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22 CRB / FEH Distance Learning Teacher Survey Responses Were Received

22 CRB / FEH Distance Learning Teacher Survey Responses Were Received. Numbers of first time and veteran DL Teacher Survey Responses. Section A. Technical. Agree / Strongly Agree. Disagree / Strongly Disagree. Technical. 1. I was able to clearly see all of my students at remote site(s).

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22 CRB / FEH Distance Learning Teacher Survey Responses Were Received

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  1. BOCES Distance Learning Program Quality Access Support

  2. 22 CRB / FEH Distance Learning Teacher Survey Responses Were Received Numbers of first time and veteran DL Teacher Survey Responses BOCES Distance Learning Program Quality Access Support

  3. Section A Technical BOCES Distance Learning Program Quality Access Support

  4. Agree / Strongly Agree Disagree / Strongly Disagree Technical 1. I was able to clearly see all of my students at remote site(s). Uncertain BOCES Distance Learning Program Quality Access Support

  5. Agree / Strongly Agree Disagree / Strongly Disagree Technical 2. I was able to clearly hear students and teacher aides at remote site(s). BOCES Distance Learning Program Quality Access Support

  6. Agree / Strongly Agree Disagree / Strongly Disagree Technical 3. Students at remote sites were able to hear me. BOCES Distance Learning Program Quality Access Support

  7. Technical 3. Students at remote sites were able to hear me. Agree / Strongly Agree Disagree / Strongly Disagree Uncertain **Student response*From remote site perspective 8% 11% 81% * Re: Hearing teachers, aides and students. BOCES Distance Learning Program Quality Access Support

  8. Technical 4. The Materials displayed over the network were clearly seen by students. Agree / Strongly Agree Disagree / Strongly Disagree BOCES Distance Learning Program Quality Access Support

  9. Agree / Strongly Agree Disagree / Strongly Disagree Technical 5. I felt comfortable using room equipment. BOCES Distance Learning Program Quality Access Support

  10. Technical 6. The room design was adequate for my teaching purposes. Agree / Strongly Agree Disagree / Strongly Disagree BOCES Distance Learning Program Quality Access Support

  11. Technical 7. I was satisfied with the technical support I received in dealing with network difficulties. Agree / Strongly Agree Uncertain BOCES Distance Learning Program Quality Access Support

  12. Technical 8. Technically, the distance learning system performed well this year. Agree / Strongly Agree Disagree / Strongly Disagree BOCES Distance Learning Program Quality Access Support

  13. Section A LearningEnvironment BOCES Distance Learning Program Quality Access Support

  14. Learning Environment 1. I could interact with individual students as often as I wanted. Agree / Strongly Agree Disagree / Strongly Disagree Uncertain BOCES Distance Learning Program Quality Access Support

  15. Learning Environment 2. My interaction and rapport with students at remote sites was comparable to students at my home site. Agree / Strongly Agree Disagree / Strongly Disagree Uncertain BOCES Distance Learning Program Quality Access Support

  16. Learning Environment 3. The distance learning system provides an effective way to teach classes. Agree / Strongly Agree BOCES Distance Learning Program Quality Access Support

  17. Section A OverallProgram BOCES Distance Learning Program Quality Access Support

  18. Overall Program 1. The system for transferring assignments between sites was adequate. Teacher Response Agree / Strongly Agree Disagree / Strongly Disagree Uncertain BOCES Distance Learning Program Quality Access Support

  19. Overall Program 1. The system for transferring assignments between sites was adequate. Agree / Strongly Agree Disagree / Strongly Disagree Teacher Response Uncertain **Student response*from remote site perspective 7% 8% 85% * From CRB/FEH DL student survey. BOCES Distance Learning Program Quality Access Support

  20. Overall Program 2. We had little trouble making up missed classes when necessary. Teacher Response Agree / Strongly Agree Disagree / Strongly Disagree Uncertain BOCES Distance Learning Program Quality Access Support

  21. Overall Program 2. We had little trouble making up missed classes when necessary. Agree / Strongly Agree Disagree / Strongly Disagree Teacher Response Uncertain N/A **Student response*from remote site perspective 20% 21% 16% 43% * From CRB/FEH DL Student Survey BOCES Distance Learning Program Quality Access Support

  22. Overall Program 3. The overall coordination of the project was effective. Agree / Strongly Agree Disagree / Strongly Disagree Uncertain BOCES Distance Learning Program Quality Access Support

  23. Overall Program 4. I would teach another course on the distance learning network. Agree / Strongly Agree Disagree / Strongly Disagree Uncertain BOCES Distance Learning Program Quality Access Support

  24. Overall Program 5. I would recommend taking courses on the distance learning network to students at my school. Agree / Strongly Agree Disagree / Strongly Disagree Uncertain BOCES Distance Learning Program Quality Access Support

  25. Overall Program 6. I would recommend teaching courses on the network to colleagues. Agree / Strongly Agree Disagree / Strongly Disagree Uncertain BOCES Distance Learning Program Quality Access Support

  26. Overall Program 7. Overall, I am satisfied with the experience I have hadteaching via DL this year. Agree / Strongly Agree Disagree / Strongly Disagree Uncertain BOCES Distance Learning Program Quality Access Support

  27. Overall Program * First Year Instructors * 1. The training I received prior to teaching on the distance learning system prepared me well for teaching in the DL environment. Agree / Strongly Agree Disagree / Strongly Disagree Uncertain BOCES Distance Learning Program Quality Access Support

  28. Overall Program * First Year Instructors * 2. Teaching via distance learning has lived up to my expectations. Agree / Strongly Agree Agree / Strongly Agree Disagree / Strongly Disagree Uncertain BOCES Distance Learning Program Quality Access Support

  29. Section B TeacherComments BOCES Distance Learning Program Quality Access Support

  30. Comments 1. What are the strengths of distance Learning? Involving students who would normally not get these opportunities. It allows students and districts to share scarce resources. It greatly increases the class offerings and there are many things that you can doand show with the equipment. Being able to allow “atypical” courses to a variety of schools and students. The diversity of the students, the difference between locations was always embraced as a refreshing change from my students here. Interaction and competition between students (using) the most advanced technology schools have to offer. The Elmo technology is excellent for pictures and notes. The DVD and VCR capabilities. ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ BOCES Distance Learning Program Quality Access Support

  31. Comments 2. What are the weaknesses of Distance Learning? Getting all schools to be coordinated to start and end on time. It is hard with three classes on DL to keep up with three different schedules. Technology in my DL room is antiquated, we need laptops, wireless Internet connection, etc. Not being in the room with students makes it difficult to do hands-on projects. Distance makes it hard to visit. Snow days, hourly delays, class meetings and other school interruptions can cause more problems than in a traditional class. [It can be difficult to make] time to receive and return homework quizzes and tests. [It is] sometimes [difficult] disciplining a student for not paying attention or working on other material. It doesn’t work when schools fail to comply with the expectations of the system. One student was asked to be removed by me but was placed back [in my class] because they needed the credit to graduate. Behavior improved but was still an issue throughout the year. ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ BOCES Distance Learning Program Quality Access Support

  32. Comments 3. What changes would you suggest for distance learning classes? Deal more effectively with noisy heating units. It is difficult to hear students from other sites. I would like computer access at the teacher’s desk in our room. Tighter requirements and prerequisites for students to enroll. Aides [should] not be on a first name basis with students. It went much better when working with a school that had [an aide] who stayed with the room most of the day. More should be done to coordinate school policies on such issues as allowable add-drop cut-off dates, marking period and grade submission dates. Computer stations in each student desk. ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ BOCES Distance Learning Program Quality Access Support

  33. Comments 4. Are there any outcomes from teaching this course that you had not expected? Students actually “getting along” and being friendly between schools. It has been great getting to know other students and faculty from other NY areas. Travel time was an unexpected outcome and obstacle sometimes. We get a good cross section of students and schools. Students began highly motivated, I think, because of the delivery medium. By the end of the year however, the novelty wore off. I found it interesting that students from the other schools often did better than the ones in my own. It let me know that I probably did a good job of not favoring the students in my own school. ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ BOCES Distance Learning Program Quality Access Support

  34. Comments 5. Did you use any new instructional methods to effectively teach in the DL classroom? ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ Games, videos and slides. I visited the remote school, used the telephone, fax, U.S. Mail and courier service. This year I have had students do Earth Day projects, computer research projects and Power Point. I did more student expressive activities. Students were able to work sign language with students from other schools. I’m using a Palm Pilot with some classes. I used “Blackboard” discussion board. It allowed students to keep up with the course. I used more learner centered research activities and student presentations BOCES Distance Learning Program Quality Access Support

  35. Comments 6. Did you use any other forms of communication with the students in addition to daily …...distance learning classroom instruction (such as e-mail or telephone)? I would like to use e-mail – there are no computers in this room. I used e-mail, fax and telephone. I used “”Blackboard” which has built in e-mail and drop box. E-mail was very effective. I used e-mail when the students wanted me to look at their Power-Point presentations. I had a discussion board and e-mail that the students could use but didn’t. ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ BOCES Distance Learning Program Quality Access Support

  36. Yes No Comments 7A. Did you visit your remote sites or arrange for them to visit you? There were 18 responses to this question. BOCES Distance Learning Program Quality Access Support

  37. Comments 7B. What were the advantages / disadvantages to visiting your remote school(s)? [By visiting the remote school I was] ten times better able to connect with students. I really enjoyed visiting them but it’s hard to drive the additional time. I visited each school once. The advantage is in the interaction with the students. I visited weekly. Students got to know me and I them. Our field trip to Boston was also a success. I haven’t yet. Due to my course load it may not happen…Tupper Lake is pretty far. I visited at least three times each semester. Travel and distance are the disadvantages. I didn’t visit but they did come to my school to see a speaker. The students came here and it was very productive. ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ BOCES Distance Learning Program Quality Access Support

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