simulations • Epidemiology • Resistan • Biology Workbench • Precision Farming • Fireblight • Web-HIPRE

  17. A Complex Business • Doreena Fiello wiped her sweaty face as she planted the last orange tree in the grove. With pride she looked up at the new sign. There was so much to think about, and no profits for several years. Fiello Orchards Organic Citrus Established 2002

  18. Susceptibility of several citrus varieties and rootstocks to Xachttp://doacs.state.fl.us/~pi/enpp/pathology/ckhost.html

  19. U.S. Orange Juice Imports

  20. U.S. Citrus Juice Exports

  21. Orange Production : 1991-2001

  22. OrangeProduction – including 2002 projection • Notice the dip in 1999 • Why?

  23. Was it a hurricane in1998?

  24. Web-HIPRE Hierachical Preference Analysis (www.hipre.hut.fi)

  25. A Complex Business Doreena noticed some small moths flying among the trees. She caught one and stuffed it into a baggie to bring to the extension agent. If it was a citrus leaf miner they would have to take action, and soon.

  26. Citrus Leaf Miner Larva damage http://primera.tamu.edu/citrus_entomology.htm moth

  27. Citrus Leafminer Distribution http://plant.cdfa.ca.gov/biocontrol/insects/citruspests/clm-in-citrus-may6-02.pdf

  28. CLM damage • Citrus Leaf Miner (CLM) feeds on new growth, defoliates when severe • Most destructive to trees less than 4 years old, since they produce new growth throughout season • Older trees new growth mainly in spring • Detection by “scouting” • CLM cannot withstand high, dry heat (CA)

  29. http://www.imok.ufl.edu/plant/docs/canker_indian_river_2002.pdfhttp://www.imok.ufl.edu/plant/docs/canker_indian_river_2002.pdf

  30. Parasite, and its Egg on Citrus Leaf Miner Larva http://primera.tamu.edu/citrus_leafminer_parasites.htm

  31. http://www.imok.ufl.edu/plant/docs/canker_indian_river_2002.pdfhttp://www.imok.ufl.edu/plant/docs/canker_indian_river_2002.pdf

  32. http://www.imok.ufl.edu/plant/docs/canker_indian_river_2002.pdfhttp://www.imok.ufl.edu/plant/docs/canker_indian_river_2002.pdf

  33. http://www.imok.ufl.edu/plant/docs/canker_indian_river_2002.pdfhttp://www.imok.ufl.edu/plant/docs/canker_indian_river_2002.pdf

  34. As the seat belt sign turned off again, Lynn opened her laptop. She allowed herself one drink to offset her nervousness about the long flight and the ONSA meeting later that day. As the flight attendant poured her screwdriver, her eyes caught the juice can label: "Contains orange juice from the U.S.A., Brazil and Mexico." Without some agreement at her meeting in Sao Paulo, she expected that next year the label might not include “the U.S.A.” Up in the Air

  35. A faster and smaller Brasilian TIGR

  36. Xanthomonas axonopodis pathovars, HrpX gene, partial cds unrooted tree!

  37. Phage genome map

  38. http://cancer.lbi.ic.unicamp.br/xanthomonas/citri/Maps/M2/1.1.htmlhttp://cancer.lbi.ic.unicamp.br/xanthomonas/citri/Maps/M2/1.1.html

  39. Genetic control agent Potential use of Aptamers binding to pathogenicity protein PthA (D.W. Gabriel, IFAS)

  40. Oranges Cut one, the lace of acid Rushes out, spills over your hands. You lick them, manners don’t come into it. Orange– the first word you have heard that day – enters your mind… - Mary Oliver, 2002

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