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Sun, Moon and the Earth

Chapters 21 & 17 – Solar/Lunar Eclipses and the Seasons. Sun, Moon and the Earth. Forms a system Moon revolves around the Earth Earth revolves around the Sun Earth and the Moon travel around the Sun together. Earth and the Moon. Earth and the Moon are always moving Always casting shadows.

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Sun, Moon and the Earth

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Chapters 21 & 17 – Solar/Lunar Eclipses and the Seasons Sun, Moon and the Earth • Forms a system • Moon revolves around the Earth • Earth revolves around the Sun • Earth and the Moon travel around the Sun together

  2. Earth and the Moon • Earth and the Moon are always moving • Always casting shadows

  3. Earth, Moon and the Sun • Eclipse – when one object in space casts a shadow on another object in space • The changing positions of the Moon, Sun and the Earth cause eclipses. http://youtu.be/h4yZ2dt7SVI eclipses song  2 min

  4. DAYLIGHT SME Solar Eclipse • The Moon comes directly between the Earth and the Sun. • The Moon blocks the Sun’s light from reaching parts of the Earth • The Moon gets in the way of the sunlight • The Moon casts a shadow on Earth. http://youtu.be/8ldmbJqyz78 3 min http://youtu.be/Pf0ZSdclYQ4 1 min • Solar eclipse can happen ONLY during a NEW MOON Phase

  5. Lunar Eclipse NIGHTIME SEM • The Earth comes between the Sun and the Moon. • The Earth casts a shadow on the Moon. • Earth blocks sunlight from reaching the Moon http://youtu.be/wuhNZejHeBg 1 ½ min http://youtu.be/SKtNgD45OB4 3 ½ min • Lunar eclipse can ONLY happen during a FULL MOON phase

  6. The Seasons • In many places on Earth, one season follows the other. • This cycle of seasons continues from year to year. http://youtu.be/DuiQvPLWziQ 2 min http://youtu.be/_KouS3mzlwM 4 min

  7. The Seasons • Seasons are a division of time based on unique weather conditions. • Weather is the condition of the atmosphere at a particular time and place. • Climate is the average weather conditions over a long period of time.

  8. Earth • Earth can be divided into two halves using the equator. • Hemisphere – (hemi - half) (sphere – hollow globe or ball) Northern Hemisphere Southern Hemisphere

  9. The Seasons • The seasons are not the same on all parts of the Earth at the same time. • Because of the angle of the Sun’s rays and the amount of surface area, temperatures are affected.

  10. The Seasons • When the Earth’s axis is not tilted toward or away from the Sun, this marks the beginning of Fall or Spring.

  11. Causes of the Seasons • The combine effects of the Earth’s tilt on its axis and its revolution around the Sun causes the Seasons. • As the Earth revolves around the Sun, it stays tilted at 23.5º.

  12. Differences in the Seasons • Earth’s tilt causes the differences in temperatures from one season to the next . • The Sun’s rays strike Earth unevenly – at different angles at different times of the year. • The tilt influences the angle of the Sun’s rays striking the Earth. • Directly overhead (Summer) – you feel hot.

  13. Differences in the Seasons • The amount of daylight also changes with the seasons. • This influences the temperatures of the seasons. • Summer – more hours of daylight – the Sun heats Earth’s surface for a longer amount of time. • Winter – less hours of daylight – less heat – cooler temperatures .

  14. website to explain Seasons, Rotation and Revolutionhttp://www.physicalgeography.net/fundamentals/6h.html Lunar Eclipse 2011-2020 Schedulehttp://eclipse.gsfc.nasa.gov/LEdecade/LEdecade2011.html Solar Eclipse Schedulehttp://eclipse.gsfc.nasa.gov/solar.html Chapters 21 & 17 - Solar/Lunar Eclipses and the Seasons PowerPoint Presentation Created by M. Brumbaugh 2012 - TCMS

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