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Transtheoretical Model

Transtheoretical Model. Aka Stages of Change. TTM was born from a study comparing the experience of smokers who quit on their own, against smokers receiving professional treatment.

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Transtheoretical Model

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  1. Transtheoretical Model Aka Stages of Change

  2. TTM was born from a study comparing the experience of smokers who quit on their own, against smokers receiving professional treatment. • Prochaskaand DiClemente found that change was a process, one that occurs in stages, rather than a one-time event. Background

  3. Stages

  4. Intentional change • Process not an event • Cycles through stages Key Features

  5. No intention to change behavior or denial of the need to change behavior. Precontemplation

  6. Intention to change within the next 6 months. Contemplation

  7. Serious intention to change behavior in the next 30 days. Preparation

  8. Initiation of overt behavioral change. Action

  9. Sustaining behavioral change for 6 months or more. Maintenance

  10. Process of behavior change has been completed. Termination

  11. Decisional Balance • Self-efficacy • Self-reevaluation • Self-liberation Constructs of TTM

  12. Important for addictive behavioral problems • Begin at your own specific stage • Many applicable uses for this model. Important to Note

  13. Dr. Prochaska Video Discussion http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8XUaq2iqzA0

  14. Edberg, M. (2007) Essentials of Health Behavior: Social and Behavioral Theory in Public Helath. Sadbury, MA: Jones and Bartlett • Fertman, C. L., & Allensworth, D. D., (2010). Health Promotion Programs: From Theory to Practice. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass • Velicer, W. F, Prochaska, J. O., Fava, J. L., Norman, G. J., & Redding, C. A. (1998)Smoking cessation and stress management: Applications of the Transtheoretical Modelof behavior change. Homeostasis, 38, 216-233. References

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