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DISCIPLINE. DISCIPLINE - Doing what has to be done, when it has to be done, as well as it can be done, and doing it that way all the time. It should be: Firm Fair Consistent Immediate Progressive. HAMMER VS HEART. DISSTON DRAGONS

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  2. DISCIPLINE - Doing what has to be done, when it has to be done, as well as it can be done, and doing it that way all the time. It should be: Firm Fair Consistent Immediate Progressive HAMMER VS HEART

  3. DISSTON DRAGONS The Hamilton Disston Dragon’s Club was founded in September of 1996. The mission of the club is to “Make Disston a Little Bit Better Today Than It Was Yesterday.” To become a Dragon is to aspire to the highest level of student recognition. Our Dragons act as role models and examples of positive behavior at school, home and in the community. They help to create and maintain a positive school climate, where students can learn and grow to their fullest potential. Students who display the qualities of Respect, Responsibility, & Reliability are nominated by the staff and receive a log, which when completed, will enable them to become a Dragon. In order to qualify for this prestigious recognition program, each student must first receive the endorsement of every staff member, know and follow the three R’s, mission statement and five behavioral norms, complete and document two hours of community service and twenty five random acts of kindness. The following slides will give you a complete overview.

  4. HAMILTON DISSTON SCHOOL DRAGONS CLUB APPLICATION FIRST NAME_____________________LAST NAME_________________SECTION______________ STREET ADDRESS_____________________________________________________AGE_______ HOME PHONE NUMBER____________________ADVISOR________________________ ************************************************************************************************ I want to be a Disston Dragon because_____________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ ************************************************************************************************ I have been a Dragon for (circle one) - 1 year 2 years 3 years 4 years 5 years 6 years 7 years 8 years 9 years PROFESSIONAL REFERENCES All of the staff at the Disston School who work with you on a daily or weekly basis must approve your application. Each person will sign in the space provided. Their signatures imply that you are respectful, responsible and reliable. PRINCIPAL____________________ VICE PRIN_________________ H&S___________ ENGLISH_________________ MATHEMATICS________________ READING__________________ SOCIAL STUDIES__________ PHYS. ED._____________________SCIENCE__________________ HEALTH________________MUSIC____________________COMPUTER______________________ SECURITY________________NTA________________LUNCHROOM_____________________ RECESS____________________FAMILY CONSUMER SCIENCE____________________________ OTHER___________________ OTHER___________________ OTHER______________________ ************************************************************************************************************************ APPLICANT’S STATEMENT All of the information and signatures on this application are true, correct and complete. ___________________________ __________ ______________________ __________ Applicants Signature Date Parent/Guardian Signature Date

  5. DRAGONS CLUB APPLICATION First Name__________________ Last Name______________________ Address__________________________________________________ Age___________ Room Number__________ I have been a Dragon for (circle one) – 1 year 2 years 3 years 4 years 5 years 6 years 7 years 8 years 9 years I want to become a Dragon because______________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ All of the staff who work with you on a daily or weekly basis must approve your application. Their signatures imply that you are respectful, responsible and reliable. Principal_____________ Vice Principal________________ H&S______________ Computer____________ Phys. Ed.______________ School Security___________ Science________________ Recess________________ Music_______________ Lunchroom______________ Health_________________ Librarian____________ Family Consumer Ed. ______________ Other____________ Other____________ Applicants Signature__________________ Parent’s Signature________________

  6. DRAGON PROGRAM • OBJECTIVES • Reward, recognize and give status to students who exhibit the qualities of Respect, Responsibility and Reliability. • To empower teachers and give them a mechanism to help motivate and encourage positive norms. • To provide opportunities for service in our school, home and community.


  8. MISSION STATEMENT To Make Disston A Little Bit Better Today Than It Was Yesterday

  9. FIVE BEHAVIORAL NORMS • No one has the right to hurt another individual. • The classrooms and education are sacred, and we continually strive for academic excellence. • We will never behave in any way that will discredit ourselves, our school, our parents, or our community. • We take pride in our achievements, and the achievements of others. • We continually strive to “Make Disston A Little Bit Better Today Than It Was Yesterday.”

  10. DISSTON DRAGONS • REQUIRED KNOWLEDGE & EXPECTED BEHAVIOR • A. Mission - Let’s Make Disston A Little Bit • Better Today Than It Was Yesterday • Three Personal Qualities • of All Dragons • 1. Respect • 2. Responsibility • 3. Reliability • Five Behavioral Norms • 1. No one has the right to hurt another individual. • 2. The classrooms and education are sacred and • we continually strive for academic excellence. • 3. We will never behave in any way that will • discredit ourselves, our school, our parents, or • our community. • 4. We take pride in our school, our achievements, • and the achievements of others. • 5. We continually strive to “Make Disston A Little Bit • Better Today Than It Was Yesterday”. 3 R’S

  11. DISSTON DRAGONS COMMUNITY SERVICE School and community service is an important part of our Dragon Program. We support several community projects sponsored by the Tacony Business Association and the Tacony Historical Society. These projects include: The History Day Parade/Fair, Senior Citizen Dinner and Business Directory project. Students may support these programs or become involved in other projects in school, at home or in the community. Each Dragon must complete two (2) hours of service. Have the person you did the service for sign your log, indicating what you did and the time you spent on it. Remember, service is doing something for another person without expecting anything in return. _______________________________________________________ Type of Service ______________________ ________________________ Time Spent on Project Signature

  12. “DISSTON IS OUR SCHOOL” (N. Kruger) Far beneath where knowledge calls exists a school that’s good. And when things don’t go so smoothly, deep down we know it could. Students learning all the time about our world today. How can we imagine what our future holds today? CHORUS Disston is our school and learning is our tool. Together we can build a heat wave, and generate its power. If we work hard now, perhaps our future will be sound. Maybe we can build a better world for us to live in. (REPEAT CHORUS)

  13. HAMILTON DISSTON SCHOOL A HISTORY At one time there were two schools with the Disston name. The first Disston School was built in the 1880’s and was named after Henry Disston. It was located on the south side of Longshore Street between Ditman and Glenloch Streets. The Mary Disston School, named for Henry’s wife, was later build across the street. The Henry Disston School was used for the lower grades (K-4) and the Mary Disston School was used for the upper grades (5-8). The current Hamilton Disston School was built in 1923. It was named for one of the sons of Henry Disston who was the owner of the Keystone Saw and File Works. It combined all the grades from kindergarten through eighth grade. The Henry Disston School was torn down and two-story row houses were built on its site. The Mary Disston School was sold to St. Josaphat’s Ukrainian Catholic School. It still serves today as a parochial school. The Disston family donated furniture, books and equipment to the school. The stained-glass windows in the auditorium were also donated by members of the Disston Family. The beautiful wall murals were donated by Mrs. Jane Marsden Dixon. In 1970, a new Instructional Materials Center was built to replace the “Lehr Memorial Library” housed in room 204. The tradition of the Home and School Association in Disston Schools began in the 1880’s with Mr. Birney as President of the Henry Disston School. It continued in the 1920’s with Thomas Oxley as Hamilton Disston’s first Home and School President. The current Home and School Association is continuing this tradition begun in the 1880’s. During it’s many years, students of Disston School have gone into many fields of business and service in Philadelphia communities and elsewhere. Disston School today serves the educational needs of the Tacony area and has expanded to serve the needs of other Philadelphia communities. Information taken from Tacony Then and Now, a booklet produced by the 1987 eighth grade class under the guidance of Mr. Alphonse Zarzecki.

  14. RANDOM ACTS OF KINDNESS (RAK) Each Dragon must have proof to show they completed 25 Random Acts of Kindness. The person who sees you do this good deed must sign your log and write what you did. RAK____________________ SIGNATURE________________ RAK____________________ SIGNATURE________________ RAK____________________ SIGNATURE________________ RAK____________________ SIGNATURE________________ RAK____________________ SIGNATURE________________ RAK____________________ SIGNATURE________________ RAK____________________ SIGNATURE________________ RAK____________________ SIGNATURE________________ RAK____________________ SIGNATURE________________ RAK____________________ SIGNATURE________________ RAK____________________ SIGNATURE________________

  15. RAK__________________________SIGNATURE_____________ RAK__________________________SIGNATURE_____________ RAK__________________________SIGNATURE_____________ RAK__________________________SIGNATURE_____________ RAK__________________________SIGNATURE_____________ RAK__________________________SIGNATURE_____________ RAK__________________________SIGNATURE_____________ RAK__________________________SIGNATURE_____________ RAK__________________________SIGNATURE_____________ RAK__________________________SIGNATURE_____________ RAK__________________________SIGNATURE_____________ RAK__________________________SIGNATURE_____________ RAK__________________________SIGNATURE_____________ RAK__________________________SIGNATURE_____________

  16. DRAGON NUMBERS SCHOOL YEAR GROUP BREAKDOWN YEAR TOTAL 1996-1997 39 22 61 14 29 24 189 1997-1998 50 25 41 27 18 161 1998-1999 29 38 28 23 118 1999-2000 27 58 22 107 2000-2001 48 33 34 115 2001-2002 42 67 36 145 2002-2003 52 54 73 179 2003-2004 97 40 45 182 2004-2005 111 49 50 210 2005-2006 102 55 33 190 2006-2007 87 50 50 187 2007-2008 78 48 26 152 2008-2009 71 39 41 151 2009-2010 44 35 24 103 2010-2011 33 37 14 84 2011-2012 33 28 0 61 2012-2013 24 53 47 32 156 2013-2014 41 29 23 15 108 FROM SEPT 1996 – PRESENT Total # of Dragon Logs completed 2,598 Total # of Random Acts of Kindness (RAK) 64,950 Total # of Community Service Hours (Log Hours) 5,196 GROUP SERVICE PROJECTS Tacony History Day Parade 18 years Senior Citizen Dinner 15 years Business Directories 11 years Storm Drain Project 3 years CONNIE BRYNAN & EMMY LOU MEINHART AWARD 2003-2004 Christina Lacy 2007-2008 Tara Downey 2004-2005 Steve Enigson 2008-2009 Brenna Downey 2005-2006 Kim Young 2009-2010 Candice Prezecha 2006-2007 Charles Labb

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