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HANOI MEDIA DAYS 2013 Thomas A. Bauer, Dr. Univ. Prof. Department of Communication / Faculty for Social Sciences / University of Vienna, Austria HCM ACADEMY OF JOURNALISM ANDCOMMUNICATION HANOI. MEDIA COMPETENCE AS A QUALIFICATION CONCEPT FOR A MEDIA SOCIETY. Intention:.

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  1. HANOI MEDIA DAYS 2013Thomas A. Bauer, Dr. Univ. Prof.Department of Communication / Faculty for Social Sciences / University of Vienna, Austria HCM ACADEMY OF JOURNALISM ANDCOMMUNICATION HANOI MEDIA COMPETENCE AS A QUALIFICATION CONCEPT FOR A MEDIA SOCIETY

  2. Intention: • Understand professional journalism within a framework of cultural change: postmodern perspectives: deinstitutionalization, de-contextualization, new relations, new contexts • Develop our work program in a context of globalization as a contribution to trans-cultural and tans-national bridging of knowledge and news • Understand media communication as a construction of social reality with no privilege of role for journalism and increasing intervention of audience (structural change / media change) • Understand media work as contribution to establish a culture of communicative awareness through media literacy (media quality) • Get a knowledge of the competence of cultural theory in explaining the role of “next-generation”-journalism, “next-generation-media” www.thomasbauer.at

  3. Who wants to understand the worldmust understand media: in media society media literacy is a dimension of competence of lifeThere is no media-free moment in the social constitution of mindQuestioning the role of media - is not: what does media with people, but: what does people with mediaThe structural and cultural change in and through media society demands a new perspective of journalism: a cultural practice in respect to the mediality of society (individual and social life) THESES: MEDIA AS A CULTURAL ENVIRONMENT OF SOCIAL PRATICE www.thomasbauer.at

  4. Journalism and Media in Globalization Context • Media Globalization - a collective term for an economically driven, socially and culturally effectuated development of an increasing international interdependence of the procedural methods in trade, traffic and communication • Journalism embedded in globalized structures of production, exchange and distribution of goods: standardisation, generalization, trivialization, conversation • New media systems and (infra-) structures (low level technology, instant-ubiquity, permanent disponibility etc.) create new semi-professional, also semi-qualitative media models: media-connectivity as a metaphor of modernity and cultural modernization www.thomasbauer.at

  5. What does media development challenge for? - discharging and desolving theoretical perspectives • Discharge media from a concept of national obligation (Cultural Studies) • Disengage the concept of identity from constraint theorems (congruence, compatibility,complementarity) (Frankurt School, Critical Theory) • Enrich the communication concept with the categories of dialogue, difference, conversation (Lebenswelt-Theory - Husserl, Hegel, Schütz, Luckmann, Flusser) • Discover the the heterogenous character of constructs (cultural difference, cultural diversity as a symbolic capital (Pierre Bourdieu, Niklas Luhmann) • Challenge for Media Literacy as a social and cultural capital www.thomasbauer.at

  6. What does media development challene for? discharging and resolving theoretical perspectives • Contextuality of doing media: Forget the concept of influence and face that media become such by using them in the context of executing ones life: the question is not: what do media with recipient? the question is: what do recipient with media? (Noam Chomsky, Hans M. Enzensberger) • Emancipative perspective: from socialized use of media to social use of media • In general facing the fact of the ubiquity of media in organizing all environmental relations of personal life the theoretical view has to be enlarged from media to MEDIALITY OF SOCIAL LIFE (F. Krotz, Thomas A. Bauer) www.thomasbauer.at

  7. Media in relation to culture:from structure-logical models of understanding media to culture-logical concepts of mediality • Construction of social / public reality (media as the reference environment for agenda setting (what to know, what to do, what to be aware of, what to expect, what to be afraid of) • Identity-building (setting and using referential symbols and measures of (comm)unity, overcoming the traditional references (nation, ethnicity, language, family, immediate environment) and boarders between we/others, becoming an issue of media- discourse - hybride, poly-phrenic, and patchwork - and a topic (challenge) of social dialogue) www.thomasbauer.at

  8. Media in relation to culture:An Agency of & for Social Practice • in constructing social networks and (new) formats for cohesion/connectivity (setting networks through frames of interest or situational needs, connecting people for a thematic moment, open to be changeable and diverse) • in balancing transition/ social change (setting and using media as reflectors and as discourse-agencies of cultural change, as balancing reference system for uncertainty / risk- and conflict foresight) • Cultural convergence in context of globalization ( blending ways of life and styles of executing life - de-hierarchization of social environment) www.thomasbauer.at

  9. Conceptualizing Journalism in Cultural Context Journalism: Professional handling of and towards social discourse streams in the interest of a self-competent and self-reliable society building: Authorized through professional structures as frame of reference of observation of observation: Nourishing, launching, supporting, enhancing, criticizing, intervening, investigating….the social conversation as it happens mutually connected in Everyday-context Millieu context Media context Media: The concept of setting social structures for symbolic interaction in models of dialogue and discourse An agency of & for social practice – overcoming the industrial perspective of taylorization, but understanding the interaction as mutual awareness between stakeholders being interdependent in establishing quality, competence, trust www.thomasbauer.at 9 AJC, Oct 30, 2013

  10. Conceptualizing Journalism in Cultural Context Journalism is cultural activity : - working with media: medialization and construction of meaning - working through media : mediatization and networking - working in use of media: discourse and conversation refers to a territory (limited by boarders, rules, national structures, symbols etc.) understanding of culture (identity, consciousness of social cohesion etc.) conceptualizes communication as a structural environment of a cultural program takes care for the contextuality of observing cultures (epistemological condition: Observing other cultures makes the own cultural positions being the subject of AJC Oct 30, 2013 www.thomasbauer.at 10

  11. Cultural Change in social structures new concepts understanding audience • Social milieus and life styles – Cultural Studies- concepts explain media work / media use as media habitus (Bourdieu): profession, income, etc do not dominate the thinking as much (vertical differentiation), • increasing education and welfare created a horizontal factor of differentiation: social milieu and lifestyle (routines of life) are the variables of consume, media use, socialization. • They emphasize the “subjective side” of society: individualization and inscenation of life and its expressive symbolization • The sinus-milieu typology differenciates especially between traditional and modernized media users. The context of life determines the use of media www.thomasbauer.at

  12. Cultural Change in social structures new concepts understanding journalism • According to Bourdieu’s categories of field, habitus and capital journalists are conceptualized as players developing a special intuition (instinct) for social capital • According to M. Foucault’s concept of discourse (conversational contexts related to social orders) journalists are agents of discourse – themselves embedded in special discoursive systems • According to the notion that media are platforms of social practice, journalists are understood as acteurs within a social game, who’s competence and effectivity depends from recipients as counterparts www.thomasbauer.at

  13. MEDIA CULTURE & MEDIA CHANGE - THEORYREFERENCIES BAUER, Thomas A. (2011): In Zukunft mehr Kommunikation. München BOURDIEU, Pierre (1993): The field of cultural production. Stanford GIDDENS, Anthony (1990 ): The Consequencies of Modernity. Stanford HALL, Stuart et al. (1996 ): Critical Dialogues in Cultural Studies. London COULDRY, Nick / HEPP, Andreas / Krotz, Friedrich (eds.) (2009): Media Events in a Global Age. London SCHMIDT, Siegfried J.(2007): Histories & Discourses. Rewriting Constructivism. London SCHÜTZ, Alfred / LUCKMANN, Thomas (1973 ): The Structures of Life-World. London www.thomasbauer.at

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