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Myers’ PSYCHOLOGY (7th Ed)

Myers’ PSYCHOLOGY (7th Ed). Chapter 6 Perception  James A. McCubbin, PhD Clemson University Worth Publishers. QUICK! Describe what you see…. X Marks the spot! Stare at the “X”…What do you see??. Selective Attention : focus of conscious awareness on a particular stimulus

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Myers’ PSYCHOLOGY (7th Ed)

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  1. Myers’ PSYCHOLOGY (7th Ed) Chapter 6 Perception  James A. McCubbin, PhD Clemson University Worth Publishers

  2. QUICK! Describe what you see…

  3. X Marks the spot!Stare at the “X”…What do you see?? • Selective Attention: focus of conscious awareness on a particular stimulus • Per second our 5 senses take in about 11 million bits of info • We have to selectively attend • What is the cocktail party effect?

  4. Change Blindness: We are “blind to change” What’s going on here? See “Door Study” In Psy video Files Also…See ”Funny example…” in Video Files

  5. Perceptual Illusions: Which illusion is this one?

  6. Perceptual Organization:Using Muller-Lyer Illusion in drawings

  7. Perceptual Illusions: Big person, tiny person..See “Best Illus. ever”

  8. Perceptual Illusions: How did this happen?? (slide 39/p. 246)

  9. Perceptual Organization: Size-Distance Relationship (slide 5/6) Trapezoidal Room Illusion

  10. Perceptual Illusions: Which disks look farther away?

  11. Perceptual Illusions

  12. Perceptual Illusions:What do the pale lines in w/in the black look like? Do they seem to “continue” (tied together)?

  13. Perceptual Illusions:Describe this drawing…See p. 235 & Hold book upside down & look…Is it the same thing or not?

  14. Perceptual Organization: Gestalt • Visual Capture: tendency for vision to dominate the other senses EX: Watching movie & know the projector is behind us w/ speakers…But where do we perceive the sound as coming from? • Gestalt: German word for “form” or “whole” --refers an organized whole • Our tendency to bring pieces of info into meaningful wholes. • Our brain tends to organize info…we don’t like fragments • There are 5 basic principles of grouping…(or gestalt principles)… 

  15. Perceptual Organization:Gestalt • Grouping: the perceptual tendency to organize stimuli into coherent groups • Grouping Principles • proximity--group of nearby figures • similarity--group of similar figures • continuity--perceive continuous patterns • closure--fill in gaps • connectedness--spots, lines, & areas are seen as unit when connected

  16. Perceptual Organization:Grouping (Gestalt) Principles

  17. Gestalt: EX: 4 lines…or a square? Explains how we group sensations & fill in gaps to make sense of our world. 4 Gestalt Principles: proximity, continuity, similarity, simplicity, & closure.

  18. Perceptual Organization:Illusory (illusions) Contours (edges or shapes…)

  19. Perceptual Organization • Figure & Ground--organization of the visual field into objects (figures) that stand out from their surroundings (ground)

  20. Face/vase? A B: this one is several…

  21. Perceptual Organization:Closure: We see what…?A B • Gestalt grouping principles are at work here.

  22. Gestalt continuity:

  23. Perceptual Organization:Using Grouping Principles: Gestalt grouping principles are at work here… Which? (see slide 42)

  24. Perceptual Organization: Grouping Principles • Impossible doghouse

  25. Gestalt: Interesting info… • Max Wertheimer - a founder of the Gestalt school is famous for discovery of the phi phenomenon, the experience of apparent motion when there is none.  • Kurt Koffka -  wrote the first book on the principles of Gestalt psychology in 1935.  • Wolfgang Kohler - developed the theory of insight and generalization of knowledge. 

  26. Perceptual. Organization: • Depth Perception • ability to see objects in 3 dimensions • allows us to judge distance using binocular & monocular cues • Binocular cues retinal disparity • images from the two eyes differ …make your finger move! “finger sausage” • closer the object, the larger the disparity convergence • neuromuscular cue • two eyes move inward for nearer objects …follow that finger!

  27. Depth Perception: How early can babies perceive depth? Visual Cliff

  28. Perceptual Organization:Depth Perception • 8 Monocular Cues: needing 1 eye only: (see Baseball slide 26  Find Ex’s of each) • Relative size: smaller image is more distant -little players in back = farther away • Interposition: closer object blocks distant object -legs of guys in front block other guys • Relative clarity: hazy (blurred) object seen as more distant…fans in the distance + last guy gets blurry • Texture: less detail coarse = close fine = distant • These all help us see “depth” (4 more  #28)

  29. Relative Texture (course vs. fine) & Clarity(clear vs. hazy)

  30. Perceptual Organization: Depth Perception Relative Size

  31. Perceptual Organization: Depth Perception:Interposition:“A” purposely confuses figure/ground using interposition… “B” uses interposition to show depth…look at baby on her lapAB

  32. Percept. Organiz.:Depth Perception • Monocular Cues(cont.) • relative height • higher objects seen as more distant • relative motion (motion parallax) • closer objects seem to move faster • linear perspective • parallel lines converge with distance • relative brightness • closer objects appear brighter

  33. relative brightnesscloser objects appear brighter

  34. Relative height: higher objects seen as more distant&Linear perspective: parallel lines converge to show distance

  35. Depth Perception:Which line is longer? Relative Height

  36. Illusion of Perceived Motion:

  37. This + next 2 slides: Are any of these items moving? Or are they perfectly still??

  38. Illusion of motion

  39. Now…focus completely on ONE single “almond”…What happens?

  40. Perceived motion: Stroboscopic (Think “strobe light”) Non digital photography w/ stroboscopic lamp & varying speeds (sometimes used in discos or nightclubs). Long, slow shutter speeds– w/multiple exposures

  41. Perceptual Organization: Depth Perception Illusory Depth: These “stairs” are just cut out from paper…& are just lying on the table... How does it work? (See Slide 38/p. 245) • 4

  42. Perceptual Organization: Depth Perception Illusory Depth Explanation

  43. Depth Perception: Artists’ use of these: WHICH types of Perspective Techniques do you see?

  44. ID depth cues in this painting by Gustav Callibotte: Paris on a Rainy Day

  45. Cimabue, 1200’s: The Madonna & Jesus Note how “flat” these figures appear... Artists had not yet learned to use techniques to show depth

  46. Perceptual Organization: Depth Perception Which appears to go in… & Which appears in front? WHY? Light and Shadow

  47. Perceptual Constancy (staying constant) • perceiving objects as unchanging even as illumination & retinal image change --color --shape --size -brightness

  48. Monocular cues for distancea) Fooled by which cues?b)Ponzo illusion…which cue is wrong here?

  49. Perceptual Organization-Brightness Contrast (p. 247)Squares A & B: 1 darker or lighter…or same?

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