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Client server

Business Obj. Applicazioni. Oggetti distribuiti. Agenti. middleware. Interoperabilita'. CORBA. COM / DCOM. OTM. Modelli. OOGUI. Web server. componenti. HTML. web. Pattern. sockets. oggetti. eventi. TP monitors. GUI. processi. moduli. interfacce. SQL. DBMS. funzioni.

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Client server

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Business Obj Applicazioni Oggetti distribuiti Agenti middleware Interoperabilita' CORBA COM / DCOM OTM Modelli OOGUI Web server componenti HTML web Pattern sockets oggetti eventi TP monitors GUI processi moduli interfacce SQL DBMS funzioni thread istruzioni OS Linguaggi dati file Data Base Java NOS Mobile code Client server Sicurezza Protocolli Network A.N 99

  2. Business Obj Applicazioni Oggetti distribuiti Agenti middleware Interoperabilita' Java CORBA NOS COM / DCOM Mobile code OTM Modelli OOGUI Client server Web server componenti Sicurezza Protocolli HTML web Pattern Network sockets oggetti eventi TP monitors GUI processi moduli interfacce SQL DBMS funzioni thread istruzioni OS Linguaggi dati file Data Base A.N 99

  3. Web-based applicaton Data Base client DBMS Web server SQL Call Level Interface ASP servlet TP - Monitor Obiect Transaction Monitor Applicazione(ad oggetti) supporto A.N 99

  4. Applicazioni SQL Server ESQL Provider SQL Serve Accesso interattivo ADO) Amministrazione(SQL Enterpise Manager) OOInterface (RDO) OOInterface (OLE-DB) Tools (SQL DMO) SQL Call Level Interface ( ODBC 2.X API ) Driver to SQL-server Net Library (TCP7IP) Format and Protocol (FAP)ISO/SAG RDAIBM DRDAIDI EDA/SQL DBMS ( SQL-Server ) tabelle Gestore di transazioni (MSDTC) Stiored Procedure A.N 99

  5. Applicazione JDBC 2-tier coordinator JDBC Driver Manager Driver JDBC / ODBC SQL CLI ( ODBC 2.X API ) Driver to SQL-server NetLibrary (TCP7IP) DBMS ( SQL-Server ) tabelle Gestore di transazioni (MSDTC) Stiored Procedure A.N 99

  6. Applicazione JDBC 2-tier plus coordinator JDBC Driver Manager Driver JDBC / ODBC SQL CLI ( ODBC 2.X API ) Driver to SQL-server NetLibrary (TCP7IP) DBMS ( SQL-Server ) tabelle Gestore di transazioni (MSDTC) Stiored Procedure A.N 99

  7. Applicazione JDBC 3-tier coordinator Middle tier server JDBC Driver Manager Driver JDBC / ODBC SQL CLI ( ODBC 2.X API ) Driver to SQL-server NetLibrary (TCP7IP) DBMS ( SQL-Server ) tabelle Gestore di transazioni (MSDTC) Stiored Procedure A.N 99

  8. On line AnalyticalProcessing Data warehouse OLAP MDA MultidimesionalAnalysis EIS (Executive Information System) DSS (Decision Support System) db datamart datamart db Informationaldb Data replication /cleaning Informationdirectory System levelmetadata Semanticmetadata A.N 99

  9. Beans introspector Bean Container Naming patterns BeanInfo BeanContext reflection JFC: AWT, 2D. Swing Design time Introspection Visual presentation Run time SerializationVersioning Persistency Properties Event model Customization Single value, indexedBound, constrainedIncapsulamentometodi get/set delegazione (JDK1.1) Property Editor, .... A.N 99

  10. Beans: archittettura GUI Events xxxListener adapter 1 2 xxxEvent 3 bean gestore GUI A.N 99

  11. Beans: archittettura Bound properties xxxListener adapter 1 2 3 bean gestore GUI Riceve ed elaborail segnale di modifica 4 gestore PropertyChangedEvent adapter 5 adapter PropertyChangedListener A.N 99

  12. Beans: archittettura Constrained properties xxxListener adapter 1 2 3 bean Se nonvalida la modificalancia una gestore GUI VetoableChangeSupport PropertyVetoException gestore VetoableChangeListener 4 adapter 5 adapter vetoableChange(PropertyChangedEvent) A.N 99

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