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Engineering and Applied Science Tribunal

Engineering and Applied Science Tribunal. General Meeting. December 3 rd , 2012. Purpose.

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Engineering and Applied Science Tribunal

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Engineering and Applied Science Tribunal

    General Meeting December 3rd, 2012
  2. Purpose To represent the students of the College of Engineering & Applied Science on all relevant issues, specifically with curriculum, academic and professional standards, and computing services. Engineering & Applied Science Tribunal will also attempt to assist the students with non-academic issues whenever possible.
  3. Tribunal Officers
  4. Tribunal Executives
  5. Officer Reports
  6. Senators: Cody Clark Aaron Rumburg Senator’s Report Networking Event for Seniors. Hosted by UC Alumni Association Young Professionals. Featured Speaker: Whit Babcock, UC Athletics Director. Free ticket to the UC v Arkansas Game, Free Appetizers http://www.regonline.com/Register/Checkin.aspx?EventID=1163896 Student Government Social at Catskeller Thursday: 4:30-6:30 Meet Senators and Cabinet members. All are Welcome SG Supports Fall Break SG Radio Show - Fridays at Noon on Bearcast
  7. Committee Reports
  8. Chairs: Zachary Nieberding MaggyZorc Alison Hayfer E-Week Interest/Questions? uc.eweek@gmail.com EWeek: Feb 17-23 Theme: We Survived the Apocalypse! Theme design contest We are accepting theme designs through December. Winning design gets free ticket to the banquet! Date Auction Proceeds Application available on tribunal website, due December 15th Short meeting for Eweekvolunteers after general meeting
  9. Advisors: Joe Saunders saundejw@mail.uc.edu Weston Ott ottwc@mail.uc.edu W FELD Congratulations to the newly elected officers! Please fill out the survey that was e-mailed to you as soon as possible
  10. Chair: Courtney Bills Public Affairs Survey time! Free stuff! Link is on Facebook, Twitter, and Megan’s email. Follow us on Twitter: @UCTribunal And add us on Facebook: “The UC Engineering and Applied Science Tribunal” Tribunal photos? Contact: billsce@mail.uc.edu
  11. Chairs: KaitlynDebnar SOCC The winner of the Deck the Halls competition is…… Society of Women Engineers!
  12. Nominations VP: Brock Pleiman, Mason Stout AVP: Alison Hayfer Treasurer: Ryan Stanley, Chris Cole Secretary: Courtney Bills
  13. Other Student Group Announcements Know of something going on within the college? Announce it now!
  14. Constructive Criticism What do you like/dislike about the college? Comments / Questions? What would you like to see Tribunal do next?
  15. Next Meeting January 14th, 2012 Location: 544/644 Visit us at our office – 652 Baldwin www.tribunal.uc.edu (513) 556-5439
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