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MODIS Land Product Quality Assessment

MODIS Land Product Quality Assessment. Sadashiva Devadiga 610.2/614.5 Branch Meeting March 1, 2011. MODIS Land Product Quality Assessment. Introduction Satellite Product Performance Sources of Error MODIS Land QA MODIS Land Organization MODIS Land Product Interdependency

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MODIS Land Product Quality Assessment

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  1. MODIS Land Product Quality Assessment Sadashiva Devadiga 610.2/614.5 Branch MeetingMarch 1, 2011

  2. MODIS Land Product Quality Assessment • Introduction • Satellite Product Performance • Sources of Error • MODIS Land QA • MODIS Land Organization • MODIS Land Product Interdependency • MODIS Land QA Components and Role • LDOPE QA Activities • QA Sampling • Dissemination of QA results • Algorithm Testing and Evaluation • QA Tools • Summary

  3. IntroductionSatellite Product Performance • The research & application usages of satellite data derived products put a high priority on providing statements concerning product performance • The correct interpretation of scientific information from global, long term series of remote-sensing products requires the ability to discriminate between product artifacts and changes in the Earth physical processes being monitored. • For example, is it global warming or sensor calibration decay ?

  4. IntroductionSatellite Product Performance • But the reality is that although every attempt is made to ensure that products are generated without error, it is generally neither desirable nor practical to delay distribution until products are proven error-free or until known errors have been removed by product reprocessing • errors may be introduced at any time during the life of the instrument and may not be identified for a considerable period • the user community plays an important, although informal, role in assessing product performance

  5. IntroductionSatellite Product Performance • Product performance information is provided by • Validation: Quantify product accuracy by comparison with “truth/reference data” distributed over a range of representative conditions • Quality Assessment: Evaluate product scientific quality with respect to intended performance • both are integral activities in the production of science quality products. • Product performance information is required by • users to consider products in their appropriate scientific context • the science team to identify products that are performing poorly so that improvements may be implemented

  6. IntroductionProduct Performance: Quality Assessment • Evaluate product scientific quality with respect to intended performance. • Performed by examination of products, usually without inter-comparison with other data. • A routine near-operational activity. • Results are stored in the product as per-pixel flags and metadata at the product file level (written in the production code and retrospectively). • The QA process is the first step in problem resolution, may lead to • update of production codes • science algorithms • to rectify issues identified through QA. • Users should check QA results when ordering and using products to ensure that the products have been generated without error or artifacts.

  7. IntroductionProduct Performance: Validation • Quantify product accuracy over a range of representative conditions • Performed by comparison of product samples with independently derived data that include field measurements and remote sensing products with established uncertainties • Typically periodic/episodic activities e.g., field validation campaigns • Results published in the literature and on web sites ~years after product generation. • Results define the “error bar” for the entire product collection and are not intended to capture artifacts and issues that may reduce the accuracy of individual product granules. • Users should consider validation results with respect to the accuracy requirements of their applications.

  8. IntroductionSources of Error • Errors may be introduced by numerous, sometimes interrelated, causes that include : • instrument errors • incomplete transmission of instrument and ephemeris data from the satellite to ground stations • incomplete instrument characterization and calibration knowledge • geolocation uncertainties • use of inaccurate ancillary data sets • software coding errors • software configuration failures (whereby interdependent products are made with mismatched data formats or scientific content) • algorithm sensitivity to surface, atmospheric and remote sensing variations • errors introduced by the production, archival and distribution processes

  9. IntroductionExample of Products with Error Data loss in granule 21:40 on day 2011035 due to FOT Contact Error Striping in LSR product from the Mirror Side Polarization Difference in band 3 of Terra MODIS MODIS data affected by Partial Solar Eclipse on Jan 04, 2011 Gridded LSR from 2008213.h09v05. shows geolocation error – resulting from a maneuver which was later waived – too late LST – dependency on latitude, traced to the Cloud Mask which is an input to LST algorithm Stripes of Fire in granule 08:30, day 2005068 Band 21 was degraded, Error in the new emissive LUT used by the L1B

  10. MODIS Land Product Quality AssessmentMODIS Land QA – Land Team Organization • The MODLAND Science Teams and Science Computing Facilities are distributed across the United States. • The Science Teams are responsible for developing the science algorithms and processing software used to produce one or more of the MODLAND products • The processing software are run in a dedicated production environment • the MODIS Adaptive Processing System (MODAPS) located at NASA Goddard Space Flight Center (GSFC) • The standard MODLAND products generated by the MODAPS are archived at MODAPS (LAADS) and sent to Distributed Active Archive Centers (DAACs) for • product archival • product distribution to the user community

  11. MODIS Land QAMODIS Land Products • Energy Balance Product Suite • Surface Reflectance • Land Surface Temperature, Emmisivity • BRDF/Albedo • Snow/Sea-ice Cover • Vegetation Parameters Suite • Vegetation Indices • LAI/FPAR • GPP/NPP • Land Cover/Land Use Suite • Land Cover/Vegetation Dynamics • Vegetation Continuous Fields • Vegetation Cover Change • Fire and Burned Area

  12. Input Data Calibrated Radiance Geolocation Fields Cloud Mask Aerosol Precipitable Water DAO Data Previous Period’s BRDF/Albedo Land Surface Temp./Emissivity Land Cover L2/L2G Products Snow/Sea-Ice Cover Surface Reflectance Fire Land Surface Temp./Emissivity Grid Pointer Data Grid Angular Data Previous L3/L4 Products L3/L4 Products Snow/Sea-ice Cover Surface Reflectance Land Surface Temp./Emissivity Fire and Burned Areas Vegetation Indexes BRDF/Albedo LAI/FPAR GPP/NPP Land Cover and Vegetation Dynamics Vegetation Cover Change and Continuous Fields Evaporation MODIS Land QALand Product Interdependency

  13. MODIS Land QAQA Roles • The Science Team are responsible for performing QA of their products, but it is time consuming, complex and difficult to manage. • large number of products • large data volume • dependencies that exist between products • different QA procedures applicable to different products • communication overhead within science team • The Land Data Operational Product Evaluation (LDOPE) facility was formed to support the ST and to provide a coordination mechanism for MODLAND’s QA activities • The MODAPS processing and DAAC archival staff are responsible for ensuring the non-scientific quality of the products, they ensure that: • production codes are correctly configured • products are made using the correct input data • products are not corrupted in the production, transfer, archival, or retrieval processes.

  14. MODIS Land QAQA Components • Code • automatic QA documented as per pixel QA flags and as QA metadata • MODAPS/DAAC • non-science production, archive and distribution QA (by operators) • SCF • selective science QA (by science team), communicated to LDOPE • LDOPE • routine and coordinated science QA (by science team representatives) • testing & dependencies • MODLAND QA services – on LDOPE web site • Global & Golden tile Browse, Animations, Time series • Science Quality Flag & Science Quality Flag Explanation • Known issues • Competent User Feedback • DAAC User Services • User’s contacting the MODIS Science Team & LDOPE

  15. MODIS Land QAData and QA Flow • All QA issues are reported to LDOPE for initial investigation • LDOPE does QA of all products, mostly generic QA, works with SCFs on science specific QA • SCFs perform QA of selected products and is responsible for scientific QA of their product. Data QA

  16. LDOPE QA Activities (1/2) • Routine Operational QA of Land Products • Sample data granules by examination of global browses, golden tile browses, animations and time series for product quality problems. • Where inspections indicate low product quality or anomalous behavior, the relevant product granules are subjected to more detailed assessment • Adhoc QA in response to anticipated or reported events or issues • Investigate issues reported by data users, DAACs, and Science Teams • Investigate possible product issues in response to satellite maneuvers, instrument problem, MCST actions (LUT updates) and other reported data problems such as change or missing ancillary etc.

  17. LDOPE QA Activities (2/2) • Disseminate QA Results • All results posted on the QA web page • Known product issues are posted on the QA know issue page. Issues are categorized as “Pending, Closed, or Note” and are updated to reflect the current production status. • Document the Product Quality i.e. update Science Quality Flag and Explanation • Work with Science Team to resolve the issues. • Test and evaluate algorithm updates • Suggest algorithm updates to resolve known issues • Understand algorithm updates and identify the science tests • Do an independent evaluation of the test results and report the evaluation to science teams. • Develop, distribute and maintain QA tools • Maintain QA tools required for data analysis • Identify and implement new QA tools for use at the QA facility and for use by the science team • Tools can be generic and product specific

  18. LDOPE QA ActivitiesQA Sampling – Global Browses • Land PGEs generate coarse spatial resolution version of the products (5km) using appropriate aggregation schemes. • Selected data sets from the coarse resolution products are projected into a global coordinate system and displayed on the MODIS Land QA web page • The browse images are generated in JPEG/GIFF format with fixed contrast stretching and color LUTs to enable consistent temporal comparison. • The web interface supports interactive selection of browse products and zooming and panning at 5km resolution. • MODIS Land Global Browse Web Page http://landweb.nascom.nasa.gov/cgi-bin/browse/browse.cgi

  19. LDOPE QA ActivitiesQA Sampling - Animation • Animations provide another effective way to illustrate the MODIS Land product functioning and to assess the product quality. • LDOPE generates yearly animations of the n-day global browses at coarser resolution and regional animation of product browses for individual continents at higher resolution. • Animation of Global Browses http://landweb.nascom.nasa.gov/animation/ • Animation using Google Earth http://landweb.nascom.nasa.gov/gEarth/

  20. LDOPE QA ActivitiesQA Sampling – Golden Tiles • LDOPE monitors product quality by examining the full resolution browses of the gridded products at fixed geographical locations of size 10 deg x 10 deg known as golden tiles. • Golden tile browses are posted from the recent 32-days of production. • Animation of these browses enable quick review of the products from these locations. • Golden Tile Browses and animations on the web http://landweb.nascom.nasa.gov/cgi-bin/goldt/goldtBrowse.cgi

  21. LDOPE QA ActivitiesQA Sampling – Product Time Series • In many cases, issues that affect product performance are seen only through examination of long-term product series • Time series of summary statistics are derived from all the gridded (L2G, L3, L4) MODLAND products at the Golden Tiles. • Summary statistics include mean, standard deviation and number of observations. • Only good quality observations are used to compute the statistics. • Statistics are computed separately for each biome, land cover and for predetermined sites of 3kmx3km size. • Product time series analyses capture changes in the instrument characteristics and calibration, algorithm sensitivity to surface (e.g., vegetation phenology), atmospheric (e.g., aerosol loading) and remote sensing (e.g., sun-surface-sensor geometry) conditions that change temporally and enable comparison between reprocessed products and between different years • Golden Tile Time Series on the QA web page http://landweb.nascom.nasa.gov/cgi-bin/tsplots/genOption.cgi

  22. LDOPE QA ActivitiesDissemination of QA Results • Informal QA results • Product issues posted on a public web site with examples, algorithm version and occurrence information. The issues are labeled as either Pending, Closed or Note. • Known Product Issue on the web http://landweb.nascom.nasa.gov/cgi-bin/QA_WWW/newPage.cgi?fileName=terra_issues • Science QA metadata also posted on the web site • Product Quality Documentation on the web • http://landweb.nascom.nasa.gov/cgi-bin/QA_WWW/qaFlagPage.cgi?sat=terra&ver=C5

  23. LDOPE QA ActivitiesAlgorithm Testing and Evaluation • Product Collections and Collection Reprocessing • The MODLAND products has been reprocessed several times (C1, C3, C4, and C5). • Reprocessing involves applying the latest available version of the science algorithm to the MODIS instrument data and using the best available calibration and geolocation information. • A collection numbering scheme is used to differentiate between different reprocessing runs. • The collection number is apparent in the product filename e.g. MCD12Q2.A2006001.h20v08.005.2009309204143.hdf • All major algorithm updates are proposed, implemented, tested and evaluated before the collection reprocessing. • Only minor updates to algorithm are accepted within a collection reprocessing • Under rare circumstances another reprocessing of selected products within a collection are approved (e.g. C4.1 LST, C5.1 Atmosphere).

  24. LDOPE QA ActivitiesAlgorithm Testing and Evaluation LDOPE works with the science teams in planning of the science tests and evaluation of the test results. Science team code development and SCF testing • Integrate the code into MODAPS production environment • Code unit test • Update file specification and production rules Integration • Run code in MODAPS • globally • multiple days • Science team and QA group evaluate • extent of the algorithm change • impact on downstream products Science Test Product ChangeApproval MODAPS Production

  25. LDOPE QA ActivitiesAlgorithm Testing and Evaluation • LDOPE maintains a Science Test web page containing following information • Algorithm change • Test plan and status • Evaluation Result • LDOPE’s C5 Land Science Test Web Page http://landweb.nascom.nasa.gov/cgi-bin/QA_WWW/newPage.cgi?fileName=sciTestMenu_C5 • LDOPE’s C6 Land Science Test Web Page http://landweb.nascom.nasa.gov/cgi-bin/QA_WWW/newPage.cgi?fileName=sciTestMenu_C6

  26. LDOPE QA ActivitiesQA Tools • LDOPE develops and maintains a set of tools for use in QA of the MODIS land products and other related input products • Generic Tools: Applicable to most of the products • Product specific: Applicable to only a small subset of products. Mostly developed by individual science teams. • Tools are developed in C and compiled and tested for Linux/Irix/PC • Tools have uniform syntax/command line format • Tools can be easily scripted for batch processing • Processes HDF4 files and generates HDF4 output • Tools are transparent to MODIS/VIIRS/AVHRR data • ENVI-based GUI interface has been developed to run most of the tools within ENVI • A subset of generic LDOPE QA tools are distributed to public by the LP DAAC

  27. LDOPE QA ActivitiesQA Tools • QA based Masking of MODIS 8-day LSR to filter cloud clear land with low/average aerosol: Uses pixel level QA for masking MOD09A1.A2000305.h20v10.005.2006330041025.hdf RGB composite of Surface Reflectance Bands 1, 3, and 4

  28. LDOPE QA ActivitiesQA Tools • Making Coarse Resolution Products • by subsample by majority class MOD09A1.A2000305.h20v10.005.2006330041025.hdf RGB composite of Surface Reflectance Bands 1, 3, and 4 MOD12Q1.A2001001.h20v11.004.2004358134406.hdf False color image of Land Cover Water Open shrub lands Crop lands Broadleaf forest, mixed forest, Savanna Deciduous needle leaf forest grassland

  29. LDOPE QA ActivitiesQA Tools • Simple SDS arithmetic: the tool internally reads and handles fill values LST_Day_1km LST_Night_1km LST_Day_1km – LST_Night_1km MOD11A2.A2001065.h20v10.005.2007002071908.hdf < 0 0 – 2 K 2 – 6 K > 6 K Not computed

  30. LDOPE QA ActivitiesQA Tools • Unpack QA Bits: Transparent to all products in HDF4

  31. Summary • LDOPE was introduced as a centralized QA facility supporting the MODIS Land Science Team in the Assessment of the Land Data Products • Perform routine and coordinated QA of all MODIS land products. • Work with science teams to resolve quality related problems in products and suggest algorithm updates • Test and evaluate algorithm improvements. • Currently LDOPE also supports QA of land products from the VIIRS land algorithms and AVHRR reprocessing for generation of Long Term Data Records. • LDOPE works within the Land PEATE to evaluate performance of VIIRS Land algorithms and suggest improvements to algorithms • Production and evaluation of LTDR (Long Term Data Records) series by reprocessing of the AVHRR data.

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