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‘ n sounds spelled kn ’

‘ n sounds spelled kn ’. Upper Primary Week 4 Focus . The Rule kn. The digraph sound ‘ kn ’ is found and the beginning and in the middle of words. The k in the kn sound is silent. kn apsack kn ead. kn eel kn ickers. kn ife kn ight. kn uckle door kn ob. kn owledge fore kn owing.

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‘ n sounds spelled kn ’

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Presentation Transcript

  1. ‘ n soundsspelled kn’ Upper Primary Week 4Focus

  2. The Rule kn • The digraph sound ‘kn’ is found and the beginning and in the middle of words. The k in the kn sound is silent.

  3. knapsack • knead

  4. kneel • knickers

  5. knife • knight

  6. knuckle • doorknob

  7. knowledge • foreknowing

  8. Knitting • knackered

  9. knell • knave

  10. unknotted

  11. knapsack kn-a-p-s-a-ck Sounds: 6 (dot for graphs & underline for digraphs) Digraphs: kn, ck Syllables: knap / sack= 2

  12. knead kn-ea-d Sounds: 3(dot for graphs & underline for digraph) Diagraphs: kn, eaSyllables: kneed= 1

  13. kneel kn-ee-l Sounds: 3(dot for graphs & underline for digraphs) Digraphs: kn, eeSyllables: kneel= 1

  14. knickers kn-i-ck-er-s Sounds: 5 (dot for graphs & underline for digraphs) Digraphs: kn, ck, er Syllables: knick/ ers= 2

  15. knife kn-i-fe Sounds: 3(dot for graphs & underline for digraphs) Digraphs: kn, feSyllables: knife= 1

  16. knight kn-igh-t Sounds: 3 (dot for graphs & underline for digraphs) Digraphs: knTrigraphs: ighSyllables: knight= 1

  17. knuckle kn-u-ck-le Sounds: 4 (dot for graphs & underline for digraphs) Digraphs: kn, ck,le Syllables: knuck/ le = 2

  18. doorknob d-oo-r-kn-o-b Sounds: 6 (dot for graphs & underline for digraphs) Digraphs: oo, kn Syllables: door/ knob= 2

  19. knowledge kn-ow-l-e-dge Sounds: 6(dot for graphs & underline for digraphs) Digraphs: kn, owTrigraphs: dge Syllables: know / ledge= 2

  20. foreknowing f-ore-kn-ow-i-ngSounds: 6 (dot for graphs & underline for digraphs) Digraphs: kn, ow, ng Trigraphs: ore Syllables: fore / know / ing= 3

  21. knitting kn-i-tt-i-ng Sounds: 5 (dot for graphs & underline for digraphs) Digraphs: kn, tt, ngSyllables: knit / ing = 2

  22. knackered kn-a-ck-er-e-d Sounds: 6(dot for graphs & underline for digraphs) Digraphs: kn, ck, erSyllables: knack / ered= 2

  23. knell kn-e-ll Sounds: 3(dot for graphs & underline for digraphs) Digraphs: kn, ll Syllables: knell= 1

  24. knave kn-a-ve Sounds: 3(dot for graphs & underline for digraphs) Digraphs: kn, ve Syllables: knave= 1

  25. unknotted u-n-kn-o-tt-e-d Sounds: 7(dot for graphs & underline for digraphs) Digraphs: kn, tt Syllables: un / knott / ed= 3

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