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Integrating PLTS into the Modern Languages Classroom

Isabelle Jones, Head of Languages, The Radclyffe School, Oldham @icpjones http://twitter.com/icpjones My Languages Blog http://isabellejones.blogspot.com PLTS in MFL Wiki http://pltsinmfl.wikispaces.com. Integrating PLTS into the Modern Languages Classroom.

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Integrating PLTS into the Modern Languages Classroom

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  1. Isabelle Jones, Head of Languages, The Radclyffe School, Oldham @icpjones http://twitter.com/icpjones My Languages Blog http://isabellejones.blogspot.com PLTS in MFL Wiki http://pltsinmfl.wikispaces.com Integrating PLTS into the Modern LanguagesClassroom

  2. Strategies for embedding PLTS in your daily practice • Audit your own practice • Promoting PLTS in your classroom • Widen your repertoire of Thinking Skills activities • ICT tools to support the development of Thinking Skills resources

  3. Are PLTS here to stay? • Not a new concept: Personal Learning + Thinking Skills • Independent learning skills • Learners’ social interactions • Making the link/ transfer knowledge • NOT a government initiative-focus for good practice

  4. National Strategies Online Modules • Wereat the start of the drive to promoteThinkingSkills. • http://nationalstrategies.standards.dcsf.gov.uk/mfl • Click on CPD => Module11: ThinkingSkills (log-inneeded)

  5. Bloom’sTaxonomy Give opinions, assess/ criteria Express rules, summarise, create Identify patterns and rules Predict, infer Explain, describe, illustrate Information recall: identify, list

  6. PRICE Taxonomy 5 types of ThinkingSkills: • Information-processingskills • Reasoningskills • Enquiryskills • CreativeThinkingskills • Evaluationskills P R I C E

  7. PLTS in the Secondary National Curriculum self manager independent enquirer creative thinker team worker reflective learner effective participator

  8. PLTS in the Secondary National Curriculum 6 groups of Personal Learning ThinkingSkills: • Self-Manager • Independent Enquirer • CreativeThinker • ReflectiveLearner • Effective Participator • Team Worker

  9. Embedding PLTS the BLP Way Building Learning Power, Guy Claxton “The 6 clusters of qualities are more than Skills that can be trained... The point is to cultivate these qualities into becoming dispositions, or habits of mind... Cultivation of the PLTS should run through the curriculum, life and ethos of the school, like lettering through a stick of rock”.

  10. Embedding PLTS the BLP Way The 4 Rs Resilience:absorption, managing distractions, noticing, perseverance Resourcefulness: questioning, making links, imagining, reasoning, capitalising Reflectiveness: planning, revising, distilling, meta-learning Reciprocity:interdependance, collaboration, empathy and listening

  11. Examples of languages activities • Which PLTS area is it? • Are there any overlaps?

  12. Audit and barriers Which PLTS areas do I find are the easiest to integrate in my practice? Can you give examples of activities? Which PLTS areas do you think are the most difficult to integrate? Why?

  13. Audit and barriers What is creativity?

  14. Strategies for Embedding PLTS • Aiming to deliver a wide variety of tasks in a varied way: impact on • resource design and nature of interactions in classroom • Opportunities highlighted in SoWs & examples of activities shared • Focus on developing students’ skills and independence • Introducing Meta-language to talk about learning: mats, display • Overlaps with AFL and SEAL • Training of support staff like FLAs • Focus on developing skills wholeschool approach • http://isabellejones.blogspot.com/2009/10/flip-cramlington-model-for-developing.html • http://isabellejones.blogspot.com/2009/10/flip-approach-for-languages-at.html

  15. Promoting PLTS: Mats

  16. Promoting PLTS: Using cross-curricularThinkingSkillstools

  17. Promoting PLTS: Using cross-curricularThinkingSkillstools

  18. Promoting PLTS: Display

  19. Strategies for Embedding PLTS: Overlaps

  20. Strategies for Embedding PLTS: Overlaps

  21. Strategies for Embedding PLTS: Overlaps C’ était comment?

  22. Strategies for Embedding PLTS: Lesson Objectives Healthy Livingprep objectives.pptx

  23. Write/ be prepared to say in French 7 things you do to keep healthy

  24. mercredi 24 novembre Garder la forme Objectifs: • Look at the specific skills required to do well the Speaking Controlled Assessment (CA) • Revise key phrases and how to identify and use “interesting” phrases to improve • the range of the language used • SEAL objectives: Motivation (red) • I monitor and evaluate my own work • I set challenges and targets for myself and celebrate when I achieve them

  25. Mercredi 24 novembre Vers le succès (Steps to Success): Developing strategies to start off answers in different ways F/H Say & understand how time phrases, connectives, comparatives, reasons & opinions can improve your linguistic range H Practise speaking ensuring you do not pronounce silent letters F/H Vers le progrès (Path to Progress): Be able to develop your speaking answers using a range of structures H • Recognise your strengths • Be aware of how you are doing • Learn from mistakes

  26. Showing off your PLTS- example of a lesson with PLTS-integrated activities Wed20Oct-Les addictions.ppt

  27. mercredi 20 octobre La dépendance Objectif: • SEAL objectives: Empathy (green) • I understand others’ point of view & pay attention to them • I value other people’s beliefs and cultures

  28. Mercredi 20 octobre Vers le succès (Steps to Success): Be able to say, understand and compare different types of addictions F How to say and understand reasons why young people are attracted to these addictions F/H How to understand and give opinions on different types of addictions F/H Vers le progrès (Path to Progress): Be able to develop opinions using a range of structures H

  29. Le tabac Le cannabis Les médicaments Le travail La cocaïne L’héroïne Le jeu L’alcool Le shopping

  30. Points forts et Points faibles L’alcool: C’est relaxant mais c’est cher Le jeu Le tabac Plus … que (more … than) Moins … que (less … than) Aussi … que (as… as) La drogue L’alcool: C’est plusrelaxantque le jeu mais c’est aussicher que le tabac

  31. Diamond Nine activity2.notebook

  32. Diamond nine cards.doc

  33. Pourquoi les addictions? 1. Pour échapper à la ----------- 2. Pour se révolter contre ses -------------- 3. Pour faire comme les ------------- 4. Pour ------------------ 5. Pour ------------- comment c’est. 6. Pour se ----------------- : c’est déstressant. 7. Pour se donner ---------------- relaxer copains parents réalité expérimenter confiance

  34. Pourquoi les addictions? 1. Pour échapper à la réalité. 2. Pour se révolter contre ses parents. 3. Pour faire comme les copains. 4. Pour experimenter. 5. Pour voir comment c’est. 6. Pour se relaxer: c’est déstressant. 7. Pour se donner confiance.

  35. Pourquoi pas?  1. Parce que ça sent mauvais 2. Parce que c’est dégoûtant 3. Parce que ça donne le cancer 4. Parce que ça cause des crises cardiaques 5. Parce que c’est facile de devenir dépendant 6. Parce que c’est trop cher 7. Parce que c’est du gaspillage 8. Parce que c’est difficile d’arrêter 9. Parce que c’est illégal 10.Parce que c’est dangereux 11.Parce que c’est mauvais pour le foie 12.Parce que ça fait grossir/ ça coupe l’appétit 13.Parce ce que c’est mauvais pour la santé

  36. L’alcool, le tabac ou les drogues? Le tabac L’alcool Les drogues

  37. Et toi, qu’est-ce que tu penses … de l’alcool du tabac de la drogue Minimum 10 words Use: Je pense que c’est… Parce que …

  38. mercredi 20 octobre La dépendance Objectif: • SEAL objectives: Empathy (green) • I understand others’ point of view & pay attention to them • I value other people’s beliefs and cultures

  39. Mercredi 20 octobre Vers le succès (Steps to Success): Be able to say, understand and compare different types of addictions F How to say and understand reasons why young people are attracted to these addictions F/H How to understand and give opinions on different types of addictions F/H Vers le progrès (Path to Progress): Be able to develop opinions using a range of structures H What areas of PLTS have been used in the lesson?

  40. Showing off your PLTS- example of a lesson with PLTS-integrated activities DLP20Oct2010-Detailed Lesson Plan

  41. Full document To be included On the plts wiki

  42. Showing off your PLTS • KS3 or KS4 lesson on healthy eating • What would you do to “show off your PLTS”? • Classroom set-up • Activities • Resources (including ICT if relevant)

  43. How embedded are your Thinking Skills/ PLTS? *Schemes of Work: mapping out of Thinking Skills lesson opportunities sharing PLTS objectives *Evidence of: • Collaborative team work [+Seating arrangement, Display] • Students using “meta-language” • Students as Independent learners • Cross-curricular support/time dedicated to skills building across the curriculum

  44. Typical PLTS-focused MFL activities Thinking through Modern Foreign Languages Mei Lin and Cheryl Mackay, Chris Kington Publishing

  45. Self Manager Activities • Sharing strategies to cope with the unknown (reading/ listening): language challenge [document/ recording in a different language/ designed for natives) E.g. L’ hôtel de ville • Prepare ICT presentation • Presentation about self/ a chosen topic • Presentation about another culture • Grammar point

  46. Independent EnquirerActivities • Links with mathematics • data handling • making predictions • presenting and interpreting data (table/ bar chart/ pie chart/ pictogram • Balance of diet • Leisure/school activities • Spending habits

  47. Independent EnquirerActivities • Mysteries Problem solving activity based round a given central question that is open to more than one reasonable answer. The information or 'clues' needed to answer the question are presented on separate slips of paper that your students will analyse, sort, sequence and link.

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