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Energy Supply of China

Energy Supply of China. Nisal Weerakoon, Henry Sadler-Dawe and Lewis Telfer. Basics. World’s largest greenhouse gas emitter (per capita is well behind most developed countries) World’s largest renewable energy producer 3.446 trillion KWh of electricity produced (2 nd highest in world)

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Energy Supply of China

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  1. Energy Supply of China Nisal Weerakoon, Henry Sadler-Dawe and Lewis Telfer

  2. Basics • World’s largest greenhouse gas emitter (per capita is well behind most developed countries) • World’s largest renewable energy producer • 3.446 trillion KWh of electricity produced (2nd highest in world) • From 2004-2009, production of energy has increased by 36% • CO2 emissions increased by 44% in that same time period

  3. Fossil fuels (coal and oil) • World’s top coal producer and ranks 3rd in amounts of coal reserve • 2.38 billion tons of coal produced with 70% for electricity • 4.273 million barrels per day (4th highest in world) • In 2006 it imported 145 million tons of crude oil which amounted to 47% of its total oil consumption • Sinopec, CNPC, CNOOC (SOEs) dominate the oil market • ‘Neo-colonialism’ plays a major part in oil imports (China urging Sudan and South Sudan to keep the oil flowing ) http://uk.reuters.com/article/2011/11/29/china-sudan-oil-idUKL4E7MT1O820111129

  4. Fossil fuels (natural gas) • 94.41 billion cubic metres of natural gas produced (8th highest in world) • 13th highest in terms of natural gas proved reserves • 15% of natural gas consumed is from imports • Branch pipelines and urban networks run by town and city gas companies • Politics plays a major role in imports • China gas deal sidelines Russia

  5. Renewable resources • Majority of renewable energy from hydropower • US$10 billion invested in this area in 2006 (2nd highest in world; first now) • China is doing limited biofuel production (corn ethanol) due to rise in food prices (sustainability conflict) • Largest producer of solar panels and largest consumer of solar energy • China ranks 4th in world in terms of wind power capacity (energy) • Geothermal energy are also being used (lowest)

  6. Renewable resources (hydropower) • Total hydro-electric output in 2009 was 16.6% of all electricity generated • Plenty of fast-flowing rivers to utilise (Yangtze, Yellow, Pearl to name a few) • Three Gorges Dam (fully operational in 2008) on Yangtze River is the largest hydro-electric power station in the world • Clean Development Mechanisms from Kyoto Protocol also lead to creation of hydropower dams (e.g Gansu Dang River Hydropower Project in 2007) (central-west China) • 12th 5-Year Guideline- developing plants in SW China

  7. Nuclear power • 11 nuclear power units in China • Accounts for 1.9% of country’s total electricity output • The 12th 5-Year Guideline focuses on developing nuclear power in terms of efficiency and safety (and hydropower)

  8. Rural electrification • Township Electrification Program (2005) • Succeeded by Village Electrification Program • Provide renewable electricity to 3.5 million households in 10000 villages by 2010 • Full rural electrification using renewable energy by 2015

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