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http://davemale.typepad.com/churchunplugged/. www.centreforpioneerlearning.org.uk. www.grovebooks.co.uk. Pioneering Leadership Developing new frontiers of the Kingdom. Question for discussion?. Why did you come today? What are you hoping to get out of today?. 2004 30,000 copies sold

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  1. http://davemale.typepad.com/churchunplugged/ www.centreforpioneerlearning.org.uk

  2. www.grovebooks.co.uk

  3. Pioneering Leadership Developing new frontiers of the Kingdom

  4. Question for discussion? Why did you come today? What are you hoping to get out of today?

  5. 2004 30,000 copies sold Unanimous approval at General Synod Discussed and implemented in Dioceses Influence in UK Ecumenical Worldwide influence

  6. A fresh expression is a form of church for our changing culture established primarily for the benefit of people who are not yet members of any church.

  7. Recent research in the UK. Across 10 CofE Dioceses in England……….. On average 10% of church attendance 15% of church communities. In 7 out of 10 dioceses it reversed the decline in church attendance 20 different models of FX & across socio-economic groups. Starting team 3-12 people. Average size 44. 52% leaders lay ( 2/3 female) 77% people outside church, 44% unchurched, 33% dechurched 1,500 Methodist FXs www.churcharmy.org.uk/fxcresearch

  8. The Mixed Economy

  9. both-and continue to grow and develop the church as it is establish fresh expressions of church

  10. Question for discussion? How does the reality of the mixed economy impact your work practically both positively and negatively?

  11. A missional re-engagement with society

  12. ‘ the church is missionary by it’s very nature……. the church does not have a mission but the mission has a church.’ Prophetic Dialogue. Bevans and Scroeder

  13. “ we understood mission one way and organised life to accomplish it. We have awakened to find out the mission moved on us. To keep focusing on mission, we have to turn the furniture around and face a different direction. We may even have to move into another room.” Loren Mead. The Once and Future Church

  14. A re-imagination of what church is (and could become)

  15. “how to manage the crossover from what we do to what God does…..with the sacramental life flowing through as a sign and channel of God’s action. We might need to sit light to a lot of the externals, to break the mould and concentrate on what sort of environment allows God the space to be God,actively and transformingly.”

  16. “ the theological doctrine of the church cannot be simply expressed in abstract terms about the churches timeless nature. It will have to provide points of departure for reforming the church, for giving it a more authentic form. Faithfulness and the fresh start are not antitheses in the history of the Spirit.” Jurgen Moltmann, The Church in the Power of the Spirit

  17. ‘not leaving the tradition but driving to it’s heart’ Gerald Arbuckle, Refounding the Church

  18. Church as four sets of relationships. up of out in Moynagh, Church for Every Context p 106.

  19. A re-orientation towards whole life discipleship.

  20. “If not part of a mutually discipling community the culture will disciple you.” Graham Cray

  21. How we see God • How we see ourselves and others • How we see our community • How we see creation and society

  22. Self identity Who am I? How do I identify myself as a pioneering leader? Who does the church/ my church think I am?

  23. I am not in the office at the moment. Send any work to be translated.

  24. An important qualifications

  25. This is not solo pioneering leadership

  26. ‘ Pioneering gifts are widely distributed in the team and beyond , and the pioneer leader is to help create a context where these gifts can be exercised.’ Mike Moynagh

  27. Pioneering teams ‘ one of the great myths of entrepreneurship has been thenotion if the leader as a lone hero… The reality is that successful entrepreneurs either built teams about them or were part of a team throughout.’ Thomas Cooney, What is an Entrepreneurial Team

  28. Imaginative Team

  29. Innovators • Bridge builders • Persuaders

  30. Values of the team • creativity • open system • risk • contextual • prototypes • serve

  31. Questions for discussion? • Who do you have with you in this ? (Your team) Who might you need to join you? How will this happen?

  32. The practices required

  33. Prayer Love Relate Create Prayer

  34. What kind of practices are required? Prayer and listening. Making or developing relationships outside the church 3. Developing new communities 4. Articulating and explaining faith 5. Creating organic worship 6. Linking up with like minded people 7. Enabling new leaders

  35. Learn from the spider

  36. Find a suitable starting point

  37. Bridge the gap

  38. Create an anchor point

  39. Questions for discussion? • Where do you think your church is in this process?

  40. Visible

  41. Communal

  42. Purposeful

  43. Four enduring features? • Dissatisfied • Not grumbler but wanting change for the better • Visionary • Looks beyond what is to what could be • Hopeful • Change is possible and this inspires others • Risk takers • Acts on convictions and out of comfort zones Stuart Murray: Ch 7 Planting Churches: who?

  44. “Creativity is no more than looking at the same thing as everyone else and thinking somethingdifferent.” Albert Szent-Gyorgi

  45. ‘There can be no constructive change at all, even in church, unless there is some form of dissent. By dissent I mean simply the proposing of alternatives…. and a system that is not continuously examining alternatives is not likely to evolve creatively.’ Gerald Arbuckle, Refounding the Church

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