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Ionic Equations

Ionic Equations. Most ionic compound dissociate (or break apart) when dissolved in water to form its component ions For example: NaCl (aq) really looks like Na + (aq) and Cl - (aq). Soluble Vs. Precipitate. Soluble means that the compound breaks down into its ions in water

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Ionic Equations

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Ionic Equations • Most ionic compound dissociate (or break apart) when dissolved in water to form its component ions • For example: NaCl (aq) really looks like Na+(aq) and Cl- (aq)

  2. Soluble Vs. Precipitate • Soluble means that the compound breaks down into its ions in water • Ex) NaCl is soluble so it forms Na+ and Cl- • Insoluble means that the compound doesn’t break down in water

  3. Precipitate Reactions • In double replacement reactions, often one of the product will be insoluble • The insoluble product is referred to as a precipitate.

  4. AgNO3 (aq) + NaCl(aq) AgCl(s) + NaNO3(aq) What happens when you put AgNO3 and NaCl in water?

  5. NaCl AgNO3

  6. NaCl AgNO3

  7. AgNO3 NaCl

  8. AgNO3 NaCl

  9. AgNO3 NaCl

  10. AgNO3 NaCl

  11. AgNO3 NaCl

  12. Na Cl Ag NO3

  13. Ag+ NO3- Cl- Na+

  14. Ag+ Cl- Na+ NO3-

  15. Ag+ Cl- NO3- Na+

  16. NO3- Ag+ Na+ Cl-

  17. NO3- Na+ Ag+ Cl-

  18. NO3- Na+ Ag+ Cl-

  19. NO3- Na+ Cl- Ag+

  20. Na+ NO3- Cl- Ag+

  21. Na+ NO3- Cl- Ag+

  22. Na+ NO3- Ag+ Cl-

  23. Na+ NO3- Ag+ Cl-

  24. Na+ NO3- Ag+ Cl-

  25. Na+ NO3- Ag+ Cl-

  26. NO3- Na+ AgCl

  27. Na+ NO3- AgCl

  28. Na+ NO3- AgCl

  29. Na+ NO3- AgCl(s) precipitate AgCl

  30. Na+ NO3- AgCl(s) precipitate AgCl

  31. Na+ NO3- AgCl

  32. NO3- Na+ AgCl

  33. NO3- Na+ AgCl

  34. Na+ NO3- AgCl

  35. Na+ NO3- AgCl

  36. Na+ NO3- AgCl

  37. Na+ NO3- AgCl

  38. Na+ NO3- AgCl

  39. Na+ NO3- AgCl

  40. AgNO3 NaCl NaCl NaCl AgNO3 AgNO3 NaCl NaCl NaCl AgNO3 AgNO3 AgNO3 AgNO3 NaCl

  41. AgNO3 NaCl NaCl NaCl AgNO3 AgNO3 NaCl NaCl NaCl AgNO3 AgNO3 AgNO3 AgNO3 NaCl

  42. AgNO3 NaCl NaCl NaCl AgNO3 AgNO3 NaCl NaCl NaCl AgNO3 AgNO3 AgNO3 AgNO3 NaCl

  43. AgNO3 NaCl AgNO3 NaCl NaCl AgNO3 NaCl NaCl NaCl AgNO3 AgNO3 AgNO3 AgNO3 NaCl Na+ Ag+ Cl- NO3-

  44. AgNO3 NaCl AgNO3 NaCl NaCl NaCl AgNO3 Na+ Ag+ Cl- NO3- Ag+ Cl- NO3- Na+ Na+ Ag+ Cl- NO3- AgCl

  45. Na+ Ag+ Cl- NO3- Na+ Cl- Cl- Ag+ NO3- Ag+ NO3- Na+ NO3- Ag+ Cl- Na+ NO3- Cl- NO3- Na+ Cl- Ag+ Na+ Ag+ Cl- Cl- Ag+ Cl- Ag+ Ag+ AgCl AgCl AgCl

  46. Ag+ NO3- Cl- Ag+ NO3- Na+ Ag+ Cl- Na+ NO3- Ag+ NO3- Cl- NO3- NO3- Na+ Na+ Na+ Cl- Cl- Ag+ Ag+ Na+ NO3- Cl- NO3- Na+ Na+ Na+ Cl- Ag+ AgCl AgCl AgCl AgCl

  47. Ag+ NO3- Cl- NO3- Na+ Na+ NO3- NO3- Ag+ NO3- NO3- Cl- Na+ Na+ Na+ Ag+ Ag+ Cl- NO3- Cl- Na+ Na+ Na+ NO3- Na+

  48. NO3- NO3- Na+ Na+ NO3- NO3- NO3- NO3- Na+ Na+ Na+ Ag+ Ag+ Cl- NO3- Cl- Na+ Na+ Na+ NO3- Na+

  49. NO3- NO3- Na+ Na+ NO3- NO3- NO3- NO3- Na+ Na+ Na+ Ag+ Ag+ Cl- NO3- Cl- Na+ Na+ Na+ NO3- Na+

  50. NO3- Na+ Na+ NO3- Na+ NO3- NO3- NO3- Na+ Na+ Na+ NO3- NO3- Na+ NO3- Na+ Na+

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